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PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by neenie

Posted by dm24angel
I would. If Obama...ok Biden... had a 17 yr old pregnant daughter after rumors of this same daughter possibly having had a previous child hiden as his own and if he threw it out there to dispell rumors I would seriously give some thought to whether I still supported that ticket.

Also her stance on abstinence. She cannot convince her daughter of her views but is gonna convince millions of following her lead on political issues?

I think it's funny. Whenever a topic came up about Clinton, the argument always turned to "I dont care about his personal life, it doesnt affect me". People didn't care about his infidelity (understandabley, to a degree) because it didnt affect them. They didnt even care that he purjured himself under oath because, again, it didnt affect them. But, now her daughter is PG, so people question her abilities. I'm not trying to make this a debate about anyone Vs. Clinton, just making a point that.... It's funny.

I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

Now, I dont even have to question it. I already know he unable she is.

Message edited 9/1/2008 8:53:13 PM.

Posted 9/1/08 8:48 PM
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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Michelle1123
I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

IMO, that's how it should be.

Posted 9/1/08 8:49 PM

My Everything!

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Here are my thoughts.... people are going to to think (not me, necessarily, but people) that f she can't stay on top of her affairs at home, how ca she stay on top of her affairs of this country....

Posted 9/1/08 9:12 PM

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Personally, I don't think I could run for VP if I had a pregnant teenage daughter and a baby son with Down's Syndrome. Not to mention her sister's messy divorce and the threats her BIL has given her family. As others have said, her family clearly needs attention, and while I do feel women have the right to have a family and a career, this makes me question her judgement and her values. I really wouldn't want my daughter's news spread all over the country. I cannot imagine how embarrassed this poor girl is right now. Maybe I sound old school, but this is MO.
I don't fault her for teaching her daughter abstinence and then having her not listen because no one has control over their kids at a certain age.

The fact that he knew the daughter was preggo and still chose Palin makes me question McCain's judgment even more than I did when he initially chose her.

Posted 9/1/08 9:26 PM

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by architectnycity

Posted by usuk2004

Posted by Deedlebug126

Although it is sad that she has to grow up so fast, I think there are a lot worst things we could find wrong with Sarah Palin and her daughter, after all, since when did creating a life become such a negative. She and her family have the means to give this child a wonderful life. Good for her for taking responsibility for her baby. Just because Sarah Palin is a strong believer in abstinence does not mean that she can control every second of what her daughter does.

You're right in that creating a life should not be a negative thing. I just think the way this whole situation is being handled leaves a bit to be desired. She basically "outed" her daughter to refute rumors that she had done something to hide a pregnancy of her daughter's. Like "she couldnt' possibly be pregnant then because she's pregnant now!" And I just don't think that's right...Chat Icon I'm not sure what she should've done, but I think it could've been handled a bit better.

I have a question, Why is it negative when Jamie Lynn Spears gets pregnant but positive when Palin's daughter does the same thing? Jamie Lynn Spears was probably more ready financially.

I never said anything about Jamie Lynn Spears. But while I do think that creating a new life is a positive thing, I also think there are times in people's lives when they are not ready for it. In my completely personal opinion, most 17 year olds are probably not ready for it. There are differnt aspects of "being ready for it" - some mental, some emotional, some financial. JLS seems to have at least one of those covered. But to be honest, that's not my beef with this situation at all.

I find the way Palin is handling it all to be a bit distasteful - as I've said before, I feel she's using her daughter's pregnancy as proof that she (Palin) didn't do anything 'wrong' by hiding a previous pregnancy. I also feel that she's trying to make light of the situation by saying her daughter and her boyfriend WILL get married, as if that makes it all magically better, and they'll live happily ever after. The reality of it is, she and her boyfriend will have a difficult time balancing caring for their child with work and/or school, and although I'm sure they will receive support from their families, it's a tough place for a young person to be. I'm sure she preaches abstinence for this very reason, so for her to try to just sweep it all under the carpet in a public statement seems a bit hypocritical.

Message edited 9/2/2008 6:38:13 AM.

Posted 9/2/08 6:21 AM

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

I don't really think it has anything to do with her being VP. Lots of people's kids get pregnant all the time and have babies..or abortions..or give them up for has not bearing on her ability to be a good or not good VP. The truth is it's a difficult situation, there was no "good" way to announce it, so they did the best they could.

I'm not sure given her lack of governing experience, if she could be VP or Pres. if the scenario presented itself. But I don't know she couldn't either.

I will be interested to see her in the debates to form a better opinion.

Posted 9/2/08 9:11 AM

i run for bacon

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Michelle1123

I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

Now, I dont even have to question it. I already know he unable she is.

I agree with your first statement Mich.
But now knowing that her daughter is pregnant doesn't make me more sure.

I feel bad for her daughter being in the spotlight like this. And I don't think it reflects badly on Palin. How many of us went against of parents beliefs?Pregnancy could happen to any teenager that is having sex.

Posted 9/2/08 9:38 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by julz33

Posted by Michelle1123

I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

Now, I dont even have to question it. I already know he unable she is.

I agree with your first statement Mich.
But now knowing that her daughter is pregnant doesn't make me more sure.

I feel bad for her daughter being in the spotlight like this. And I don't think it reflects badly on Palin. How many of us went against of parents beliefs?Pregnancy could happen to any teenager that is having sex.

The thing is, if she didn't support absitenence only education in schools, I would agree with that.

BUT clearly it doesn't work. Kids will do what kids wnat to do. They need to armed with EDUCATION about safe sex and how to prevent STD's.

I feel that her daughter's pregnancy reflectlys poorly on her POLICIES, not on her as a person or parent.

Posted 9/2/08 9:43 AM

The Disney Lady

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Shelly

Posted by julz33

Posted by Michelle1123

I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

Now, I dont even have to question it. I already know he unable she is.

I agree with your first statement Mich.
But now knowing that her daughter is pregnant doesn't make me more sure.

I feel bad for her daughter being in the spotlight like this. And I don't think it reflects badly on Palin. How many of us went against of parents beliefs?Pregnancy could happen to any teenager that is having sex.

The thing is, if she didn't support absitenence only education in schools, I would agree with that.

BUT clearly it doesn't work. Kids will do what kids wnat to do. They need to armed with EDUCATION about safe sex and how to prevent STD's.

I feel that her daughter's pregnancy reflectlys poorly on her POLICIES, not on her as a person or parent.

I agree.

I think her daughter should be kept out of the race. It's a personal family matter, but i do have to smirk at this considering her right wing policies.

But I think it does fairly raise a question of if someone who can't control her own daughter can control a country. I felt the same way when we saw the partying ways of the Bush girls. But at the same time kids will be kids, and she's going through something many many people go through across this country and dealing with tough issues that we haven't really seen a national candidate deal with before.

Posted 9/2/08 10:50 AM

Mom of 3

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Shelly

Posted by julz33

Posted by Michelle1123

I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

Now, I dont even have to question it. I already know he unable she is.

I agree with your first statement Mich.
But now knowing that her daughter is pregnant doesn't make me more sure.

I feel bad for her daughter being in the spotlight like this. And I don't think it reflects badly on Palin. How many of us went against of parents beliefs?Pregnancy could happen to any teenager that is having sex.

The thing is, if she didn't support absitenence only education in schools, I would agree with that.

BUT clearly it doesn't work. Kids will do what kids wnat to do. They need to armed with EDUCATION about safe sex and how to prevent STD's.

I feel that her daughter's pregnancy reflectlys poorly on her POLICIES, not on her as a person or parent.

I agree. Kids will do what they want, but they should at least be educated about sex and pregnancy both in the home and at school. Palin's stance on this issue clearly didn't work in her own home. I'd hope she'd seriously reevaluate her position on abstinence only education after this.

Posted 9/2/08 12:25 PM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Shelly

Posted by julz33

Posted by Michelle1123

I questioned her abilities before knowing anything about her personal life.

Now, I dont even have to question it. I already know he unable she is.

I agree with your first statement Mich.
But now knowing that her daughter is pregnant doesn't make me more sure.

I feel bad for her daughter being in the spotlight like this. And I don't think it reflects badly on Palin. How many of us went against of parents beliefs?Pregnancy could happen to any teenager that is having sex.

The thing is, if she didn't support absitenence only education in schools, I would agree with that.

BUT clearly it doesn't work. Kids will do what kids wnat to do. They need to armed with EDUCATION about safe sex and how to prevent STD's.

I feel that her daughter's pregnancy reflectlys poorly on her POLICIES, not on her as a person or parent.

That is exactly how I feel.

And Jul, you know that I cant talk about not going against parents beliefs. Chat Icon

I honestly could care less that her daughter is pregnant. I have plenty of friends that had kids when they were young. Or got pregnant when they were in their teens. And they are some of the best mothers I know. Good for her daughter for taking responsibility for it.

I just find it shocking that her ultra-conservative mother couldnt have helped to prevent the situation. Did she assume her daughter was not having sex? Did she speak to her about safe sex? You never know what REALLY happened in their personal lives, but *I* cant see her influencing a whole country if she has no effect on her own daughter.

Thats just my opinion Chat Icon

Message edited 9/2/2008 4:00:54 PM.

Posted 9/2/08 3:51 PM
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