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MUST HAVES on Registry

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LIF Zygote

Member since 1/18

21 total posts


MUST HAVES on Registry

Hey ladies..

what are some MUST HAVES that I should put on my registry? This is my second DC-- it's been 4 years since I had my DD and surprisingly enough, a bunch of products have changed.

My "small sprinkle" is turning into a much bigger affair than I originally thought and I'm being told that I need to put some more items on my registry.


Posted 3/22/18 8:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Infant

Member since 1/16

233 total posts


Re: MUST HAVES on Registry

I put on new receiving blankets, a new convertible car seat, stroll accessories, a glider board, pram kit (for my city select), new snap & go, small toys, new thermometer, nose frida, little remedies meds.

ETA: a crib wedge, shopping cart cover, Snuza baby alarm, changing pad, bottle brushes, bottle sterilizer.

Message edited 3/23/2018 10:50:05 AM.

Posted 3/23/18 10:41 AM

One more?

Member since 2/12

2410 total posts


Re: MUST HAVES on Registry

I got a new infant car seat for my 3rd dc.

My highchair was broken so I needed a new one.

I have the old rock and play but I really want the new ones that vibrate now.

I got more halo sleep sacks because I needed more winter ones that were smaller. Since my second dc was born in the winter.

Bottles or at least new nipples. I got all new bottles this time because the avent ones changed since my first dc 5 years ago. They no longer have an extra piece that was super annoying.

New breast pump parts. They get expensive!

Diapers, diaper cream, baby shampoo etc

I cosleep so this time I got one of the cosleepers that go in the bed. I love it. I no longer have the massive bassinet taking up so much room in the bedroom.

New binkys if needed and accessorys.

A bunch of bottle brushes because I feel like I go through them like crazy.

For the second bedroom I got a better monitor but I was still using the monitor with my first dc at the time. I got another white noise player, and another humidifier. And hamper.

New thermometer. I got the Kinsa. My original was horrible.

That's all I can think of now.

Posted 3/23/18 11:11 AM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


MUST HAVES on Registry

My kids are 8 years apart so I had to start all over. Some of my favorite most used items:

Rock n play
Swing and exercauser if you don't have from your first
Muslin blankets (DD2 will be 2 in a few weeks and still loves these blankets)
You may want to put a riding board for your stroller on your registry. Even though your first 1st is 4, it's a good thing to have for long trips.
Glass bottles (we use the evenflo ones and loved them)
Aden & Anais wearable blankets

Posted 3/23/18 3:43 PM

Mama x2 <3

Member since 12/10

4946 total posts


MUST HAVES on Registry

In addition to the above, I would register for a baby carrier.

For the newborn stage, I loved the moby and ring sling. Once my DD was a little older, I purchased the Tula. My Tula is a standard whic requires an infant insert, but they have a newer version called Tula Free To Grow that can be used from birth (7lbs).

Babywearing became my most favorite thing once my DD was born, and I plan to do the same with my newest LO

Posted 3/23/18 4:26 PM

Mama x2 <3

Member since 12/10

4946 total posts


MUST HAVES on Registry


Message edited 3/23/2018 4:27:00 PM.

Posted 3/23/18 4:26 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: MUST HAVES on Registry

Posted by MrsM429

In addition to the above, I would register for a baby carrier.

For the newborn stage, I loved the moby and ring sling. Once my DD was a little older, I purchased the Tula. My Tula is a standard whic requires an infant insert, but they have a newer version called Tula Free To Grow that can be used from birth (7lbs).

Babywearing became my most favorite thing once my DD was born, and I plan to do the same with my newest LO

Yes I was going to say the same. I actually scored a Tula FTG in a WC that I’m excited to use! Right now it’s just hanging in my closet in it’s colorful floppy perfection. Chat Icon

I also found a boppy to be a must have, especially if you’re nursing. Swaddle blankets too. Those are both things I’ve already re-purchased for my next.

Posted 3/23/18 4:40 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


MUST HAVES on Registry

Snuza halo. That thing let me get some sleep! There were a few times it went off and it could have been false alarms (diaper might have been too full and the snuza wasn't touching the belly) but damn it...I'd rather wake up to a false alarm than the alternative.

DS didn't have it and I don't think I slept very well. Got it for DD and she wore it for a year.

Posted 3/28/18 6:01 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


Re: MUST HAVES on Registry

New mom here

Doona is an absolute must

Chico travel bassinet has been a dream and only $100!

Magnetic me onesies are great

Owlet also a must.

I pretty much own every single baby item but those 3 are my favorite

Message edited 4/6/2018 1:06:02 AM.

Posted 4/6/18 1:05 AM

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