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LIF Adult
Member since 12/11 6163 total posts
Name: Momma Bear
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by JsWife
I do not need anyone "educating" me on how best to nourish my children.
But...... the bigger problem is that there is nothing this idiot doesn't want to regulate. So even if you think this is a good idea - think about what the next thing he is going to attack.... might be something you enjoy.
Goes back to the big political debate of drawing the line in the sand of personal responsibility and government takeover.
thank you!!!!! A woman who believes in her God given right TO CHOOSE!!!!!!!
Posted 7/30/12 5:29 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by CallaLily
He wants hospitals to lock up and hide formula and count it like it's medication. Whenever a woman requests a bottle, they are going to be lectured about breastfeeding.
Latch on NYC
OMG...this so upsetting For me personally, I cannot breast feed due to medical reasons. A woman has a right to decide what is best for her and her baby...I actually find this disgusting
Posted 7/30/12 5:48 AM |
love my 2 boys
Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by BlessedMomma
Posted by JsWife
I do not need anyone "educating" me on how best to nourish my children.
But...... the bigger problem is that there is nothing this idiot doesn't want to regulate. So even if you think this is a good idea - think about what the next thing he is going to attack.... might be something you enjoy.
Goes back to the big political debate of drawing the line in the sand of personal responsibility and government takeover.
thank you!!!!! A woman who believes in her God given right TO CHOOSE!!!!!!!
Posted 7/30/12 6:47 AM |
Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I just had a countries with high bf rates, I doubt some Bloomberg came along to push's really just the policy that's the issue, not ff vs bf, in my eyes
Posted 7/30/12 7:30 AM |
Sister love
Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
That is BS. I'm as pro-BFing as they come, but there is no need for that. It is a free country, and I'd hate to see a woman guilted into BFing, or crying in her hospital room every time they come in. If I had another DC I wouldnt be able to BF because of medical reasons, and if they did that to me I'd be bawling constantly. Shame on them
Posted 7/30/12 7:37 AM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by Grill
I am flabbergasted at the list of CONS that was posted. I don't know why I'm responding to them because they honestly don't even make a dent in a risk/benefit analysis of BFing vs. Formula. In fact, most of them are not even valid CONS in any medical/health/financial sense. But...I am feeling compelled to provide a response to each in hopes of helping new moms who may be on the brink of making their decisions.
Increases your risk for breast infection or mastitis.-- Very rare occurrence, mostly due to poor latch or pumping. Very easily treated and certainly not a reason to not BF.
Higher levels of jaundice are found in babies who are breastfed- AND the solution for "BFing jaundice", which is a different etiology from other causes of jaundice is to nurse more. So again, not a reason not to BF.
Baby may get dehydrated easier- ?? Source ??
Risk of cavities in infants who are breastfed for over a year – Please note, however, that the risk of cavities is still higher for formula-fed babies. ?? Source ?? With the proper latch, the milk never touches the teeth. The only concern is when the milk pools in the mouth, which can occur when baby falls asleep at the breast.
Risk of rickets (vitamin-D deficiency) – especially in darker skinned babies. This is not a CON of BFing. If the mother has acceptable vitamin D levels it's likely her milk will too. In our latitude most women are deficient and therefore their milk is. Women can take supplements or give their young supplements directly.
Not necessarily convenient – Although promotion for breastfeeding has made leaps and bounds over the years, there are few places in public that cater to the breastfeeding mother. Many mothers can end up feeling very frustrated over this severe oversight. ---Just silly. Feed your baby, wherever you are. Don't suffocate him under a blanket while he eats either. It's hard and takes courage, but you will feel liberated and your child will learn a valuable lesson about individuality and standing up for what you believe in.
Must always be available for feeding or provide pumped breast milk if absent – After a long pregnancy and grueling delivery, a new mother needs her rest to recover. Newborns must eat every two to three hours for the first weeks of life. The constant caring for her newborn can leave an already tired mother feeling even more fatigued. ---Yes, it's called MOTHERING.
First weeks of breastfeeding may be very painful ---Again, MOTHERING.
Certain medications can interrupt breastfeeding--Not a CON of BFing, but a possible event if a mother needs to go on meds...but still not related to BFing.
Your diet can have an effect on the baby---Yup...again, MOTHERING.
This is not to come of rude but who the heck are you to tell what "mothering" is? Mothering is defined as nuturing a young child. We would NOT be mothering if we were neglecting our child, abusing our child or ignoring our child. Having painful breasts is not mothering - nor are the other examples you gave. As for ME, I tried to nurse my child, lactation specialists came, my son lost a pound in the hospital and yet I still continued to nurse because I was told BREAST IS BEST. I NEVER produced milk! I tried for a month, hired a lactation consultant, drank the mothers milk tea and anything else I could think of. . . and essentially, I starved my son. All because nurses and doctors told me that BREAST IS BEST and nothing is as good. Well my ds is almost a 4 year old thriving boy who was on formula. I cried that entire month because I wasn't able to provide. Now, I am going to have professionals tell me more how ****** I am for not being able to breast feed. WHO the hell are you to make the snap judgement of mothering? THAT is what is wrong with the world today. I took a look at your past posts and most of them are about how something is "bad" for other children. YOU should worry about how YOUR children are raised and let ME worry about how my children are raised.
It is amazing how much as women we judge each other. Just let us raise our children! If you see someone HARMING their child, then say something, but until that happens, MYOB.
As for this initiative, I think bloomberg is ridiculous. I agree that there needs to be more SUPPORT for a woman who needs to breastfeed. That education must be given before at the OB office, not in the 3 days after birth!
Posted 7/30/12 8:06 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/10 987 total posts
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by JenandMikey
bloomie is one f-n idiot......between his way of treating teachers and fireman and now to this.....this man is truly a piece of sorry but although bf is not for me and i didnt bf my girls i understand that it is a choice ......and i know some people feel that this isnt so bad but we need to remember that everything in life has its positives and negatives but thats why there are choices out there for us to make so we can make the right decision for OUR FAMILY ....
i think that for every woman thats lectured on the negatives of giving formula than a woman that is bf should be lectured on the negatives of bf as well because the fact of the matter is there are negatives to bf as well.......if im going to be lectured and in other words getting a slap on my wrist for a choice I MADE FOR MY FAMILY while im lying there in pain vulnerable from just giving birth than you're sure as shit i want the same thing done to the woman next to me that has chosen the latter
You said it!! I totally agree. With DD I tried to bf but I didn't have a great supply, I felt so much pressure to keep trying so for two weeks I had to keep going back to the dr to check baby's weight bc she wasnt getting back to her birth weight. When I decided to go to formula for the sake of my baby it was the best decision. I got my sanity back. I think it is a women's choice.
Posted 7/30/12 8:20 AM |
Love to Bake!
Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by Grill
And for those Moms who weren't able to BF despite their desires and efforts....another mothers milk or formula are great options. There's no debate there. The point is to try to encourage more mothers to see that BFing shouldn't really be a comes with the territory of mothering. And if for the rare reason that a mother can't....there are alternatives that will help her and her baby thrive.
Usually I don't get involved in these BF'ing vs. FF'ing debates because it's pointless but honestly.............are you for real????? "Comes with the territory of mothering"?????!!!!
First, who are YOU to tell someone they shouldn't have a CHOICE as to how they feed their babies? You don't know what drives someone's decisions when it comes to the well being of their kids. You are ASSUMING that women just don't want to bothered BF'ing but in reality, you simply have NO clue why someone makes the choice to BF or FF.
For your information, I actually REALLY wanted to BF. I took the classes, I read the books, I was excited and ready to go. After my DD was born, I spent hour after hour in the hospital trying, I sat with lactation consultant after lactation consultant and guess what............despite ALL of my best efforts in the hospital and when I came home my milk just wouldn't come in right and my DD went from 8lbs 8oz to 6lbs 15oz in less than a week. I was starving her to death. How is that "mothering" my child???!!!
I had to start supplementing with formula because at the end of the day, her health was FAR more important than my desire to want to get this BF'ing thing right. I couldn't risk her losing more weight and being unwell. I gave her formula from that point on and continued to pump as well to give her as much BM as I could but after 12 weeks I was drying up and I stopped.
As a mom, I did my best to take care of my child. I was disappointed that I couldn't EBF her, I felt like a failure, I cried when I gave her the first formula bottle the end, it she grew and flourished and is now a very smart and healthy almost 4 year old and that is ALL that matters. Whether she was FF or BF at the end of the day, it simply doesn't matter. What matters is that she is healthy. Period. I nurtured and mothered my child in the BEST way I could.
No doubt, BF'ing is a great thing BUT there is also NOTHING wrong with giving your baby formula and even though I WANTED to still just pi$$es me off when people come on here and carry on about equating BF'ing to being a good mother and giving off the impression that anyone who FF their baby is basically selfish and doing their kids a disservice. That could NOT be further from the truth.
BF'ing does NOT "come with the territory of mothering". Sleepless nights, exhaustion, barf on your shirt.............that all "comes with the territory of mothering". BF'ing is a CHOICE and quite frankly, it's a CHOICE everyone is entitled to make and they should be able to make that choice without being made to feel guilty.
Seriously, get over yourself and your self righteous attitude.
Posted 7/30/12 8:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I BF one kid and FF the other, so I'm not really hardcore on either side of the camp. I kind of see Bloomberg's point (just like I did with his ban on big soft drinks) but I don't like his ability to control women's choices.
That said, I think whomever stated that BF-ing is "part of the territory of mothering" is SUPER BALLSY and PRESUMPTUOUS. And I did EBF one of my kids! Wow. Imagine if a SAHM said that staying home is a given because hey, it's part of the territory of mothering. Imagine the beating that mom would take on LIF. The women here would rip out her uterus with their teeth and hang it out to dry
Posted 7/30/12 8:33 AM |
Is it summer yet?
Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I haven't commented on these boards regularly for a while, but this initiative makes me really sad.
While I completely agree that the reason for the lower bf rates in the US and NY are based on lack of education and support, this initiative is just going way overboard.
If you read the details, once a mother has decided that she wants to FF, she has to get it documented by her physician and then each feeding has to be documented (time, amt, etc.) by a nurse or doctor.
Think how frustrating it must feel for a new mom, to have to ring the nurses bell every time she wants to feed her baby, wait for the nurse to sign it out of a locked room, and then document it as if she was doing something illegal.
As if being a new mom is not emotionally draining to begin with, this just adds a whole other dimension of stress.
And, do hospitals really have the staff to support this? Are all nurses and lactation consultants going to get additional training on how they deal with new mothers? Are they hiring additional staff bc now, in order for this to succeed, someone has to be attentive enough to these new moms to make sure that they are BFing right, and that they are emotionally sound?
This whole thing sounds like a nightmare to me.
And what about after care? What happens when they are discharged? I had to pay a lactation consultant $150/visit to help me, and still after 2 months, I couldn't do it anymore? Is that state going to offer services for lactation consultants?
What happens when they get 3 bouts of mastitis in a month like I did? Who is going to help with their older children, the cooking, the cleaning, (as suggested by the initiative) so that the new mom can concentrate on BF'ing?
And, while I was fortunate enough to have 4 months paid maternity leave, most women don't have that luxury. what happens then?
I fully support education on BF, and more BF support so that new moms give it more of chance, but this is ridiculous.
Posted 7/30/12 8:44 AM |
It's a girl!!!
Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I gave birth in May and had all intentions of breast feeding. But, my girl had a hard time latching on and my nipples became very red and painful (sorry TMI). With that said, I started to give her formula in the hospital. The nurses/lactation people who tried to ‘force” me to BF really got on my nerves and if I was in the hospital for another day or two, I would’ve told them off. No woman should have to hear a lecture when all she’s trying to do is feed her child.
Posted 7/30/12 8:47 AM |
Love my little boys!!!
Member since 8/07 7060 total posts
Name: g
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by Grill
I do however agree that formula should NOT ever be offered at hospitals unless a mother/baby can not nurse for a medical reason.
So i should be forced to BF even if it makes me incredibly uncomfortable to have a human being sucking my on nipples?
Your statement really pisssed me off!
Posted 7/30/12 8:49 AM |
lifes many lil twisted curves
Member since 10/07 5158 total posts
Name: aeriell
Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Ok.. I NEVER get involved in these debates... I do not agree with bloomberg. I am a mom of twins.... I have masses in my breast.. it made breast feeding a lil difficult on me. I pumped and gave my twins as long as i can.. It was my plan from the begining. When I was in the hospital ( twins were in NICU) they FORCED me to have the twins latch on.. they put me in a quiet room with a Lactation witch... (i have a better word but being nice) shes grabbing my breast and trying to force it in my sons mouth.. im crying hes crying and i was hurting so bad from the masses... I think no matter what the woman should have the choice.. This "banning" of the formula until your "educated" isnt the way to go... I see it being taken to far by certain people! sorry vent over.....
Posted 7/30/12 8:49 AM |
Mommy of 2 girls!
Member since 5/10 2046 total posts
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
If a women wants to FF i totally feel they should have that option, guilt free, to make that choice.
From my personal experience, I wish there was more education and support for BF. I was on the fence whether I was going to BF or not. My DD was born and went right to my breast. The first day and night she only had BM and seemed to be latching well. The next day some of her bloodwork came back with some abnormalities and she was jaundice. I still wanted to BF. But the formula was there and evryone, even family was pushing for me to give her formula bc maybe that would help her "issues." With all the emotion, pressure and lack of support I caved and gave the formula.
Well, the next day she went to the NICU. I was beyond upset and overwhelmed and emotionally couldn't handle BF with all the wires and she wasn't latching on well anymore. In the NICU they are very pro BF. They encouraged me to pump. I had not even thought of that as an option. I thought pumping was just something you did at work. I started pumping and had an amazing suply. I continued to EP bc it just worked best for me. I exclusively pumped for over 7 months.
So, I feel there should def. be more education and support if a mother WANTS it. I would have welcomed support with open arms. I never even thought of EP as an option, all you ever hear is FF or BF, and in the end that was my choice and worked best for me. If my DD never went to the NICU I probably would have never even thought about pumping bc I would have never been educated on that option.
Posted 7/30/12 8:53 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/11 635 total posts
Name: CJ
Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I don't think anyone with a newborn needs a lesson on what " mothering" entails! How sad is it that women will attack each other over this issue instead of supporting personal choice. If Bloomberg wants us all to breastfeed, he needs to support everything that breastfeeding mothers need.... Longer maternity leave, rooms set aside for nursing mothers ( my NYC school expects me to pump in a bathroom stall sitting on the toilet). It seems that the media is putting such an emphasis on judging women over their choice to BF or FF. If there is one thing I learned in the short time I've been a mother, is that you don't judge other mothers!
Posted 7/30/12 8:55 AM |
Member since 4/08 7758 total posts
Name: colette
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I am 1000% over Bloomberg. In fact when I think of him I see this guy:
And I'm fairly certain that if there were a way he could TAX formula as a "disincentive" to FF'ing he'd do it in a heartbeat.
I too was an unsuccessful BF'er, and transitioned quickly to 100% FF. I struggle to understand why a silly comment about BF'ing brings up SUCH defensiveness here? I am so ridiciulously happy and at peace with my decision to switch to formula - then and now - that I can't even FORCE myself to get hot under the collar when someone starts prattling on about what we ALL should do. The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of BF'ing moms DON'T preach, don't evangelize, and don't condescend to FF moms. Those that do are of no interest to me, and I adore a good debate. These BF/FF arguments are NEVER productive, they will never result in a single person changing their mind, and worst of all they are frigging BORING to read.
Posted 7/30/12 8:56 AM |
Member since 1/09 5476 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
i think Bloomberg is missing the point. Majority of people understand the benefits of bf. He should just clearly state that formula not be automatically offered to people on assistance and that they should be counseled on the benefits of bf and so forth.
The real issues and wanna help Bloomberg? Take on the initiative to start having the maternity leave offered that every other country has. That to me is the bigger issues not if a child is ff or bf.
Posted 7/30/12 8:59 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!
Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Coming from someone who was denied Formula at thye hosptial this is a horribnle thing to do to a woman.
I had decided to try BF but wasn't really gung ho on it. DS was not latching and as much as the nurses and LC at the hospital tried to help it just wasn't happenign and DS was screaming cause he was stressed him out and me. I felt like the stress was not worth it and decided I would just FF. Well once I made that decison the nurses didn't give me formula. I had to wait until DH came and he would just go take it fromt he nurses station. If I asked for it they would tell me no that I was BF.
It was a horrible stay at the hospital and I tried to get my Dr to sign me out early....I did leave a day early. I have to say that once I gave DS formula we were both a lot happier and I was able to enjoy him.
This choice should never be taken away froma woman for ANY reason.
Posted 7/30/12 9:05 AM |
Loving my girls
Member since 7/09 2533 total posts
Name: Fergie
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I think thee will be more work for the staff to put a disclaimer in the pt chart for this rule : Enforce the New York State hospital regulation to not supplement breastfeeding infants with formula unless medically indicated and documented on the infant’s medical chart. I invite him to my hospital room on day 3 where I had such a bad night with DD that if I needed a Md note to get formula and there was no one avail or they deemed it not necessary I would have lost it on someone. He's gonna have a lot of angry mothers and mothers to be.
Also another way for hospitals to make money?
Posted 7/30/12 9:12 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I think the Post twisted the information in the initiative. If you read the initiative (NOT law!) it is not about lectures.
On the other hand, I had to push to BF in the hospital, when it seemed everyone wanted me to FF there. I did not like that feeling - not one any mother should have to deal with BFer or FFer.
Posted 7/30/12 9:12 AM |
life is good =)
Member since 5/07 4216 total posts
Name: We're so blessed!
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Posted by alli3131
Coming from someone who was denied Formula at thye hosptial this is a horribnle thing to do to a woman.
I had decided to try BF but wasn't really gung ho on it. DS was not latching and as much as the nurses and LC at the hospital tried to help it just wasn't happenign and DS was screaming cause he was stressed him out and me. I felt like the stress was not worth it and decided I would just FF. Well once I made that decison the nurses didn't give me formula. I had to wait until DH came and he would just go take it fromt he nurses station. If I asked for it they would tell me no that I was BF.
It was a horrible stay at the hospital and I tried to get my Dr to sign me out early....I did leave a day early. I have to say that once I gave DS formula we were both a lot happier and I was able to enjoy him.
This choice should never be taken away froma woman for ANY reason.
this was my nightmare .....i actually stressed and had anxiety most of my nine months that someone in the hospital whether it be nurses or the lactation team were going to fight me on it and try to change my mind....i actually spoke to each one of my ob/gyn doctors (5 in the practice) at almost every visit and told them how i was not going to be nice to these people if they pushed me and if there was anyway possible for them to make them know ahead of time to back off that i was ff and that was ob/gyn was soooooooo the end i had someone in my family that was very close to the head nurse in l&d and i asked her to make sure that the lactation team never step foot into my room and she did and the head nurse made sure that never happened...i want to say, that I am so very sorry that they treated you like this
Posted 7/30/12 9:16 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
I don't think this is about who was successful vs not successful at BFing, wanted to BF or not, etc..
This is about someone who wants to cut cost and tries to BS everyone on saying we should BF for x y z reasons.
I BF for months and had to supplement later on. I was glad I got those "samples" because I felt more comfortable having them with me at hand in case BFing was not working for me.
Of course breat milk is best but many of us were FF in the 70's when babies and we turned out OK, right?
Women have an amazing support system while PG and essencially dumped once the baby come. PEDS don't really volunteer info and we don't really know what to ask. Hence why we have those parenting boards full of new mother asking 50 thousand questions.
Women do not have it easy. While I find BFing to be promoted by everyone, in reality it is not supported at all in everyday life. BFing in public is frown upon or seen as disgusting, pumping at work is entirely at the hand of the employer being flexible to give breaks for moms to do so (sometimes they have to go in a PUBLIC BATHROOM to do so), it's exhausting and unless you pump DH cannot help give you a break.
So this moron wants to tell us what rations to drink, but he can't stop the refills, or if I want to drink 2 gallons of soda at home. Now he wants to stop giving FF samples to push BFing. When men start talking about abortion, BFing, etc... Get yourself an uterus and carry that kid, get yourself some boobs and try BFing.... THEN you can start talking to me! You don't hear me talk about men's balls, do you? So stick to yours and live my body/my choices alone. AMAZES me that men STILL THINK in 2012 that they can freaking tell us what to do with OUR body.
Message edited 7/30/2012 9:18:10 AM.
Posted 7/30/12 9:17 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/11 184 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing but it's a personal choice. I find people who stand on their soap box about bf extremely offensive. And no one should, especially a new mother, in anyway have to feel they are not providing the best for their newborn baby because they decide they do not want to BF.
My DD was FF, I was FF and we are both very healthy. If you want to educate woman it should be done before the baby is born not after. Although I understand this initiative, i do not agree with it. Even when DD was born i had to argue with the lactation consultant about my personal reasons not to BF...i ended up in tears and my DH had to ask her to leave me alone. It was an awful experience.
And I am sorry, but another woman's breast milk? No thanks. Not for me.
There is nothing wrong with FF just like there is nothing wrong with BF'ing both provide nutrients newborns need. It's a personal choice.
Posted 7/30/12 9:25 AM |
Brotherly love
Member since 12/07 1816 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
This is ridiculous! I cannot believe how much pressure there is to BF now.
My Mom told me she is glad she had babies in the 1970's, rather than now. No one cared if you bottle fed or nursed.
Now, people try and make you feel like a sub-par parent for (gasp) giving your baby formula! I have so many friends who have made themselves miserable and sleep deprived over BF'ing.
My boys are 2 and 4 years old now. I see them running around and playing with their friends, no one can tell how these kids were fed.
Childhood obesity and allergy rates are the highest they have ever been now. Guess all of that BF'ing isn't preventing that.
Posted 7/30/12 9:28 AM |
Just another chapter in life..
Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Not sure if it's been posted already...did you hear about Bloomberg's latest initiative?
Assshole. So what I would do then is have my DH go out to Target and bring me some formula up to the hospital. Problem solved.
Oh and they could lecture me too- I'd just smile and nod and then say- ok thanks for the info, now can I get my formula? Thanksssss!
Posted 7/30/12 9:34 AM |
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