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Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

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Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Updated list!Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/09 2:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Due 10/28
Find out tomorrow if its Chat Icon Chat Icon but about 80% positive I saw Chat Icon yesterday!

Please add me to updated list!

Posted 6/4/09 6:04 PM

i love my kids!

Member since 1/09

1963 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

We are due 10/2

This is our 1st baby

We are not finding out the sex

Delivery will be at Good Sam.

Dr. is Dr. Livoti....

I feel like Oct. will be here sooo soon!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 6/4/09 6:13 PM

Thankful for my miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Count me in for 10/25 at Good Sam. We are pretty sure we're having a Chat Icon !

Posted 6/4/09 8:38 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

oooh yay!

waiting4ablessing - october 8th - winthrop - we're team green!Chat Icon

Message edited 6/4/2009 10:16:43 PM.

Posted 6/4/09 10:16 PM


Member since 8/06

3595 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

October 28th NSUH Manhasset
Team Pink Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/09 10:22 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I had my 22 week appointment this morning and woo hoo I only gained 2 lbs. I feel like I gained tons of weight though b/c my belly popped. I was so worried about gaining a lot of weight. My obgyn did not even say anything to me about it. I am big to start with so I really don't need to gain much. I am up 5 lbs for the pregnancy so far.

The level II came out perfectly. He understood exactly why I was so upset afterwards and basically reamed out the other physician for needlessly shooting off at the mouth. He said that she apparently did this to other patients before me and that he would have a word with her about being so careless towards other patients in the future.

My Dr. also understood why I want DD born on 9/30 and said he would do everything in his power to make my scheduled c/s work out. That is unless I can have a vbac before then. I am so thrilled that today went well. So although he is keeping my October due date and we will play it by ear I may be an extremely late September mommy. I just hope and pray that all is smooth sailing from here on out.

Posted 6/5/09 12:13 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!


hello fellow october mommies! hows everyone feeling/doing?

im feeling great! im 24w5d and the baby kicks are hard and non stop! i love the comfort of knowing that DC is okay in there!Chat Icon

i go for my glucose test at my next dr's appt. the 2nd trimester is flying by!

Posted 6/23/09 9:39 PM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

doing great. Im 23weeks 3 days and i feel Chat Icon kick all the time! I absolutly love it!
I had my 1hr glucose test last week - i know a bit early- but the dr wanted to do it early bc i have pcos and was on metformin until 12 weeks - YAY i passed!!!! so they said i dont have to do the 3 hr - Thank God!

Im feeling great - we finally registered! Time seems like its flying by! Cant wait till i meet my Chat Icon in oct!

Posted 6/23/09 9:51 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

WNA01 congrats on passing your glucose test!

I love feeling DD kick and move. Today I hit a new milestone, I am leaking BM. I had this happen for DS too, so I am not super worried.

My next obgyn appointment is 7/2 and my glucose test is the next week b/c the lab is not open on 7/4. It will be at the end of week 26 for me. Here is to hoping that I will be fine too.

Posted 6/23/09 9:59 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Feeling fabulous! I must say! No complaints here Chat Icon Baby is kicking and moving all the time. I love feeling it and DD is just SO cute talkiung to my belly and asking to "see the baby?" Chat Icon

I can't believe how fast time is going!!! It's going to be here before we know it!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/24/2009 7:12:03 AM.

Posted 6/24/09 7:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I'd like to join!

I am due on 10/22 at Columbia Presbyterian. This is my first baby and I am on team Chat Icon!

So far so good. I had a very smooth first trimester (very little nausea and the usual tiredness, etc.).

The second trimester has also been smooth so far - had to start taking iron supplements, which have helped my energy level. I had the anatomy scan about 3 weeks ago and the baby looks good. Saw her heart, fingers, toes, spine! My dr saw a little something on the heart but she says it is actually more common than not at this stage and combined with the blood work I did in the past, she says there is nothing to be alarmed about. I am trusting her expertise! Chat Icon I have my 24 week appt next week.

I am starting to feel very overwhelmed - between getting our apartment baby ready, registering, working and studying for a professional certification program, my head is just spinning!

Not to mention the baby shower drama! Chat Icon

I freaked out a little last night with DH - thank goodness he is a much more relaxed, calm person by nature to balance me out!

Posted 6/24/09 7:39 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Well I haven't updated in a while, but we found out in the beginning of June that we are going to have a lil Chat Icon . We couldn't be more excited. I honestly didn't care either way, but my DH is just over the moon excited about this!!!

Everyone kept asking if I knew it was a boy and I honestly can say yes. At one point during the first trimester I was reading all the old wives tales, and they seemed to lean more towards girls with how I was feeling, but then once I just followed my gut I was correct!!!

We will be delivering at St. Charles (I didn't put that in my first one).

All in all though, this second trimester has been so much better. The first four months or so were really rought, but the past month and a half have been so much better. I am 23 weeks today, and hoping that things stay sailing as smoothly as they are at the moment!

Posted 6/24/09 9:34 AM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

How are our October Mommies feeling?

Yesterday I started my third tri. So far so good - Chat Icon I can feel myself getting bigger. Moving around is getting more & more difficult. Of course gardening on Sunday isn't helping my case any...

Yesterday I took my 1 hr test. Have a feeling I failed. DH is diabetic & did a finger prick test - tested high. I can't imagine the blood drawn will be much different in range than the finger prick. We'll see, but I have a feeling I'll be taking the 3 hr.

Shower...well, I really didn't want a shower, but DH did. Long story short...lots of drama, so we're just having a BBQ celebration at my house with close friends & family. Guys, girls & kids - family.

Nursery...We're on our way to working on the nursery. I can't wait to get started on the mural. We're waiting on a friend of ours to come over & clean up the spackling, then we repaint & I'll get started on the mural. We've had the crib sitting in the boxes for a couple months...I'm getting antsy dying to set it up!Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/09 8:18 AM

BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!

Member since 5/09

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Due Oct. 27 with a Chat Icon
Due to deliver at South Nassau Communities Hospital.

Posted 7/14/09 8:24 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

15404 total posts

Isn't it obvious?

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope your 1hour test comes back OK Chat Icon Chat Icon

I go in a few weeks for mine. I always get so nervous before that one!! Ugh.

I'm feeling GREAT! Still on team Chat Icon although DH was bugging me to find out last night, but I won't cave!!! Chat Icon

I'm keeping super busy, especially running after a 2 year old Chat Icon I've been taking Yoga, which has been amazing and keeping up with my spin classes as best I can. Both helping a lot with enegry, which I'm thankful I have a lot of.

We're not having a nursery, unfortunately our house is not big enough. So I'm just going to be buying a dresser/changing table combo this week and that will go in our room, along with the PNP serving as a crib for now. Frustrating, but we're definitely making the best of it!

I just can't believe I'm heading into the 3rd tri soon...already!! Chat Icon it's going so fast!!

Posted 7/14/09 8:31 AM


Member since 7/08

2374 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Hi! I took the glucose test last thursday and I got a non-urgent message yesterday so I am thinking I passed but waiting for them to call me back today to be sure. I am in the 3rd trimester and definitely moving much slower. As far as the nursery, besides ordering the furniture nothing is done because we are still trying to finish the other upstairs bedroom for we'll see how that goes.Chat Icon I have a feeling our room will get done in time and then the baby will probably be in the pack n play with us until her room gets done.

ETA: I passed my glucose test!

Message edited 7/14/2009 9:59:21 AM.

Posted 7/14/09 8:47 AM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!


We are expecting our first, a little boy, on October 25th. Delivery will be either at Mercy or South Nassau.

We just moved so nothing is set up yet. Need to get moving on the nursery and registering. So much to do and now it seems like there is so little time. After a relatively symptom-free pregnancy I'm starting to feel really tired (and thirsty) and my hands are numb especially at night. I can't wait to meet my little one.

Congrats to all! October is a great month (of course I'm extra biased since I was also born in October)

Posted 7/14/09 10:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/09

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I'm October 17 Chat Icon @ Northshore Hosp.

Posted 7/14/09 10:54 AM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

hello fellow october mommies!

i had my glucose test last week and passed with a 126!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm officially in the 3rd trimester and from what i understand, time is going to FLY by now!!!

we havent ordered our furniture yet, we're actually going to go this week to order it. the room is all cleared for our DCChat Icon and already painted, just needs some furniture...and of course a Chat Icon !

my shower invites are out which is exciting but its just another sign that the baby will be coming soon! i feel soooo many kicks now its not even funny! but i just love it!Chat Icon

hope everyone feels good!Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/09 11:17 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Hi October mommies...

The start of the 3rd trimester has been a rough one for me. I'm nauseous every day and get light headed and dizzy frequently. Thank goodness I'm a teacher and off for the summer! We're really getting to the end here preparing for our little girl's arrival. My shower is next Sunday, and I'm so excited!!

How's everyone else feeling?

Posted 7/14/09 11:32 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Hi all,

I can't believe that the 3rd trimester is already here. I took my glucose test this past weekend (at almost 28 weeks) because labcorp was closed for the 4th of July holiday weekend. The obgyn''s office has not called me so I am really hoping that no news is good news, but then again they never call me so I will just wait for my next appointment.

Can I ask - my last appointment was at 26 weeks and my next one is at 30 weeks. When did you start to go every two weeks? For DS I was sick so I was going every 2 weeks by week 25 and every week by week 30.

Oh have you filled in your pre-admission forms yet? That is on my to do list for this week.

Posted 7/14/09 11:44 AM


Member since 7/08

2374 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by LSP2005

Hi all,

I can't believe that the 3rd trimester is already here. I took my glucose test this past weekend (at almost 28 weeks) because labcorp was closed for the 4th of July holiday weekend. The obgyn''s office has not called me so I am really hoping that no news is good news, but then again they never call me so I will just wait for my next appointment.

Can I ask - my last appointment was at 26 weeks and my next one is at 30 weeks. When did you start to go every two weeks? For DS I was sick so I was going every 2 weeks by week 25 and every week by week 30.

Oh have you filled in your pre-admission forms yet? That is on my to do list for this week.

I had my last appt at 27 weeks and my next at 31 weeks. I am not sure when I go every 2 weeks, but on that other thread I see some start every 2weeks after 28 weeks. I just mailed my pre-admission papers last week.

Posted 7/14/09 11:54 AM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by LSP2005

Hi all,

I can't believe that the 3rd trimester is already here. I took my glucose test this past weekend (at almost 28 weeks) because labcorp was closed for the 4th of July holiday weekend. The obgyn''s office has not called me so I am really hoping that no news is good news, but then again they never call me so I will just wait for my next appointment.

Can I ask - my last appointment was at 26 weeks and my next one is at 30 weeks. When did you start to go every two weeks? For DS I was sick so I was going every 2 weeks by week 25 and every week by week 30.

Oh have you filled in your pre-admission forms yet? That is on my to do list for this week.

i had my last appt last week at 27 weeks and he said to come back at 30 weeks so we can get to a "normal" schedule. from then on, I'll be going every 2 weeks until 36 weeks then i'll start going every week.

Posted 7/14/09 12:03 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by LSP2005

Hi all,

I can't believe that the 3rd trimester is already here. I took my glucose test this past weekend (at almost 28 weeks) because labcorp was closed for the 4th of July holiday weekend. The obgyn''s office has not called me so I am really hoping that no news is good news, but then again they never call me so I will just wait for my next appointment.

Can I ask - my last appointment was at 26 weeks and my next one is at 30 weeks. When did you start to go every two weeks? For DS I was sick so I was going every 2 weeks by week 25 and every week by week 30.

Oh have you filled in your pre-admission forms yet? That is on my to do list for this week.

I have my next appointment this Friday and I'll have a growth sono. I'll be 29 weeks on Sat. I'm not sure when I'll start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. I plan on turning in the pre-admission forms and the registration form for Child Birth classes on Friday; they're all filled out and ready to go!

~If/When is everyone taking lamaze and doing the hospital tour?

Posted 7/14/09 12:11 PM
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