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s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
ok moms, tell the truth
how bad was the sleep deprivation when your DC first came home?
i am just trying to prepare myself, no sugar-coating please!!!
Posted 9/2/08 1:58 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
I fell asleep on the couch snuggling with a stuffed panda bear.
When I woke up and looked at DH he asked me where DS was. I replied with "right here" and proceeded to kiss the panda bear. He asked me again and I did the same thing. Apparently I thought I was cuddling with the baby.
Does that answer your question???
Message edited 9/2/2008 2:01:17 PM.
Posted 9/2/08 2:00 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Posted by jerseypanda
I fell asleep on the couch snuggling with a stuffed panda bear.
When I woke up and looked at DH he asked me where DS was. I replied with "right here" and proceeded to kiss the panda bear. He asked me again and I did the same thing. Apparently I thought I was cuddling with the baby.
Does that answer your question???
see that's the kind of honesty i need! thanks
Posted 9/2/08 2:01 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Posted by headoverheels
Posted by jerseypanda
I fell asleep on the couch snuggling with a stuffed panda bear.
When I woke up and looked at DH he asked me where DS was. I replied with "right here" and proceeded to kiss the panda bear. He asked me again and I did the same thing. Apparently I thought I was cuddling with the baby.
Does that answer your question???
see that's the kind of honesty i need! thanks
We look back on these stories and laugh, but we really had no idea what lack of sleep can do to your head!
There were many moments of panick when we would wake up and think we left the baby on the changing table!
You will survive it!!
Posted 9/2/08 2:02 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
eh, after the first week, I was like a robot "must feed baby, must not make too much noise, must pray that baby sleeps for more than 2 hours"
I will tell you the truth, the first month is TOUGH
I was up every 3 hours to feed, change and rock dd. At 5 weeks, my little one was sleeping from 10pm-5am
ahhh, heaven
no matter how bad it is, there is an end to it
Posted 9/2/08 2:03 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
My DS loved to sleep ALL day and be up every 2-3 hours over night. I'd put my head on the pillow after a 10PM feeding, was up again around 12-1, then around 4AM then around 6AM.
During the day, after the 6AM bottle he'd doze off till after 10AM eat, fall asleep until about 2PM, eat, and fall asleep again.
He started sleeping through then night at about 8-10 weeks.
Posted 9/2/08 2:04 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
It's bad.... but also strange in that- you are still able to function.
I can remember in college pulling all nighters during exams week and not being able to function AT ALL. With the baby it's somehow different. Because you HAVE to take care of your LO, you just "do". Somehow there is always enough in your "reserve tank" to get through the day.
I swear by the adage: sleep when the baby sleeps". It was amazing what just a 2-3 hour snooze would do for me.
For the first 5 months, I lived on 3-5 hour blocks of sleep- and was still able to function as a normal, productive member of society....
Posted 9/2/08 2:04 PM |
My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07 3270 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
If you are not planning to BF then drink a lot of coffee...
Posted 9/2/08 2:04 PM |
I am Batman!

Member since 5/05 4093 total posts
Name: I'm Batman, I tell you!
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
I remember the 3am feeding and falling asleep in the chair with him on my lap and it was his crying that would wake me up because I had let the bottle drift out of my hand and he wasn't getting anything
ETA I get migraines. I was lucky enough to not have any during my pregnancy. As soon as the sleep deprivation started, I started to get monster migraines from lack of sleep. Went through this for the first couple weeks until we had a solid routine and he started sleeping a 6 hour stretch through the night.
Message edited 9/2/2008 2:09:11 PM.
Posted 9/2/08 2:05 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
it was really hard for me too (and dh was home with me for the first 6 weeks). I'm only being brutally honest because this was the number 1 thing I was not prepared for!
If you can enlist any help, take people up on it. A two hour nap will feel like vacation!
But, on the bright side. it does get better. you just have to get through the first few weeks. And when you're also dealing with hormones out of control there are many interesting moments.
Posted 9/2/08 2:06 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
OMG....I don't know how to describe it...its bad...really bad.
There were a few times that I placed my hand in the oven and grabbed the pan...without a mitt or anything...just delirious...
there I would be, holding a hot piece of corningware in my hand screaming...
Posted 9/2/08 2:06 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Bad. Very bad. I'm shocked how I could even function on 2 hours of sleep (if that). I had no one else to help out with feedings, etc. so I was up practically all night.
Posted 9/2/08 2:07 PM |

Member since 8/07 10682 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
me and Dh took turns until he went back to work. It's not terrible. She is up the typical every 3 hours and each time she is up for about an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how wide awake she is during the bottle.
Posted 9/2/08 2:07 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
I now know to let my marriage go to hell...I was trying to be nice to him and let him at night when he would come home, I let him go to sleep.
He used me and I will never forgive him for that.
Next time around there will be pumped bottles on the counter for him every night.
The nursing was just a non stop cycle...I never understood how those nursed in bed, then went back to sleep...mine would poop before, poop after...
Posted 9/2/08 2:09 PM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
I thought I was doing okay until I ran out to pick up pictures at Costco and ran into a good friend's sister. After the congrats, she said, "Wow! You look tired!" It hit me then that I really had been running on empty. I had taken a shower and out on a pair of jeans and maybe even some lipstick... but it couldn't hide the truth! It does pass! Hang in there and definitely take naps WHENEVER you can!
Posted 9/2/08 2:11 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Ok, I'm going to be the one that says it wasn't bad (ducking the bullets and daggers flying towards me). I mean, yes, they are up every 2 hours or so, but you just get into a routine. I for one was very capable of sleeping when they did , but I know some moms can't. Both my kids were good babies, they ate well, slept well, and before the 3 month mark, were sleeping 12 hour nights (and still do!).
ETA: DH was phenominal with help, even though I EBF my first.
Message edited 9/2/2008 2:12:57 PM.
Posted 9/2/08 2:11 PM |
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
The 1st week was fine, then he stopped sleeping. And the sleep dep was absolutely tripped out surreal....
Eta - he slept for 30 min increments, and then would be up 2-3 hours or more in between. All day. all night.
Message edited 9/2/2008 2:13:05 PM.
Posted 9/2/08 2:12 PM |
I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05 3939 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Before I had my DS I did not think waking up fpr night feeding would be bad. Well, I was wrong it was so difficult waking up. Thank goodness my DH and I shared it 50/50. I remember I was so scared of falling asleep with the baby in my arms in bed. Even when I was sleeping I felt like my DS was in my arms. I used to wake up saying the baby the baby. I kept thinking I was dropping my DS when in actuality he was sleeping soundly next to our bed in his bassinet.
I actually have some video of us waking up in the middle of the night (early morning) the first couple of days home. It is so funny to watch.
Posted 9/2/08 2:14 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
It was bad!
I had decided to BF.
1st night.... a total nightmare. He woke up every 1.5 hours. It hit me like a brick wall. No nurses to bring the baby every 3 hours.
I barely slept. 2nd night... was a bit better.
For the following weeks. I woke up every 2.5 hours to BF DS. 24/7.
You get used to it!!!!!!!
But honestly, I questioned myself as a mom and wondered what I had done to myself for the first 8 weeks.
Posted 9/2/08 2:15 PM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
The downside: my eyeballs felt like they were not even part of my body anymore
The not so downside: there are some really stupid shows on TV at 4am that are alot stupider when you are sleep deprived
Don't remember much else actually. That's probably due to the sleep deprivation. I'm sure I lost brain cells.
Posted 9/2/08 2:15 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
It's horrible. I totally let my DH get away with not helping during the night, just because he didn't volunteer. Two and a half years later, I realize that he never volunteers to do ANY chores, but gladly does it when I ask. So with this baby coming in Feb, I'M ASKING!!!!!
I used to nap a little bit when the baby napped but just wasn't very good at it... my mind would race, I wouldn't fall asleep, next thing you know the baby was up!
But like everything else, the bad times pass.
Posted 9/2/08 2:15 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Posted by chmlengr
Ok, I'm going to be the one that says it wasn't bad (ducking the bullets and daggers flying towards me). I mean, yes, they are up every 2 hours or so, but you just get into a routine. I for one was very capable of sleeping when they did , but I know some moms can't. Both my kids were good babies, they ate well, slept well, and before the 3 month mark, were sleeping 12 hour nights (and still do!).
ETA: DH was phenominal with help, even though I EBF my first.
I honestly think this is the exception...Even "good" babies have their days/nights mixed up and are up for many hours in the middle of the night b/c of gas or whatever... or just UP!
the sleep deprivation is tough but like pp said, you manage to function, mostly
Posted 9/2/08 2:18 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
It was awful. I still cringe when I think of those nights. It was just very broken up sleep. I would try to sleep from 11-2 and then i was up at 2, then really didnt get back to sleep until 5 --then baby was up at 7---even when he slept thru the night my body still woke up at those times
Now he sleeps 7pm - 7 am and it is complete bliss!!! Just know that it happens (even though it seems like it never will()
Posted 9/2/08 2:19 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
It definitely gets you, lack of sleep. I was lucky to have DH home with me for a while after I gave birth (he's a teacher), so I did have help, but I EBF so I was the sole provider of food. I barely slept. Thankfully, I'm a person who doesn't require much sleep normally (I'm a bad sleeper), so that helped.
However, it got so bad that we became dillusional...seriously. We could not read things on TV, we could not make out the words.
It does get better though.
Posted 9/2/08 2:20 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: ok moms, tell the truth
Posted by headoverheels
Posted by jerseypanda
I fell asleep on the couch snuggling with a stuffed panda bear.
When I woke up and looked at DH he asked me where DS was. I replied with "right here" and proceeded to kiss the panda bear. He asked me again and I did the same thing. Apparently I thought I was cuddling with the baby.
Does that answer your question???
see that's the kind of honesty i need! thanks
here's another one while we're at it.
it was bright and early one morning, I had to call back the schools (Im a sub) to let them know I couldnt work (I worked occassionally when they were little when grandma was over) I think one of them was a few months old, dont remember when this occurred, somewhere in the 3-4yr timeframe thatI had 3 kids 
well I began to dial the phone number of the school ON MY MICROWAVE.
Posted 9/2/08 2:24 PM |
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