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Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
We are not an organic family in that DH and I do not eat organic and I am not 100% consistent with it for DS.
I do get many things organic for him but to be motivation has been more of the nature ingredients over the pesticide issue. I want to reduce his sugar intake and the preservatives used in shelved food for now. Therefore I will use fruits and vegetables that are not organic. At some point he will have to have exposure to sugars and otehr ingredients since we can't have a 'do as I say, not as I do" mentality. I personally just wanted him to taste the food in as close to a natural flavor as possible for the start.
With that said...I do respect those families that go organic.
Posted 2/17/08 7:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I also dont buy into the " well we grew up on this stuff and were fine argument" ...because your ( anyone) one person and there are many others sick.
But again, I hope we can all respect each others parenting styles.
The reason I choose Organic bath products and BPA free plastics is hormonal reasons.
Studies show they affect hormones. they decrease male and female fertility and thats something me and my husband both suffer from. I will do ANYTHING , go in debt to buy organic to save my son from that misery.
The US is the only country in the WORLD with a lowering puberty rate. No where in the entire world has the puberty rate ( age) ever decreased but in the US...we are the worst eating country in the world and we know it, but marketing and food companies run our nation.
As far as Diana and other's questions about eating out etc...
Its all about moderation for me. If Noah is out at a birthday party at Mcdonalds, he can eat Mcdonalds....I dont feel once in a blue moon is gonna hurt, and for our own family events, I already tend to make something for us yes.....
I try to introduce to our family as much as I can( extended family) ...
I will never ever let him eat school food, especially after the beef scare last week, but I will always make sure to never say NO to everything, a kid cant live that way.
Like Ang, I want to control his sugar intake, we have diabetes and obesity in our genes...But Im not gonna ever say he cant have a piece of candy.
He will grow up understanding moderation and hopefully once its a way of life, it wont feel restricting.
They have organic everything these days, its not like hes gonna chew on grass and wheat sprouts for snacks....
Me and my husband do not eat 100% organic, but we have recently been making a lot of changes that way slowly.
Most of it was based on my own research and reading into it....
I still do plenty of bad things...drink tons of non organic coffee and creamer etc....But when it comes to Noah I am much more weary.
Maybe its b/c of my health issues that Im sensitive to this more then others...but I know how much better I feel when I dont eat packaged food , and now I have started investigating the things we breathe and use as skincare etc and I see nothing wrong with making a change for the better.
I feel both sides are defensive and I hope we continue this discussion in the way we are now. Learning from each other.
Im providing a lot of information on whats good for my family and my reasons, but will reitterate again, I do not judge what is right for someone else at all.
Posted 2/17/08 8:00 PM |
Member since 5/06 4794 total posts
Message edited 10/20/2009 11:27:46 AM.
Posted 2/17/08 8:11 PM |
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
someone mentioned above about preservatives, this is something else that is truly scary to me.
Food is not meant to have a shelf life by means of chemically added preservatives.
I won't bore you, but I am conducting my own science experiment here - DH came home with a package of Martin's Potato Rolls (long bun Hot Dog kind) on January 2nd - almost 7 weeks later the few rolls left show no signs of growing mold nor are they hard. Soft as the day they came home. I am keeping them around because I am truly curious as to when they will show outward signs of breaking down.
One of the listed preservatives is Calcium Propionate (which is also used as an additive in cow feed.)
Posted 2/17/08 8:14 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by -DonnaMarie-
someone mentioned above about preservatives, this is something else that is truly scary to me.
Food is not meant to have a shelf life by means of chemically added preservatives.
I won't bore you, but I am conducting my own science experiment here - DH came home with a package of Martin's Potato Rolls (long bun Hot Dog kind) on January 2nd - almost 7 weeks later the few rolls left show no signs of growing mold nor are they hard. Soft as the day they came home. I am keeping them around because I am truly curious as to when they will show outward signs of breaking down.
One of the listed preservatives is Calcium Propionate (which is also used as an additive in cow feed.)
wow! thats my husbands fav bread. i just read that to him...
Posted 2/17/08 8:18 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by Kerie-is-so-very
I don't buy into the "we ate it and we turned out fine." If we can make the next generation healthier than ours, why not do it?
Who said I was unhealthy? I just said I don't do organic. Fruits and veggies exist that are NOT organic. Just because I don't do organic doesn't mean we eat McDonald's every night. Again, we eat dinner in my house every night: a meat, a starch and a veggie, to me that is a healthy meal. I don't think that because it isn't "organic" makes it unhealthy?
I am sure I drink more milk that 99% of women, but apparently that isn't good for me b/c it isn't organic. That's crap to me, my grandmother had osteoporosis, so I drink milk straight up.
I don't like the argument that just because something isn't organic that it is unhealthy, that's not right.
I also agree with Kara and Diana, you can't really live in a bubble.
Posted 2/17/08 8:25 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Because someone does not believe it's true does not mean it's not true.
I think we did not know a lot of things about what we did/ate when we were kids.
For example, my grand-fathers were heavy smokers. It's was what you did at the time. No warning on cancer. Nobody had a clue about the side effects of smoking. The warning came hundred of years after people started smoking. But we all know that the risk of getting cancer from smoking is very high. They started smoking at 16 without a care in the World. The warning had not even come yet. It came in the 60's I think. They both died because of the cigarettes. One of cancer. The other one of a stroke.
I am buying organic food for DS. Why? I am limiting the amount of "junk" in his system. I won't be able to protect him from everything but I think I can try as much as possible.
I am not as careful for me. Maybe I should.
ETA: by "junk" I mean chemicals/pestisides, etc...
Message edited 2/17/2008 8:26:26 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 8:25 PM |
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by dm24angel
Posted by -DonnaMarie-
someone mentioned above about preservatives, this is something else that is truly scary to me.
Food is not meant to have a shelf life by means of chemically added preservatives.
I won't bore you, but I am conducting my own science experiment here - DH came home with a package of Martin's Potato Rolls (long bun Hot Dog kind) on January 2nd - almost 7 weeks later the few rolls left show no signs of growing mold nor are they hard. Soft as the day they came home. I am keeping them around because I am truly curious as to when they will show outward signs of breaking down.
One of the listed preservatives is Calcium Propionate (which is also used as an additive in cow feed.)
wow! thats my husbands fav bread. i just read that to him...
I've only just begun to start thinking and reading about the preserv end of it, and I don't even think that one is the *worst* offender, just something to think about (as if there isn't enough!)
I'll update you if and when my bread goes moldy green
Posted 2/17/08 8:44 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
OK I just have one question. How do you know what your buying is actually organic? As far as I knew, anything can be labeled organic since there is no regulations on it
Posted 2/17/08 8:46 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by mcl916
OK I just have one question. How do you know what your buying is actually organic? As far as I knew, anything can be labeled organic since there is no regulations on it
I actually said that earlier, sometimes the cynic in me really thinks its a way to get people to pay more money for the same squash that is for sale the next aisle over, but what do I know 
But, do not get me wrong, I think it is great that everyone is making such a concerted effort to eat well, and teach their children good eating habits.
Posted 2/17/08 8:52 PM |
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by mcl916
OK I just have one question. How do you know what your buying is actually organic? As far as I knew, anything can be labeled organic since there is no regulations on it
USDA National Organic Program
not that I trust the govt all that much either, and I doubt they are as strict as they should be. But this site helps to figure out whats organic.
For Ex: you'll notice that Perdue does NOT label their chicken breasts Organic. BUT does label some saying they are antibiotic and hormone free. Which means they have not met all the guidelines.
Message edited 2/17/2008 8:55:38 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 8:54 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by mcl916
OK I just have one question. How do you know what your buying is actually organic? As far as I knew, anything can be labeled organic since there is no regulations on it
There are very strict regulations actually..and certain different regualtions on how organic it is.
Its better monitored b.c its a smaller amount of food these days, they monitor closesly...versus big farms where one in every 200K cows are checked to meet regulations.
reputation of a company is big too...
Posted 2/17/08 8:54 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by KateDevine
Posted by mcl916
OK I just have one question. How do you know what your buying is actually organic? As far as I knew, anything can be labeled organic since there is no regulations on it
I actually said that earlier, sometimes the cynic in me really thinks its a way to get people to pay more money for the same squash that is for sale the next aisle over, but what do I know 
But, do not get me wrong, I think it is great that everyone is making such a concerted effort to eat well, and teach their children good eating habits.
Oh I am all for eating healthy and for the idea of organic foods, but I just can't help but wonder what "organic" actually means to different companies that manufacture them.
Posted 2/17/08 8:56 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/06 366 total posts
Name: Tiffany
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I absouletly have to reply to this post....First of all I went organic and straight vegan for 6 & 1/2 years. I ate no diary, no meat, nothing that came from animals. Not only did I not benefit from it but I actually got extremly ill with a stomache bacteria.....all I kept thinking was how could this be I only eat organic. Needless to say I landed in the hospital for six weeks due to that. After speaking to my great aunt who is 96!!!!!.... she told me she has always eaten what ever she wants and has never had so much as a cold. And if cancer is directly linked to the food we eat then why is cancer found more in certain area's rather than others...for instance breast cancer long island. not to include the fact that my brother in law went organic with his son and the baby is a year old and either always has a cold or an ear infection. Where as with my son I don't do anything organic and has never been sick a day in his life....I think the whole organic thing is a way to make money...sorry I am sure alot of people will blow this line up once they read this but I don't care I agree with you on the fact we were raised with worse and are fine now.
Posted 2/17/08 8:56 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by armeewife0514
I absouletly have to reply to this post....First of all I went organic and straight vegan for 6 & 1/2 years. I ate no diary, no meat, nothing that came from animals. Not only did I not benefit from it but I actually got extremly ill with a stomache bacteria.....all I kept thinking was how could this be I only eat organic. Needless to say I landed in the hospital for six weeks due to that. After speaking to my great aunt who is 96!!!!!.... she told me she has always eaten what ever she wants and has never had so much as a cold. And if cancer is directly linked to the food we eat then why is cancer found more in certain area's rather than others...for instance breast cancer long island. not to include the fact that my brother in law went organic with his son and the baby is a year old and either always has a cold or an ear infection. Where as with my son I don't do anything organic and has never been sick a day in his life....I think the whole organic thing is a way to make money...sorry I am sure alot of people will blow this line up once they read this but I don't care I agree with you on the fact we were raised with worse and are fine now.
ITs not an argument. Not going to flame you. I disagree with you and you disagree with me. Nothing wrong with that.
ETA_ But why the baby dust ?
Message edited 2/17/2008 8:58:27 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 8:58 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
OK so it has to have the USDA organic sticker on it. I didn't realize they had regulations now. That makes me feel a little better about it!!
Posted 2/17/08 8:58 PM |
Twins are here!

Member since 3/06 3597 total posts
Name: Deirdre
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan - and (though I dont think it's as good as Pollan's book) The Ethics of What We Eat by Peter Singer and Jim Mason. Really eye opening.
We feed DD 100% organic and are trying to become 100% organic and free range/grass fed meat eaters.
regarding meats/poultry - organic DOES NOT necessarily mean free range or grass fed - an 'organic' chicken can still spend it's entire life in a cage - packed with thousands of other chickens.
A chicken barn on a factory farm is not usually cleaned out more than once every few MONTHS - sometime once a year. The chickens often go blind because of the toxic levels of ammonia in the air from fecal matter that accumulates. They develop sores on the breast tissue because they sit in their own crap all day.
The ammonia levels are so high that they penetrate the chicken meat. I LOVE chicken - but I dont want to injest ammonia - we only buy free range chicken (which isnt always great - but it's way better than factory farms).
Always look for 'cage free' and 'free range' labels. . . and try and buy food at a 'sustainable farm.'
Factory Farms are one of the LEADING environmental polluters. . . don't even get me started on Tyson chicken - their environmental record is abhorrent!!!!!!!
Message edited 2/17/2008 9:07:07 PM.
Posted 2/17/08 9:06 PM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
For me, I try, as much as possible to give her at least organic eggs, milk and meats, and the fruits/veggies where she is eating the skin. It is the hormones and antibiotics in the milk and meat and eggs that worries me the most. As far as the fruits/veggies, I just think if I can cut down on the pesticides I will. I don't go crazy buying organic cereals, pastas, breads, etc. I just feel like the risk is less with those products so I don't make myself nuts over it. Also if we are out and I can't give her organic, I don't make myself crazy over that either. I just feel like if I can cut down on some of the stuff I don't want her ingesting, I'm helping her.
Posted 2/17/08 9:45 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
My husband I do not eat organic foods but I grew up in Europe during the late 70s and 80s where pretty much everything was organic, packaged in glass or other natural fibers. I want my son to be strictly on organic my best ability, bc I believe that exposure to all the pesticides and chemically grown food will sooner or later have some sort of an effect on his health and my DH's family has a long history of cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc. I want my boy to develop healthy eating habits and eat organic foods. But thats my choice, and I would never flame or judge somebody who doesn't do organic. To each its own just as with everything else.
Posted 2/17/08 9:52 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by Ang-Rich
We are not an organic family in that DH and I do not eat organic and I am not 100% consistent with it for DS.
I do get many things organic for him but to be motivation has been more of the nature ingredients over the pesticide issue. I want to reduce his sugar intake and the preservatives used in shelved food for now. Therefore I will use fruits and vegetables that are not organic. At some point he will have to have exposure to sugars and otehr ingredients since we can't have a 'do as I say, not as I do" mentality. I personally just wanted him to taste the food in as close to a natural flavor as possible for the start.
With that said...I do respect those families that go organic.
ITA and do the same for DS for the same reason. DH and I do eat organic fruit and salads but have not gone exclusively organic.
Posted 2/17/08 11:00 PM |
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by KateDevine
Posted by Kerie-is-so-very
I don't buy into the "we ate it and we turned out fine." If we can make the next generation healthier than ours, why not do it?
Who said I was unhealthy? I just said I don't do organic. Fruits and veggies exist that are NOT organic. Just because I don't do organic doesn't mean we eat McDonald's every night. Again, we eat dinner in my house every night: a meat, a starch and a veggie, to me that is a healthy meal. I don't think that because it isn't "organic" makes it unhealthy?
I am sure I drink more milk that 99% of women, but apparently that isn't good for me b/c it isn't organic. That's crap to me, my grandmother had osteoporosis, so I drink milk straight up.
I don't like the argument that just because something isn't organic that it is unhealthy, that's not right.
I also agree with Kara and Diana, you can't really live in a bubble.
I do not see where in my post I accused you or anyone else of being unhealthy. I certainly did not mean to do that. I consider my own diet to be quite unhealthy, so I would not point a finger at anyone elses. I would like to eat healthier foods and I am trying to learn. In my opinion, foods that are free from pesticides and hormones are healthier than foods that contain these things. That does not mean that everything else is terrible.
Posted 2/17/08 11:13 PM |
Love these kids!

Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
I am so on the fence with all of this stuff. I am a firm believer in mind over matter. My DH has had some minor health issues and the more he thinks about stuff, the worse he gets. However, I am just curious, if I were to buy organic, do you have to go to special stores? Can you go to a major grocery store chain and get the everyday essentials?
Posted 2/18/08 12:20 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by KateDevine
You are right, in MY family, BUT I do find it strange that my SIL delveoped ulcertive colitus only AFTER she went organic! It is not that strange or uncommon. The preservatives used in traditional foods can coat your colon and small intestines. The absence of them can cause the lining of your intestines to become enflammed and cause UC. There are measures that you can take to prevent that, like using probiotics and good flora.
I hope your SIL is feeling better
Message edited 2/18/2008 9:30:16 AM.
Posted 2/18/08 9:29 AM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
Posted by armeewife0514
I absouletly have to reply to this post....First of all I went organic and straight vegan for 6 & 1/2 years. I ate no diary, no meat, nothing that came from animals. Not only did I not benefit from it but I actually got extremly ill with a stomache bacteria.....all I kept thinking was how could this be I only eat organic. Needless to say I landed in the hospital for six weeks due to that. After speaking to my great aunt who is 96!!!!!.... she told me she has always eaten what ever she wants and has never had so much as a cold. And if cancer is directly linked to the food we eat then why is cancer found more in certain area's rather than others...for instance breast cancer long island. not to include the fact that my brother in law went organic with his son and the baby is a year old and either always has a cold or an ear infection. Where as with my son I don't do anything organic and has never been sick a day in his life....I think the whole organic thing is a way to make money...sorry I am sure alot of people will blow this line up once they read this but I don't care I agree with you on the fact we were raised with worse and are fine now.
Organic and "straight vegan" are 2 totally different things. With the vegan diet, there are many types of supplements you need to make sure you take to cover all the nutrients you are not getting from meats and dairy. In fact, a straight vegan diet is NOT considered the most healthy by most nutrionists standards (humans by nature are meant to consume meat).
Organic is the same food an omnivore eats- just produced pesticide/hormone/cruelty (though thats another debate) free.
Posted 2/18/08 9:41 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: OK...I am stepping in my flame retardant suit, but I need to ask a question about "going organic"
We don't eat organic. Honestly for one reason-It's way too expensive compartively to it's non organic counterparts. We're not willing to pay $4.99 for a 5lb bag of pototoes.
To each is own. There's NO RIGHT and NO WRONG about this.
Posted 2/18/08 9:43 AM |
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