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Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/09

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Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Tell me all about it?
My friends WILL NOT tell me anything which makes me think it is even worse than I'm thinking it is going to be!

How bad was it? Even withthe epi did you feel everything? Did you want to stop?

Please, I really don't care, don't spare my any details...

I just kinda need to knowChat Icon

Posted 11/12/09 9:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Oh I'm with you - I wanna know the truth too Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/09 9:31 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/09

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

in my opinion its not that bad. i had a very quick labor and delivery. i didnt have any time for an epi....i did it all naturally. i have to say the contractions were worse than the delivering part.

Posted 11/12/09 9:33 PM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I had a vaginal delivery with DS.

I also had an epidural.

I didn't feel anything besides pressure. I had no pain at all and I tore pretty bad. With the epi, my doc was able to stitch me up and I didn't feel a thing.

That's not to say I wasn't very sore after the fact and it took a little while for everything down there to feel "normal" again... but it was not anything like I imagined.

Posted 11/12/09 9:38 PM

too excited for words

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

It's not that bad. When the contractions started getting more painful and relaly difficult to breath through I asked for the epi. I was 5 cm at the time. The pushing was honestly WAY harder then I ever thought it could/would be, but it wasn't neccesarily painful- just a lot of work. I was pushing well, but then DS got "stuck" they were positive that the umbilical cord was wrapped around something, which is why he wasn't coming further down. But he was far enough that there was no turning around. They needed to use the vacuum extractor to help get him out. On the next contraction, I pushed, the Dr. pulled and DS came out. It turns out the cord was wrapped around his neck and that's why I was having such a hard time getting him all the way out on my own. I didn't have an episiotomy, but I did suffer a small tear- I think I took 4 stitches.
The whole thing was much less painful then I had anticipated. Because they had lowered (not shut off) the peidural while I was pushing, after the stitched me up, I swung my legs off the bed and walked myself to the bathroom to pee. The nurse was shocked. They had to wheelchair me to a room (hospital policy) but I could have easily walked.
I know everyone's experience is different, but I can only hope I have as easy of a time with it this time around. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/09 9:40 PM

Mommy VMac

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I think the hardest part is the not knowing. You don't know how your body is going to respond, meaning how long you will labor, how long you will be pushing, etc...

Contractions are rough. I went very fast. I had menstrual cramps during the day on Tuesday. My water broke around 12:30am on Wednesday morning and I had my daughter by 8am. My doctor said that if I didn't get the epi, I would have had her by 5am.

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. My recovery was fine also.

Posted 11/12/09 9:40 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Guess I'm the opposite. I thought it was pretty bad. Contractions to me were fine. Everyone kept telling me the contractions were worse than the pushing and I thought the complete opposite. I was able to rock my way through a contraction and ended up getting an EPI when they were a minute apart. The pushing for me was horrible, but that was b/c of something with my pelvis bone. I had to get her over my bone which made the pushing more difficult. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours and by that time my EPI wore off b/c they needed me to really push. So I felt everything!

It goes fast..I was a nervous wreck thinking about the labor part. It is true what everyone says..after a few days you forget the pain. You will be fine.

Posted 11/12/09 10:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/08

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

The only part that was bad was the 2 hours before pushing. I had an epi during that time, but it didnt work on me. i didnt find pushing bad at all.

Posted 11/12/09 10:39 PM

For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I havent given birth yet..but my two bffs just recently had vaginal births and they had total opposite experiences,,,one of my friends had hardly any painful contractions but said the pushing was unbearable,,and my other friend had HORRIFIC contractions but said the pushing part was a breeze...they are both ready to have another baby so how bad could it have beenChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/09 10:43 PM

I'm cranky

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Mama Cranky

Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Posted by jerseypanda

I had a vaginal delivery with DS.

I also had an epidural.

I didn't feel anything besides pressure. I had no pain at all and I tore pretty bad. With the epi, my doc was able to stitch me up and I didn't feel a thing.

That's not to say I wasn't very sore after the fact and it took a little while for everything down there to feel "normal" again... but it was not anything like I imagined.

I had the same experience-I pushed for 1.5 hours and I really just felt pressure not pain.

Message edited 11/12/2009 10:48:25 PM.

Posted 11/12/09 10:47 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Posted by jerseypanda

I had a vaginal delivery with DS.

I also had an epidural.

I didn't feel anything besides pressure. I had no pain at all and I tore pretty bad. With the epi, my doc was able to stitch me up and I didn't feel a thing.

That's not to say I wasn't very sore after the fact and it took a little while for everything down there to feel "normal" again... but it was not anything like I imagined.

This was me too...had a great labor and vaginal delivery, I did have an epideral, so I didnt feel a thing, I had to have an epiosiotomy but also was numb when they cut me and then sewed me up, so didnt feel it at the time. The pain came the days following b/c I had so many stitches (They cut me so much to get DS out).

Posted 11/12/09 11:13 PM

My family is complete

Member since 4/07

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Thanks for sharing ladies I have the same concerns. I was wondering about catheters. What if you have to pee once you get the epidural? Do you know that you have to go? How long after you give birth can you get up, meaning, how long does it take the epidural to wear off??

Posted 11/12/09 11:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I delivered naturally - no pain meds - and to me, the worst part was being stitched up after the birth. idk if they FORGOT that I had no pain meds, but all of a sudden i'm holding my sweet baby and i'm feeling tugging, stabbing, burning, etc. I saw stars from that!!!

Contractions were rough. I closed my eyes and thrashed around a little bit. IMO, pushing and delivery were the easiest part. I pushed 3 times (less 7 minutes) and he was out, and then it was INSTANT relief.

Chat Icon Don't get yourself worried. It's natural to fear the unknown, just do your best to let go of your fears and take things as they come. Worked for me!

Posted 11/12/09 11:55 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Posted by Shorty

I delivered naturally - no pain meds - and to me, the worst part was being stitched up after the birth. idk if they FORGOT that I had no pain meds, but all of a sudden i'm holding my sweet baby and i'm feeling tugging, stabbing, burning, etc. I saw stars from that!!!

Contractions were rough. I closed my eyes and thrashed around a little bit. IMO, pushing and delivery were the easiest part. I pushed 3 times (less 7 minutes) and he was out, and then it was INSTANT relief.

Chat Icon Don't get yourself worried. It's natural to fear the unknown, just do your best to let go of your fears and take things as they come. Worked for me!

my mom says something similar, (delivered with no meds). She says, that contractions are as bad as your worst period pains times 2, but you can cope with it if you're mentally prepared. Pushing isn't hard, but easier than that. She pushed for 3 hours with first and for 20 minutes with second.

Second one was worse, and she episiotomy and she said THAT was the worst. The second baby was almost 9lbs, she said that's probably why the episiotomy was horrible. With baby that big, your likely to be pressured into a c-section.

Posted 11/13/09 7:04 AM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I had a vaginal birth with DS and it really wasn't that bad. I went into the hospital by 1 pm, and had my son at 8:12 pm. I didn't start feeling contractions that were painful until about 4-5 pm. By the time I asked for the epi I was already 10 cm dialated. I apparently tore very badly from my son's shoulders but didn't feel myself tear, nor did I really feel the doctor stitching me up.

I pushed for about 10 min. nothing to bad, and the only thing was that I get out of breath easy lol.

Posted 11/13/09 7:29 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

With the epi, I didnt feel a THING. That said, I had crazy but very rare epidural problems that caused a lot of pain but I will get one again because the actual pushing part was much better with it!

Posted 11/13/09 7:45 AM

family is all that matters

Member since 6/06

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

for all those saying it's not that bad, you either have an amazing pain threshold or have forgotten the pain alreadyChat Icon Chat Icon

i'll be honest--it was the more excruiating, horrible pain i've ever experienced. but i'm doing it again TODAY so that should tell you it was worth every second.

i had an extremely long labor and pushed for 5 HOURS! so even with the epi i was exhausted and beside myself. i could never have done it without the epi--my labor was just too long and too hard. i can't wait for the epi today!

Posted 11/13/09 8:37 AM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Posted by Tinyswife

Thanks for sharing ladies I have the same concerns. I was wondering about catheters. What if you have to pee once you get the epidural? Do you know that you have to go? How long after you give birth can you get up, meaning, how long does it take the epidural to wear off??

When you get an epidural, they do give you a catheter. I didn't feel a thing and didn't have to worry about going to the bathroom.

As far as getting up after giving birth, with the epidural, I was able to still feel my legs. So after I had DS, and I was stitched up, ate a little breakfast and was brought back to my room, I was able to get up and walk around. I would say within a couple of hours of delivering.

Posted 11/13/09 8:45 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

they typically turn th epi off prior to pushing... so if you push for a long time you will eventually start feeling it more and more... BUT i was up and around and really not uncomfortable aftereward.. which if you have a c-section is typically not the case...

i am not going to lie, the whole labor and delivery process was not pleasant... but it wasnt completely unbearable..

as for if i ever want to stop, no... i really kept reminding myself that the alternative was major surgery....

it couldnt have been that horrible because my ob offered me a c/s this time since i tore last time and this baby may be even bigger.. i told him absolutely not

Message edited 11/13/2009 8:52:09 AM.

Posted 11/13/09 8:49 AM

Feeling Blessed

Member since 6/07

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I had a long labor (29 hrs) and pushed for 3+ hrs without pain meds.

I had taken the Bradley class, so I was able to 'justify' the pain by knowing everything that was going on with my body and the baby. Made it easier for me to handle, but might not make sense to everyone else.

Also, something I wish people had told me is that not every baby slows down its movements during labor. I expected DS to be a very passive participant in the birth and I would only feel the contractions, which I read couldn't last more than 90 sec but would be 2 min apart -- I was banking on those 30 seconds to rest/recover. Instead, DS spent those 30 seconds pushing back against the contractions and it surprised me.

IMO the most difficult part was transition when DS was making his way through my pelvis -- I remember telling DH I thought I was going to die because my hips felt like they were breaking apart. WORST pain ever but as soon as DS was born, the pain was completely gone.

Posted 11/13/09 8:52 AM


Member since 4/07

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I was induced and was so afraid of getting the epi so I decided to get Demerol first. Big mistake. I finally got the epi-it wasn't hard to get at all. They numb the area and THAT shot is the one that pinches a bit. They make you hunch over and not move at all, which is really hard bc you are still contracting while this is happening.

The nurse helps you breathe through the contractions. I felt pressure while getting the epi, but felt immediate relief going from my legs, then all the way to my chest.

For the rest of the day/night, I could feel slight pressure from the contractions, but they no longer hurt. When I was actually pushing, I could feel that I had to push and would feel the pressure down there, but still didn't hurt.

When baby was crowing it felt like a burning sensation down there, and hurt but not where I was screaming at the top of my lungs for it to stop.

Once the baby was out, it felt like relief and then total calmness.

I did tear a bit, and when was being stitched up it hurt a bit, but not anything to cringe about.

I WILL be getting the epi again.

Posted 11/13/09 8:57 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Posted by bdmom
Also, something I wish people had told me is that not every baby slows down its movements during labor. I expected DS to be a very passive participant in the birth and I would only feel the contractions, which I read couldn't last more than 90 sec but would be 2 min apart -- I was banking on those 30 seconds to rest/recover. Instead, DS spent those 30 seconds pushing back against the contractions and it surprised me.

IMO the most difficult part was transition when DS was making his way through my pelvis -- I remember telling DH I thought I was going to die because my hips felt like they were breaking apart. WORST pain ever but as soon as DS was born, the pain was completely gone.

same here... ds was still kicking my ribs until the last minutes... i did get the epi but when ds started pushing through my pelvis i asked for a second dose in the epi because i just couldnt handle it at all

because i never dropped i ended up wth alot of upper labor (meaning on the top of my belly) and so the epi really didnt relieve them.... add in the kicks to the ribs and i was in pain..

Posted 11/13/09 9:01 AM

So Dam* Lucky

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

Posted by SeptMommy09

i have to say the contractions were worse than the delivering part.

I had an all natural vaginal birth as well and I COMPLETELY agree with the above. I mean, the delivering part was not a walk in the park... but holy moly those contractions!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/09 9:31 AM

Sisters :)

Member since 7/06

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I'm 3 months PP, had a drug-free birth (no epi, nothing) and I can say, it's not that bad.

Pushing during contractions is actually a relief, the urge to push is overwhelming and you know you're actually doing something to get the baby out.

Laboring with contractions 1-2 mins apart is TOUGH, i'm not going to lie that hurts like nothing else you've ever experienced. But just get informed on what your body is doing during labor and focus on that.

I wanted a natural birth and was lucky that I could do it, I progressed pretty quickly.

I know easier said than done, but try not to worry about it. Chat Icon

Honestly, you forget the pain of labor/delivery a few days after... I did anyway.

Posted 11/13/09 9:41 AM

It's FUN to be ONE

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Re: Moms... who had vaginal births... please...

I havent given birth yet either, but I have two older sisters who never tend to spare the details. The worst past as everyone else has alrady said is the contractions...which I'm not looking foward to b/c I'm a real whimp when it comes to pain LOL. I'm hoping to do all natural, so if I can deal with the contractions, the birth should be easy riiight? LOL. And, they always say that once you meet your little one for the first time, everything else just disappears ... I'm so excited for that part.

Posted 11/13/09 9:44 AM
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