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Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hi October 2009 Mommies...
I figured we do an updated thread to our original. I didn't think it was fair to have jennarose023 update the thread with our info.
Here's the link to the original to keep everyone up-to-date! Link to original thread
We can start an updated list - name, expecting date, boy or girl & hospital!
Purplegirl77 - 10/02 Good Sam MrsAT - 10/03 Winthrop Novem05 - 10/03 Winthrop Marbo - 10/04 NSUH Manhasset LSP2005 - 10/05 MrsMadness - 10/07 waiting4ablessing - 10/08 Winthrop lorich - 10/12 Stony Brook Ophelia - 10/16 ShhhhTTC - 10/16 Winthrop sliwa2 - 10/17 North Shore Hospital WNA01 - 10/17 Stony Brook jlp63 - 10/18 NYU Medical Center antoinette - 10/20 St. Charles dm24angel - 10/20 Either Southside Hosp or Good Sam chelle - 10/21 QuackQuack - 10/21 alisha - 10/22 Columbia Presbyterian. peainapod - 10/25 Lower Bucks Hospital in Levittown, PA pnbplus1 - 10/25 Mercy or South Nassau MrsO - 10/25 Winthrop Sneezy - 10/25 Good Sam Rusty213 - 10/27 South Nassau Communities Hospital Kristin616 - 10/28 NSUH Manhasset MrsPJ - 10/28 KaPrK - 10/29 Winthrop greeneyes361708 - 10/31
Message edited 8/7/2009 10:45:45 PM.
Posted 6/3/09 7:59 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I'll start -
lorich - 10/12 Stony Brook
We had our anatomy scan last week & found out we're having a little boy. I had a feeling from early on, Intelligender said boy & anatomy scan confirmed it!
DH & I are stuck on two names - hoping to have his name picked out by next week.
We're also hoping to start registering this weekend too!
Wasn't sure we wanted a baby shower, but may do something small at home.
Posted 6/3/09 8:02 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I think this is a wonderful idea. I hope Jenna understands and is ok with it. We are due 10/5 and team . I think I have finally made up my mind and will schedule a repeat c/s but if I go early and can have a vbac I will try. Since this is baby number 2 for us, I am not going to register. We really don't need much, just a car seat, double stroller, clothing and bedding (sheets and a dust ruffle). This weekend I want to try to go through DSs clothing to see what we can reuse for DD.
We agree on DDs first name, but not her second. Hopefully we will be able to agree on her middle name soon.
Posted 6/3/09 8:38 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by LSP2005
I think this is a wonderful idea. I hope Jenna understands and is ok with it. We are due 10/5 and team . I think I have finally made up my mind and will schedule a repeat c/s but if I go early and can have a vbac I will try. Since this is baby number 2 for us, I am not going to register. We really don't need much, just a car seat, double stroller, clothing and bedding (sheets and a dust ruffle). This weekend I want to try to go through DSs clothing to see what we can reuse for DD.
We agree on DDs first name, but not her second. Hopefully we will be able to agree on her middle name soon.
How lucky! A son & daughter! I hope we're blessed with one of each...would love to experience that!
Posted 6/3/09 9:30 PM |
My family is complete!

Member since 11/08 12970 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
hey ladies!!!! i just had my level 2 yesterday and we're having a boy!!!
Due: October 16th Hospital: Winthrop Name: Ian Hunter Doctor: University Plaza, Dr. Miller and Rosenberg
I'm going to registery this weekend and im so confused!!! it was so much easier registering for plates and appliances!
Message edited 6/3/2009 9:49:08 PM.
Posted 6/3/09 9:48 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06 572 total posts
Name: Chrissy
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I'll join....and I am sure Jenna will understand!!!!!
We'll we are due 10/21 and right now we do not know, but on Friday we have our Level II, and should hopefully know whether we will be blessed with a little boy or girl
Posted 6/3/09 9:50 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by ShhhhTTC
I'm going to registery this weekend and im so confused!!! it was so much easier registering for plates and appliances!
OMG seriously! I was just saying this to DH today. I feel like I've been cramming for an exam with BRU website & reviews, LIF reviews & Baby Bargains all open!
Posted 6/3/09 9:56 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by QuackQuack
I'll join....and I am sure Jenna will understand!!!!!
We'll we are due 10/21 and right now we do not know, but on Friday we have our Level II, and should hopefully know whether we will be blessed with a little boy or girl
Definitely keep us posted! What do you think you're having? I had the strongest feeling I was having a boy & it ended up right.
Posted 6/3/09 9:57 PM |

Member since 1/06 3508 total posts
Name: J
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I'd love to join!
I'm due 10/7 and will deliver at Winthrop. This baby is our first and we aren't finding out the gender.
I had the anatomy scan two weeks ago and the doc reported that everything looks great! I am so relieved! I was nauseous constantly until week 18 but feeling MUCH better now. I have insomnia pretty much once a week (which is why I'm online now!) and my hands fall asleep alot while sleeping. Other than that I feel great and finally look like I'm pregnant.
Thanks for starting this thread!
Posted 6/4/09 5:04 AM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Great idea!
Due date 10/17 expecting !!!! ETA: delivering at Stony Brook
Message edited 6/4/2009 6:49:55 AM.
Posted 6/4/09 6:49 AM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hello (again!) Name's Rachelle....we're due with #2 Oct. 21st. We are on team all the way! We already have a beautiful little at home who's going to be the best big sister ever
I'm feeling GREAT! 5 months certainly FLEW by. I was just saying to DH this you realize in FOUR months we'll have another little one?!!?
I can't believe I'm half way through this pregnancy
Wishing all my fellow Oct mommies all the best and feel good!!!
Posted 6/4/09 7:15 AM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
We are due with Number 2 10/25 - ds will be 14 months when the little one is born.
We are going to be team again - we loved the surprise
Feeling great cant believe how quickly time is flying - we have our level 2 next week and I think morning sickness is officially done (I hope)
Good Luck everyone!
PS we are delivering at Winthrop
Message edited 6/4/2009 7:28:13 AM.
Posted 6/4/09 7:27 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by MrsMadness
I'd love to join!
I'm due 10/7 and will deliver at Winthrop. This baby is our first and we aren't finding out the gender.
I had the anatomy scan two weeks ago and the doc reported that everything looks great! I am so relieved! I was nauseous constantly until week 18 but feeling MUCH better now. I have insomnia pretty much once a week (which is why I'm online now!) and my hands fall asleep alot while sleeping. Other than that I feel great and finally look like I'm pregnant.
Thanks for starting this thread!
Oh...I'm so glad I don't have the insomnia side effect...(yet). Right now I'm the complete opposite - can hardly get out of bed to go pee! !
Posted 6/4/09 7:54 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by WNA01
Great idea!
Due date 10/17 expecting !!!! ETA: delivering at Stony Brook
Hey! Hospital twin! ... We're close in dates too - maybe we'll see each other!
Posted 6/4/09 7:56 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by chelle
Hello (again!) Name's Rachelle....we're due with #2 Oct. 21st. We are on team all the way! We already have a beautiful little at home who's going to be the best big sister ever
I'm feeling GREAT! 5 months certainly FLEW by. I was just saying to DH this you realize in FOUR months we'll have another little one?!!?
I can't believe I'm half way through this pregnancy
Wishing all my fellow Oct mommies all the best and feel good!!!
I was saying the same thing to DH - how time is flying by so quickly. There are times I actually forget I'm PG...well, until I look down at my baby belly!
Posted 6/4/09 7:58 AM |
Member since 7/08 2374 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hi! I am due Oct 4, delivering at NSUH Manhasset with a . I finished registering and the shower date is booked. Went looking at furniture once...I am starting to feel like there is not enough time left to do everything we have to do!
Posted 6/4/09 8:27 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 677 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I'm due 10/3, delivering at Wintrop.
Posted 6/4/09 11:56 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 881 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
due 10/3, we're haveing a I'll deliver at Winthrop. We're naming her Adriana Mary. I can't wait to meet her!
Posted 6/4/09 12:28 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 881 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by Novem05
I'm due 10/3, delivering at Wintrop.
due date twin!
Posted 6/4/09 12:28 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/08 871 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Due 10/18, we are having a to join his big sister who will be two in two weeks!
21 week anatomy scan is on Monday 6/8, can't wait. Delivering at NYU Medical Center, and have not decided on a names yet.
Top three are:
Charles (Charlie) John (Johnny) William (Will)
I guess we'll figure it out once we meet him!
Message edited 6/4/2009 12:37:52 PM.
Posted 6/4/09 12:37 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hi all again.
Well technically we are due Nov 3rd but with twins I will be having a c/s at 38 weeks.
We were told Oct 20th ( 38 weeks) and are hoping to make it that far!
We dont know what we are having- tried 3 times to find out..we have guesses, but wer ARE finding out for sure. I have no patience. LOL
Our Level 2 sono is next week.
So far I feel pretty good but I have a history of pre term labor and with two its higher I have started weekly progesterone shots to strengthen my Uterus and I have bi-weekly Cervical Length sonos and FFN tests and growth sonos every month. Lots of appointments, but am glad to know they are on top of things.
We have my Son Noah already who will be 2 on June 8th.
eta- We are undecided between SouthSide Hosp. and Good Sam. We want Southside but Good sam has a better NICU so the decision will be made at 36 weeks.
Message edited 6/4/2009 12:58:30 PM.
Posted 6/4/09 12:57 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Antoinette 10/20 - St charles
Posted 6/4/09 1:04 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hi ladies.
I am due either 10/13 or 10/16 (my doc gave me the sooner but I am convinced it should be the later ) so we'll just say middle of Oct.
I am currently 21 weeks and had my level II last week. we opted not to find out the sex. I will be going for a fetal echocardiogram in the next few weeks b/c they found a small mark on the baby's heart.
all other signs/things point to baby being ok, but b/c we have some genetic heart abnormalities in my family, we are taking this extra test.
other than that, I am doing ok. heartburn, headaches, insomnia, sinus issues are all part of the game.
I have begun the quest of registering which is driving me a bit batty (well, was until yesterday) but I've managed to reign myself in and get my head on straight.
we'll be heading to both stores this weekend to hopefully finalize things. I know invites to the showers (I'm blessed to be having 2) should be going out soon and I just wanted to have that done.
I am still a ball of nerves about all of this. how will we cope? will we survive as a couple? and most importantly, will I be able to do for my child, and give to my child all that I want and hold in my heart for it?
but all in all, I can't wait to meet my Newton. I hope he/she likes me.
good luck to you all!!!!! as the time grows near, we can talk halloween outfits
Posted 6/4/09 1:13 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I can't believe how many October mommies are going to have their second child. If you are, are you nervous how you will handle being a mom or 2 or 3?
Posted 6/4/09 1:49 PM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by LSP2005
I can't believe how many October mommies are going to have their second child. If you are, are you nervous how you will handle being a mom or 2 or 3?
Well, to be honest, I'm not really nervous at all. Maybe ignorance is bliss! I mean I know it's obviously going to be a lot different and harder with a newborn and a toddler, etc...but I have a lot more confidence this time around and kind of feel like I have a handle on what to do. DD is pretty independent, so I'm counting on her to be a good helper. She's already trying to feed the baby her snacks through my belly button
We shall see! I mean I survived one and am hoping to do the same when #2 comes along. It's the only thing I can do!!
Posted 6/4/09 2:12 PM |
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