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Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

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It's a Good Life

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Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Ok ladies, I need some opinions here...

As you know, Bella has been fighting gas issues since birth. She gets VERY backed up, doesn't f@rt it out without our help, most of the time. I will hear her in her sleep pass gas, but during the day, not so much and at night, she's SO uncomfortable that she wiggles, doesn't get "good" sleep... which I'm thinking obviously makes for a not so good day. She screams like she's in a lot of pain until DH or I work it out for her. Where it's not an every day occurance, it happens more than enough. We have tried EVERYTHING - mylicon, gripe water, fennel, caraway seeds... we give her Mylanta when it's bad.

My question is this - I have been EBF since she was born. I want to continue BF for as long as I can. I know that babies digest BM better and that it's really not supposed to give babies as much gas as formula. I have been keeping an eye on what I eat. Yes, I slip from time to time, but who doesn't. I'm sure that's what causes it. But at this point, at 4 months old, shouldn't she have grown out of this problem?

I go back and forth wondering if switching to formula would be better? Chat Icon On one hand I want nothing more than for my baby to be happy, healthy and not in pain. I have my sister who's queen of BFing and a La Leche Leader telling me that switching to formula may open up a whole other can of worms. She suggests that with Bella's sensitive digestive system, finding a formula that "works" for her might be just as difficult.

In my heart, I really want to continue BFing. I just don't know what to do. I have talked to my Ped about this and she says that eventually "she'll grow out of it". I just don't understand why she gets so backed up. I feel like she's the only baby in the world with this issue!

(you still with me?)

So my question is this - Do you think that this issue would get better if put on formula or do you think that she might have the exact same reaction and be unable to digest the formula even worse than the BM? I mean at this stage in the game, is it worth even trying?

I am so at a loss right now Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 9:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

First of allChat Icon Chat Icon You are an amazing mommy and you want what is best for your daughter, and that should mean what makes HER comfortable, as well as you.

As for formula vs. breastmilk, the way that I understood it was that even though "technically" babies digest BM better, there are now "designer" formulas, and you really can't have that with breast milk. My DS was gassy and he was put on Gentlease and his gas issues went away. Not that I am saying you should or have to switch to formula. It is a VERY hard decision. Do you think it would help to try to introduce something like Gentlease or Similac Sensitive (or Good Start, which my friend who BF's and is a NICU nurse says is most like BM) and see how she does on it?

I know it is hard to not listen to people, but don't listen to people, it isn't going to hurt her if you switch to formula, she will thrive either way.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 10:08 PM

Happy Little Girl

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Posted by chelle

I have my sister who's queen of BFing and a La Leche Leader telling me that switching to formula may open up a whole other can of worms. She suggests that with Bella's sensitive digestive system, finding a formula that "works" for her might be just as difficult.

I agree with you sister on this. (I've been doing some reading on Kelly Mom lately.) Since her system is so sensitive, it could take you a long, painful time to find the right formula.

Daniel had problems with gas--not to the extend that it sounds like Bella does-- and they seem to have worked themselves out. (If he had to f@rt in the middle of the night, he would wake up and then I had to rock him back to sleep.)

I am so sorry your little one is experiencing such pain. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 10:16 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

I am not sure formula would be better but if you want to try it, talk to your dr to find the "best for Bella". It may a bit of hit and miss.

DS has big gas issues too. I am very weak personally with my digestive system so I always wonder if it is my fault. DS had just a bit of formula at the beginning and it got very bad.

I found that pumping is the best for his gas. I used Dr Browns and it got better. Then switched to drop-ins. So much better since we use those. I remove the air out and give Mylicon at each feeding when he takes a bottle. I BF at night and early morning.

I may not be able to keep up with him and might need to look at formula also. I am dreading it thought.

Posted 10/3/07 10:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Posted by thiadora

Posted by chelle

I have my sister who's queen of BFing and a La Leche Leader telling me that switching to formula may open up a whole other can of worms. She suggests that with Bella's sensitive digestive system, finding a formula that "works" for her might be just as difficult.

I agree with you sister on this. (I've been doing some reading on Kelly Mom lately.) Since her system is so sensitive, it could take you a long, painful time to find the right formula.

I am so sorry your little one is experiencing such pain. Chat Icon

i agree try to stick it out and good luck.

Posted 10/3/07 10:55 PM

Sister love

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Could you ask your ped to recommend an allergist for you? If she's allergic to something in your diet then it would be the casue of all her problems.

Some babies are just gassier than others.

I agree with your sister, finding the right formula might be difficult. You could end up trying several kinds before finding the right one and you might end up trying one that makes things worse instead of better.

Posted 10/3/07 11:00 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Josh had horrible gas in the beginning. Crazy noises would come from his crib. My mother was shocked and said it wasn't normal. He was EBF, I cut dairy out of my diet and the gas instantly disappeared.ETA: I kept with the BFing since I did not want to put him on different trial runs with formulas.

Message edited 10/3/2007 11:11:59 PM.

Posted 10/3/07 11:10 PM

Big Sister to Be!

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

I'm not sure what the right answer would be but your sister may be right-it may take you awhile to find a formula that wont upset her sensitive system. My cousin has gone through so many different formula's for her son including two different prescription formulas-nothing has worked yet

Posted 10/3/07 11:14 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Ryan had the same problems and they went away when I cut out milk products from my diet. Oatmeal was also out until he was 4-5 months old. We also did belly massage and it worked wonders! He almost relieved gas and poop on demand!

Posted 10/3/07 11:48 PM

Love my family

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

my son can be very gassy at times too. He is EBF and it depends on what I eat that makes him gassy. However, you just cant cut everythign out of your diet. That would be a pain in the arse. I think you should just wait it out and see if she grows out of it. Finding a formula might make the gas worse and may take a long time to find the right one that suits her.

Posted 10/4/07 1:28 AM

My girls

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Remember to think about this long term. BFing continues to give benefits that will far outlast the temporary discomfort of the gas.

Talk to your doctor to see if he/she thinks that the level of gas is truly exceptional and if something should be done. (All babies have lots of gas!)

An elimination diet for you could be helpful, but only if it won't make you crazy!

Posted 10/4/07 7:03 AM

It's a Good Life

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Ladies, I can't thank you enough for your words and support! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am glad to know that all of you support me in keeping to EBF. I did not want to switch to formula. DH has also been on my case a bit because of course, since I AM EBF... it's all my fault that she's this way Chat Icon He doesn't understand that if we switch her to formula it could be a potential disaster **sigh** It's just so annoying trying to watch EVERYTHING that I eat.

But I will continue to persist through this. I know she will eventually grow out of it. It's just the times when it gets bad that you start to pull your hair out and start thinking of going in other directions.

Posted 10/4/07 9:01 AM

mom of 3 boys

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Posted by KateDevine

As for formula vs. breastmilk, the way that I understood it was that even though "technically" babies digest BM better, there are now "designer" formulas, and you really can't have that with breast milk. My DS was gassy and he was put on Gentlease and his gas issues went away.

Honestly, i've heard very good things about Gentlease and helping with gas issues! Chat Icon

Here is my honest opinion...

I think it's very easy for others to tell you what to do and most people will go with what is best, without always understanding the full extent of the circumstances. With that said, there is also the part with what is best for you??? Yes you want whats best for your baby. But if the best for your baby makes you depressed or miserable because of it... well when is enough? What is the limit? Keep in mind that sometimes what is best for your baby... is making sure that mommy is well taken care of too.

I think that everyone always wants what is best for their child and you have done an amazing job at that! Chat Icon Me personally, i would have quit BF already and i am pro BFing. But their are limits and i would have crossed mine already. You're doing everything you can possibly be doing (and more!) and unfortunately Bella is still having problems. For my own sanity, i would be trying the formula (this of course is MHO). Besides... when is Bella going to grow out of this? 1 month? 2 months? 6 months? No one knows the answer to that so are you prepared for that?

Granted everyone has their own opinions on what you should or shouldn't do. Only you can decide what you should do. And yes you want to do right by Bella. But you have to do right by you too! Chat Icon

Posted 10/7/07 11:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

my little guy is the same way. I actually did try formula for one overnight and it was a nightmare! projectile spit-up!

We are still EBFing and are still dealing with exactly what you are, but like calla said - the long term benefits are too great to try all the different formulas

Posted 10/7/07 12:17 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Well here's an interesting thing... They say that Fennel is good for breast milk and for gas issues... Gripe Water is primarily Fennel. Well - I used to drink Fennel tea about 2-3x a day way back when... she was having all those gas issues. Then it stopped. I mentioned it to the PED about how I noticed when I drank the tea, she got worse. The PED said that's weird, since it's so good for both issues. Well, those past 2 days, when I originally wrote the post - in the middle of a slight meltdown about it - I had been drinking fennel tea again. She had two days of episodes!

I haven't drank it since and wouldn't you know it... she's been fine! Chat Icon

SO - Where fennel might be great for most people... I'm wondering if she can't handle it!

Posted 10/7/07 12:39 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by KateDevine

As for formula vs. breastmilk, the way that I understood it was that even though "technically" babies digest BM better, there are now "designer" formulas, and you really can't have that with breast milk. My DS was gassy and he was put on Gentlease and his gas issues went away.

Honestly, i've heard very good things about Gentlease and helping with gas issues! Chat Icon

Here is my honest opinion...

I think it's very easy for others to tell you what to do and most people will go with what is best, without always understanding the full extent of the circumstances. With that said, there is also the part with what is best for you??? Yes you want whats best for your baby. But if the best for your baby makes you depressed or miserable because of it... well when is enough? What is the limit? Keep in mind that sometimes what is best for your baby... is making sure that mommy is well taken care of too.

I think that everyone always wants what is best for their child and you have done an amazing job at that! Chat Icon Me personally, i would have quit BF already and i am pro BFing. But their are limits and i would have crossed mine already. You're doing everything you can possibly be doing (and more!) and unfortunately Bella is still having problems. For my own sanity, i would be trying the formula (this of course is MHO). Besides... when is Bella going to grow out of this? 1 month? 2 months? 6 months? No one knows the answer to that so are you prepared for that?

Granted everyone has their own opinions on what you should or shouldn't do. Only you can decide what you should do. And yes you want to do right by Bella. But you have to do right by you too! Chat Icon

Thanks for your opinion Chat Icon As far as EBF goes, that is not making me miserable in the slightest bit. It's the gas that she has that makes us all miserable. But upon my own test - when I don't drink the fennel tea - she's fine! It's the weirdest thing. So it pretty much comes down to me REALLY paying attention to what I put in my mouth that might affect her. If I slack, well then it's pretty much my own fault.

I just don't want to go through formula after formula to find one that's right. If I can just curb what I eat, we should be ok.

Posted 10/7/07 12:42 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

Posted by Eleanor

my little guy is the same way. I actually did try formula for one overnight and it was a nightmare! projectile spit-up!

We are still EBFing and are still dealing with exactly what you are, but like calla said - the long term benefits are too great to try all the different formulas

I noice that if I do give DD a supplemental bottle of formula she spits up alotChat Icon When I BF her she gives wet burps but nothing compared to what she does with formula.

Posted 10/7/07 12:44 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

just want to offer Chat Icon Chat Icon and tell you that this post came at a good time for me! i am having almost the same exact issues !!Chat Icon waiting to talk to the ped at the next appt...... good luck!!!! i know it is SO frustrating!

Posted 10/7/07 12:46 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: Need opinions....BF vs. Formula = gas issues (kinda long)

I agree with your sister on this. I know so many babies who have had to go from formula to formula to find the right one. Your fennel discovery is very interesting -- I hope it solves your problem.

Good for you for sticking with breastfeeding through all of this. You are doing a great job.

Posted 10/7/07 4:50 PM

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