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Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by dm24angel
Posted by sumlynmad
as far as fruits and veggies- to me im like, youre eating fruits and veggies for crying out loud, how can it be bad??

I feel that its bad b/c of all the pesticides used.
A book I was reading ( bestseller, not some crazy ole go organic book) said that one test showed a mixture of 23 different chemicals used on one little carrot...
Now over the years that stuff is building and building up in our systems...
Also, what do you think they put on them to keep the animals away from crops? poisons....
Some feel that if washed, then the veggies and fruits are fine..I dont take the chance...
Totally agree.
Posted 2/17/08 11:04 AM |
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Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by maybebaby
Posted by Karebaby
Not all cancer is caused by what we eat, obviously. But there has been a connection in some types of cancers and what is in some foods.
And to further prove that organic foods DO make a big difference, my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. The Dr's said that her only hope was a long series of chemo treatments, which she didn't think she could handle. She found an herbologist who put her under his care, and he put her on a diet of STRICTLY organic fruits and vegetables, juiced. She could have nothing else, for about a year. SHe had to juice organic fruits and vegetables all day long, and drink them. After one year, she went back to her regular doctor, and they found NO trace of cancer whatsoever. So I have seen firsthand how organic stuff makes a difference.
There is a chance that had she just had chemo she would have been cancer free....or if the fruits and veggies were non-organic she would be cancer free...
Of course, the chemo may have worked, I am not saying the chemo wouldn't have. The book that my MIL has, tells the percentage of people who were succesful in curing the cancer by following the strict ORGANIC fruit and vegetable diet and it is over 90% in people who did it correctly.
And I don't think the outcome would be the same without using organics, because of all of the pesticides used on produce these days.
Posted 2/17/08 11:08 AM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by sumlynmad
as far as fruits and veggies- to me im like, youre eating fruits and veggies for crying out loud, how can it be bad??

Just like the toxins and chemicals they give cows to be bigger so they can get more meat of of them. People put chemicals on fruits and veggies to get the most they can and at best looking quality for mass production. So if people think that eating meat and meat products are bad, as far as the cancer thing is concerned. THen in my opinion it holds true for the veggies and fruits we eat as well.
I agree with the other poster, it all adds up and has to have an effect on our bodies.
Posted 2/17/08 11:09 AM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I also want to add that I am not strictly Organic. I do as much as I can, but when I do buy regular foods, I carefully read the ingredients and don't buy anything with bad things in therm for the kids.
Posted 2/17/08 11:10 AM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by maybebaby
Posted by Karebaby
Not all cancer is caused by what we eat, obviously. But there has been a connection in some types of cancers and what is in some foods.
And to further prove that organic foods DO make a big difference, my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. The Dr's said that her only hope was a long series of chemo treatments, which she didn't think she could handle. She found an herbologist who put her under his care, and he put her on a diet of STRICTLY organic fruits and vegetables, juiced. She could have nothing else, for about a year. SHe had to juice organic fruits and vegetables all day long, and drink them. After one year, she went back to her regular doctor, and they found NO trace of cancer whatsoever. So I have seen firsthand how organic stuff makes a difference.
I think its wonderful that your MIL is cancer free...
But to play devils advocate for a minute...many people who forgo chemo to go under the directions of an herbologist do NOT have the same results as your MIL unfortunately.
There is a chance that had she just had chemo she would have been cancer free....or if the fruits and veggies were non-organic she would be cancer free...
There are many "what ifs" in this scenario...and while she is healed, I wouldn't necessarily recommend that a member of my family go that route...I would definitely go with the chemo before I'd take a chance at herbs only!
totally agree. And i think that forgoing conventional medicines and opting for "alternative" treatments, is a personal choice but a scarey one. I have known a few people that tried that "alternative" approach, got that clean bill of health and then 6 mos later the cancer came back and they died.
I personally do not believe that organic foods can cure or reverse cancer. But i certainly think it helps the body to heal.
Posted 2/17/08 11:14 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by Karebaby
Posted by maybebaby
Posted by Karebaby
Not all cancer is caused by what we eat, obviously. But there has been a connection in some types of cancers and what is in some foods.
And to further prove that organic foods DO make a big difference, my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. The Dr's said that her only hope was a long series of chemo treatments, which she didn't think she could handle. She found an herbologist who put her under his care, and he put her on a diet of STRICTLY organic fruits and vegetables, juiced. She could have nothing else, for about a year. SHe had to juice organic fruits and vegetables all day long, and drink them. After one year, she went back to her regular doctor, and they found NO trace of cancer whatsoever. So I have seen firsthand how organic stuff makes a difference.
There is a chance that had she just had chemo she would have been cancer free....or if the fruits and veggies were non-organic she would be cancer free...
Of course, the chemo may have worked, I am not saying the chemo wouldn't have. The book that my MIL has, tells the percentage of people who were succesful in curing the cancer by following the strict ORGANIC fruit and vegetable diet and it is over 90% in people who did it correctly.
And I don't think the outcome would be the same without using organics, because of all of the pesticides used on produce these days.
I hear what you are saying...
I guess I am just a huge skeptic with certain things. I do believe the body can heal itself...I guess I just was thinking that if someone in my family told me they were not going to go through with chemo and treat it with organic fruits and veggies I would not be happy about it, thats all.
It also prob depends on the type and stage of cancer, no?? I mean...someone with advanced breast or uterine or colon cancer would need to be quite aggressive in their treatments...once cancer gets to a certain point it can spread rapidly and you don't have much time to try natural methods..
Sorry for rambling. It's hard sometimes to relay exactly what I'm thinking, lol. BUT I would never discount the advantages of a diet like your MIL did..I would certainly give it a try in addition to other treatment! It's very interesting!
Posted 2/17/08 11:17 AM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by maybebaby It also prob depends on the type and stage of cancer, no?? I mean...someone with advanced breast or uterine or colon cancer would need to be quite aggressive in their treatments...once cancer gets to a certain point it can spread rapidly and you don't have much time to try natural methods..
most definitely. Type and stage!
Posted 2/17/08 11:19 AM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by jules
Posted by maybebaby It also prob depends on the type and stage of cancer, no?? I mean...someone with advanced breast or uterine or colon cancer would need to be quite aggressive in their treatments...once cancer gets to a certain point it can spread rapidly and you don't have much time to try natural methods..
most definitely. Type and stage!
Yep. I forget what stage my MIL had, it wasn't extremely advanced. It does matter the stage.
I am not saying if me or my kids got cancer, I would choose to forgo the chemo, that would be an incredibly scary choice to make. I am just saying it worked for her, and alot of people she met through her ordeal, so I know it can be done.
Posted 2/17/08 11:32 AM |
Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
No flaming here. Like all of the PP's said I do it for a variety of reasons:
1) the hormones in dairy, meat, eggs will cause my DD to "develop" at a MUCH faster pace than normal. One of my friend gave her DD reg dairy and she got her period at age 8, YES age 8. Her mother and her grandmother got theirs at age 12, no hereditary link. When she asked her oped why she got it so early, he told her "environmental factors" could have contributed to it. She then decided to research the hormones, pesticides, etc. that were in what she was giving her children and switched over to organic.
2) my mom had toxemia when she was preggo with me and lots of problems with my brother too. I feel that my heart condition (a congenital defect) was b/c of this and b/c of what she ate and meds she was on while preggo. B/C of this, I feel it have to "reverse" or "retard" all of the cr@p I ate as a kid, and while my mom was preggo.
3) I do not want to be 90 years old and see my kids and grandkids with health problems, IF problems, learning disabilities, a earth that's resources are depleted, etc. I could not live with myself knowing that I knowingly put poisons (pesticides and animal hormones) into my children that will stay in their central nervous system, muscles, bones, blood for YEARS and be passed down to their kids.
4) there is not a lot of evidence of the effects of pesticides and animal hormones right now...BUT if in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years fro now they find out that these things cause cancer, heart issues, IF, or any number of things, then you will see EVERYONE switching to organic and the BIG food companies (Kraft, the meat industry, etc.) will never let the gov publish the real facts anyway, JMHO.
I hope this makes sense. Whatever you decide, no flaming.
Posted 2/17/08 11:34 AM |
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
no flames - but I really feel that what previous generations consumed have a lot to do with genetic issues - like autism, as well as all of the big food allergies kids are suffering these days...
I am not 100% organic but I would say we eat about 80% organic - all fruits and veggies, just not all food are organic - but we try whenever we can...
Posted 2/17/08 12:01 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by jules
Posted by KateDevine Honestly? I think it has more to do with your family history. NO ONE in my family has EVER gone organic, ever. And not one person has ever had cancer. No one is autistic, etc. We aren't totally healthy, but with diseases like heart disease, you can link that to fatty food, etc, not to any type of organic food.
As for autism, I really think there is a plethora of reasons as to why there are more diagnoses, but we've all gone there before.
And honestly, how do you KNOW its organic, really? Because the store says it is? How do you know it isn't the same veggie as across the store, just with higher price tag and the word ORGANIC stamped on it?
But here I think you are making a valid point. IN YOUR family there is no history of cancer. So i think the RISK of someone in your family getting it is lower. But it doesn't mean it isn't there. For those that definitely have a strong history of cancer they are much more at risk by the things they do with their lives and bodies. Eating food that contain toxins, in my opinion, can and does directly effect their risk of getting cancer
You are right, in MY family, BUT I do find it strange that my SIL delveoped ulcertive colitus only AFTER she went organic!
There are a lot of very good points and opinions, this is why I really enjoy this site
But I think we will continue to do what we do, if I buy something that happens to be organic, so be, but I am not going to kill myself to do it either, I simply cannot add to my life in that way.
Message edited 2/17/2008 1:30:54 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 1:30 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
i am probably to simplistic about it all....DH and i do not eat organic. However, DS does. For me, while there may not be any concrete proof that organic eliminates the risk of cancer and other diseases I figure, why not give him organic food anyway? What's the harm? I don't find that it is that much more expensive, especially if you make your own. And I don't find that it takes any more time than regular food would. So for now he is 100% organic except the formula. As he starts to eat more solid food I am going to have to determine how we will incorporate all of this into DH and my diet as well so that we can realistically continue on this way.
No flames here, I understand your point but in the absence of info either way I figure better safe than sorry.
Posted 2/17/08 1:33 PM |
Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06 3554 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
We dont eat organic at all and Cadence does not either. We just feel that Gerber is fine and when we go out to eat she has tastes of what we eat as well. I just could not see myself going organic only ever so I would not do that for cadence
Posted 2/17/08 1:46 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I just want to add another point(don't have children yet) Don't forget your liver processes all these toxins along with anything else that comes into your body-medications, alcohol, pollutants etc. So even if they don't cause cancer they do slow down your lymphatic system and contribute to weight gain, sluggishness and all sorts of other maladies.
Posted 2/17/08 1:56 PM |
Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by melijane
I just want to add another point(don't have children yet) Don't forget your liver processes all these toxins along with anything else that comes into your body-medications, alcohol, pollutants etc. So even if they don't cause cancer they do slow down your lymphatic system and contribute to weight gain, sluggishness and all sorts of other maladies.
Well said and very true!
Posted 2/17/08 2:02 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by dandr10199
Posted by melijane
I just want to add another point(don't have children yet) Don't forget your liver processes all these toxins along with anything else that comes into your body-medications, alcohol, pollutants etc. So even if they don't cause cancer they do slow down your lymphatic system and contribute to weight gain, sluggishness and all sorts of other maladies.
Well said and very true!
very true as well.
What studies have shown is that all bthe additives in food cause acidic like conditions in the blood..This is proven.
Cancer may not be caused by this but cancer cells thrive in acidic it can be sad that an organic diet can help you fight cancer in that the environment is not good for it...versus supporting it and having to fight harder to get rid of it.
This is the simple reason organic diets are recommended for cancer patients. That right there is enough for me.
Its soo much information to digest which is why I like to say to each there own..but maybe just try to see the healthier side, even a small change is a good one.
On a baby food 1992 the company who sells gerber its chicken was found to be using disgusting conditions to raise the chickens and using hormones and antibiotics at a horrible level to keep the chickens alive. Our kids are eating those antibiotics and I dont want to chance my son becoming antiobiotic resistant b/c of that.
Gerber stage 3 foods were found to have over 110 added ingredients deemed "company secrets" ...meaning they dont have to tell the public what it is so no one steals their recipe.
So to me, its like...Give my son 2 foods I know what they are and cook for myself.....Or a mixture of over 120 things I have no clue about.
They could be perfectly safe for him Im sure..I just dont like the "idea" behind it.
Message edited 2/17/2008 2:44:32 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 2:35 PM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by dm24angel
On a baby food 1992 the company who sells gerber its chicken was found to be using disgusting conditions to raise the chickens and using hormones and antibiotics at a horrible level to keep the chickens alive. Are kids are eating those antibiotics and I dont want to chance my son becoming antiobiotic resistant b/c of that.
Gerber stage 3 foods were found to have over 110 added ingredients deemed "company secrets" ...meaning they dont have to tell the public what it is so no one steals their recipe.
OMG. EWWWWWW. that is too foul for words.
Message edited 2/17/2008 2:42:32 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 2:42 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by KateDevine
There are a lot of very good points and opinions, this is why I really enjoy this site
But I think we will continue to do what we do, if I buy something that happens to be organic, so be, but I am not going to kill myself to do it either, I simply cannot add to my life in that way.
Yes i agree. I say and believe most of this but i do not eat organic. My DC has just started on food so we are going back and forth as to whether we are going to go organic or not. As of right now we have tried regular. But i think we might be switching.
Posted 2/17/08 3:20 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 583 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I know at least three people who have had the same result.. all different backgrounds, ages, etc. Thats proof enough for me to at least take some stock in organic foods.
Posted 2/17/08 3:39 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I grew up eating crap food. We lived on pot pies, TV dinners, etc. We didn't eat fast food (we couldn't afford it), but we didn't eat healthy at all. No one in my family has cancer or has any significant health problems. My grandpa died from lung cancer (his own fault for smoking though). My sister is on an organic kick. They can't afford it, they are losing their house, and she still strives to buy organic. I think it became an addiction and an obsession to her and everything she read told her she was a bad mother for letting pesticides in her children's bodies.
Posted 2/17/08 4:40 PM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
DH & I don't eat organic but DD's food will be and we are going to start changing our eating habits once DD starts eating adult table food.
I honestly believe that all the crap in our food and our eating habits have led our generation to so many health issues. Granted some issues are genetic but I believe alot of the health issues that our generation has it's because of our eating habits. Fast food, food filled with growth hormones and pesticides is so easy and cheap to buy but look at the rate of how cancer, IF and other diseases are affecting what should be otherwise healthy adults. Case in point...I'm in my late 20's and almost every single one of my GF's and family members are suffering from some type of IF. Coincidence...I think not. Sure it costs a little more and may a little more work but I think DD's health is worth it. I'm not going to say that 100% of our diet should be organic but I do think we need to watch what we eat and put it in our bodies more carefuly. It's not like I would never give DD Mc'D's or BK but it would be more of a treat than the norm.
My mom was born and raised for the most part in PR. The food the ate was grown in a farm...naturally and you know G-Grandmas lived to be well into their late 80's and 90's. They even at an old age never ate processed food etc.
IMO any chemicals and pesticides put on any type of food or used to grow food is not natural and eventually will have an effect on your health if used enough. Notice all the new health problems affecting kids and young adults now that were not so prevalent 20 or 30 years ago. Shows me something is going on that is causing our kids to get so many illnesses that were uncommon before. To each his own but I want to make sure DD has the healthiest start in life possible.
Posted 2/17/08 6:55 PM |
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I don't buy into the "we ate it and we turned out fine." If we can make the next generation healthier than ours, why not do it?
Posted 2/17/08 7:01 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I flip flop back and forth. Yes there are too many pesticides and hormones in the food today. But do I stick to organic? Not at all. I do buy it when it is convenient.
That being said -- I do have friends that are on strict organic diets and their children are too - and they are sick all the time. Ale has had 2 colds that lasted a day and a half each (knock on wood) and I rarely ever get sick. My mother says it is in my genes, we have good consitutions.
Whatever it is, when I see friends bending over backwards to eat such healthy food and then they are sick all the time, it makes me question it all.
Besides when DD gets to school, and when we go out to eat - which is VERY OFTEN - she won't be getting organic and I want her to be able to eat anything anywhere.
Posted 2/17/08 7:07 PM |
Then there was 2

Member since 3/06 5696 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by jules
I actually am thinking about going organic. We don't eat organic in my house but I do see the concern and do feel it is valid. All the pesticide and chemicals they put on food these days is scarey to me.
i agree. i may just do it for DD and some things for me and DH but i think it is nutrionally better for her
Posted 2/17/08 7:09 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by karacg
I flip flop back and forth. Yes there are too many pesticides and hormones in the food today. But do I stick to organic? Not at all. I do buy it when it is convenient.
That being said -- I do have friends that are on strict organic diets and their children are too - and they are sick all the time. Ale has had 2 colds that lasted a day and a half each (knock on wood) and I rarely ever get sick. My mother says it is in my genes, we have good consitutions.
Whatever it is, when I see friends bending over backwards to eat such healthy food and then they are sick all the time, it makes me question it all.
Besides when DD gets to school, and when we go out to eat - which is VERY OFTEN - she won't be getting organic and I want her to be able to eat anything anywhere.
I agree - I buy organic when I can but I am not going to go crazy over it. I want to be able to go out to eat and give him food from the restaurant (like I did tonight) I want to go to friends houses and feed him whatever it is they have.
When I am cooking at home sure I will pick up some organic things - but I can't go crazy with all organic.
For those of you that plan to do only organic - will you do this when they are only babies? How will you keep up with it when they are older and eating more? When you go out will you be sticking to organic only? Bring your own foods to parties? These are some things I have been wondering about.
Posted 2/17/08 7:13 PM |
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