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Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Moms who exclusively pump
how often do you pump? I was pumping 6-7 times a day, but now I seem to be able to pump just 5 times and maintain my supply. does that sound about right?
DD is almost 7 weeks.
Posted 12/11/07 3:55 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
I pumped for 8 months (broken record time) and I pumped 3 times a day, 7 am, 6 pm and 11 pm and I kept my supply up to 21 oz a day for a good 7 months. At 7 months it started to decline, but we changed to formula at that tiem.
Keep up the good work! Its sooooooooo hard to pump all the time.
Posted 12/11/07 3:57 AM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
I'm exclusively pumping now (DD is 5 months) & I pump 4x a day....
5:00 (before work) 1:30pm 5:00 pm & then before sleep usually 10
My supply went down for a little while but now seems to be back up. I generally pump about 7-10oz per session
Posted 12/11/07 5:48 AM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
I think that is a normal amount to pump, as long as you have the supply you need. How many ounces a day si that? Does she drink everything you pump each day? If she is drinkingeverything you pump, I woulod pump one more time so you have a overage, since she will start to increase how much she drinks as she gets a bit older.
Posted 12/11/07 7:10 AM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
I pump at 9am, 3pm, and then at 9pm, and nurse at night and early in the morning...I usually get 10oz. per session. I will be going back to work soon, but I am still planning on pumping early in the morning, then late morning, in the afteroon and before going to sleep. Yeah, pumping its not fun, but I do it for my son...he loves BM and is not too fond of formula...I wouldn't be smells so gross.
Posted 12/11/07 8:32 AM |
hello baby Albert
Member since 9/05 7750 total posts
Name: Aga
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
before my supply decreased I pumped 6am, noon, 6pm and midnight and I would usually get around 9 oz per session which was more than enough for my son at the time...
Posted 12/11/07 9:07 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
When I was pumping, I was doing it 4 times a day. I don't remember the exact times, but it was first thing in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and just before bedtime. I was making about 9-10oz at a time.
Posted 12/11/07 9:55 AM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Moms who exclusively pump
thanks ladies!!
I pump about 30oz a day and at this point she is only drinking 24-25oz a day, so I freeze 1 5oz bag each night. My supply is still increasing a little bit each day, so I am hoping I can just stick at 5x a day.
ETA: I was really hoping to avoid pumping for a few hours since I took a small PT job 3x a week and I really don't want to pump for the 5 hours that I am there. I was afraid it would hurt my supply, but I'm hoping it won't.
Message edited 12/11/2007 11:46:37 AM.
Posted 12/11/07 11:43 AM |