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PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

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Member since 5/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by -Laurie-

Obama’s mother was 3 months pregnant when she got married. She married Feb 2, 1961, Obama born Aug 4 1961, do the math.

I'm sorry, but this is really not relevant at all. Obama isn't pro abstinence and Sarah Palin is, therefore if her teenage daughter turns up pregnant people are going to have something to say about it--and I think rightfully so!

And say what??.... That kids don't always listen to their parents in the heat of the moment and well obviously her Mom wasn't taking her to the GYN to take the pill for "pimples" like plenty of other American Mom's. I think the fact the people even started that rumor about her lying about trigs pregnancy is crazy. And in all other elections you LAY OFF the KIDS!

Posted 9/1/08 4:26 PM
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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by -Laurie-

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by -Laurie-

Obama’s mother was 3 months pregnant when she got married. She married Feb 2, 1961, Obama born Aug 4 1961, do the math.

I'm sorry, but this is really not relevant at all. Obama isn't pro abstinence and Sarah Palin is, therefore if her teenage daughter turns up pregnant people are going to have something to say about it--and I think rightfully so!

And say what??.... That kids don't always listen to their parents in the heat of the moment and well obviously her Mom wasn't taking her to the GYN to take the pill for "pimples" like plenty of other American Mom's. I think the fact the people even started that rumor about her lying about trigs pregnancy is crazy. And in all other elections you LAY OFF the KIDS!

Honestly, I don't have anything to say about the KID, she is a kid, she made a mistake, got pregnant. But what *I* have a problem with is a woman who stands by all of these stances to prevent pregnancy, then her daughter gets pregnant and is going to keep the baby, but where is her mother going to be? Off campaigning!!!!! How does that help her?

Posted 9/1/08 4:29 PM

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Here is Obama's reaction from The New York Times:

In a brief press conference in Monroe, Mich., here to talk about Hurricane Gustav, Senator Barack Obama was asked about the suggestion by some Republicans that Democrats – particularly liberal bloggers – have pushed a story about the family of Ms. Palin, who was named last week as the running-mate for Senator John McCain. In a statement earlier Monday, Ms. Palin said her daughter was pregnant.

Mr. Obama, in his first remarks on the matter, raised his voiced when asked whether his campaign or other Democratic operatives were working to advance rumors surrounding the Palin family.

“Our people were not involved in any way in this and they will not be,” Mr. Obama snapped. “And if I ever thought there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they’d be fired, OK?”

Mr. Obama said the pregnancy “has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president.” He added that, “my mother had me when she was 18. How family deals with issues and teen-age children – that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics.”

“So,” he added, “I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.”

Posted 9/1/08 4:36 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Honestly it doesn't bother me that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. The bottom line is that many teenagers before her have gotten pregnant and many will after her. Preach abstinence, BC whatever it will still happen. My problem is that being the VP of the US (especially in the state we are in now) is a huuuuuuuuuuuge job. What happens if McCain gets sicks or dies? She will be in charge and she has 5 kids one with down syndrome and a 17 year old daughter that married or not is about to have a baby and will depend on her mother for support. That is alot on your plate for a "regular" mom not to mention a mom that wants to be VP of one of the biggest countries in the world. And President of the US or not to me as a Mother I would assume that her family would come first.

Posted 9/1/08 4:37 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by BunnyWife

Here is Obama's reaction from The New York Times:

In a brief press conference in Monroe, Mich., here to talk about Hurricane Gustav, Senator Barack Obama was asked about the suggestion by some Republicans that Democrats – particularly liberal bloggers – have pushed a story about the family of Ms. Palin, who was named last week as the running-mate for Senator John McCain. In a statement earlier Monday, Ms. Palin said her daughter was pregnant.

Mr. Obama, in his first remarks on the matter, raised his voiced when asked whether his campaign or other Democratic operatives were working to advance rumors surrounding the Palin family.

“Our people were not involved in any way in this and they will not be,” Mr. Obama snapped. “And if I ever thought there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they’d be fired, OK?”

Mr. Obama said the pregnancy “has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president.” He added that, “my mother had me when she was 18. How family deals with issues and teen-age children – that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics.”

“So,” he added, “I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.”

Chat Icon I really like him as a person, I always have - even though I don't agree with his politics!

Posted 9/1/08 4:38 PM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

I didn't read all of the replies and to be honest I don't know a tremendous amount about Palin's platform yet.

I was pregnant at 17, my Dad is an ultra conservative Republican that hosted fundraisers for the suffolk county republican party while I was pregnant. I grew up going to country clubs, opera & the philharmonic. You would *think* I'd know better.
Believe me my Dad was not thrilled that I was having sex as a teen. He was even less thrilled when my Mom & stepdad agreed I should keep my son rather than hide it and have an abortion or give my son up for adoption. My son's biological father's parents insisted we marry, my mother told them to go eff themselves. Being a teen mother AND wife wasn't going to make anything better. If Palins daughter & her boyfriend are in love this is their choice to marry, I applaud that. I hope they can make it work.
I personally would not be surprised if Palin JUST found out, the pressure from the media about the other baby may have cracked Bristol into telling.
The Bush girls drank underage & snuck away from the secret service men at parties. Al & Tipper Gore's son got busting for speeding in his Prius while smoking pot after his mother spent years trying ban video games & music because it would make kids do drugsChat Icon

Kids will disobey their parents, this is a stark reality. I will not let something as personal as this affect my opinion on her as a candidate.
Its not like she was getting BJs in the oval office or banging hookers with campaign money.

Posted 9/1/08 4:38 PM

So close....

Member since 7/07

2900 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by KellyFG

Kids will disobey their parents, this is a stark reality. I will not let something as personal as this affect my opinion on her as a candidate.
Its not like she was getting BJs in the oval office or banging hookers with campaign money.

I couldn't agree more.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9/1/08 4:42 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Tilde

Posted by BunnyWife

Here is Obama's reaction from The New York Times:

In a brief press conference in Monroe, Mich., here to talk about Hurricane Gustav, Senator Barack Obama was asked about the suggestion by some Republicans that Democrats – particularly liberal bloggers – have pushed a story about the family of Ms. Palin, who was named last week as the running-mate for Senator John McCain. In a statement earlier Monday, Ms. Palin said her daughter was pregnant.

Mr. Obama, in his first remarks on the matter, raised his voiced when asked whether his campaign or other Democratic operatives were working to advance rumors surrounding the Palin family.

“Our people were not involved in any way in this and they will not be,” Mr. Obama snapped. “And if I ever thought there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they’d be fired, OK?”

Mr. Obama said the pregnancy “has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president.” He added that, “my mother had me when she was 18. How family deals with issues and teen-age children – that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics.”

“So,” he added, “I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.”

Chat Icon I really like him as a person, I always have - even though I don't agree with his politics!

He really is a class act isnt he? So is McCain. It's nice to have such honorable men running for president this year I have to sayChat Icon

Posted 9/1/08 4:43 PM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Oh man - what is it - day 3 of her being chosen as VP and we've had the troopergate scandal, the rumor (that I dont believe) about her faking her pregnancy, and now her 17 year old daughter is pregnant?

What is it going to be tomorrow?

Posted 9/1/08 4:56 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by DandN

Oh man - what is it - day 3 of her being chosen as VP and we've had the troopergate scandal, the rumor (that I dont believe) about her faking her pregnancy, and now her 17 year old daughter is pregnant?

What is it going to be tomorrow?

That her DH had a DWI in 1984Chat Icon

(which was on CNN earlier today)

Posted 9/1/08 4:57 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by jacquig

Honestly it doesn't bother me that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. The bottom line is that many teenagers before her have gotten pregnant and many will after her. Preach abstinence, BC whatever it will still happen. My problem is that being the VP of the US (especially in the state we are in now) is a huuuuuuuuuuuge job. What happens if McCain gets sicks or dies? She will be in charge and she has 5 kids one with down syndrome and a 17 year old daughter that married or not is about to have a baby and will depend on her mother for support. That is alot on your plate for a "regular" mom not to mention a mom that wants to be VP of one of the biggest countries in the world. And President of the US or not to me as a Mother I would assume that her family would come first.

Thank you. I agree. Although it is sad that her daughter is pregnant, having a 4month old at home and NOW a pregnant teenage daughter, her place is not in an election. Her priorities should not and will not be our country and THAT is what I expect from someone running for President and Vice President.

Posted 9/1/08 4:59 PM

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by SweetCaroline

My thought is just that this woman has 5 children of her own to care for and will become a grandmother just weeks before this term begins. Her family needs her.

Curious, would you say the same if it were a man chosen in the same situation?

Posted 9/1/08 5:18 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Sorry but I was under the impressin that SARAH Palin was running for VP not Bristol.......This in NO WAY changes my opinion of her, AND McCain knew this BEFORE he asked her, AND so what if she has 5 children..yes even an infant w/Down's, and a grandchild on the way....since when does that matter. I swear I feel like what reporters are saying is she should be at home cooking, cleaning, and changing diapers. COME ON it's 2008. I promise you this......ANY women can be VP or Pres even if she's a wife, mother, and soon yto be grandmother.

Posted 9/1/08 5:53 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Beth1210

I agree with Shelly 110% - Abstinence education begins at HOME IMO

so if you can't educate your own child- please keep your view point out of the public

we all agree kids are going to have sex- including her own- so they need to learn how NOT to get Prego at 17

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/08 5:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by KellyFG

I didn't read all of the replies and to be honest I don't know a tremendous amount about Palin's platform yet.

I was pregnant at 17, my Dad is an ultra conservative Republican that hosted fundraisers for the suffolk county republican party while I was pregnant. I grew up going to country clubs, opera & the philharmonic. You would *think* I'd know better.
Believe me my Dad was not thrilled that I was having sex as a teen. He was even less thrilled when my Mom & stepdad agreed I should keep my son rather than hide it and have an abortion or give my son up for adoption. My son's biological father's parents insisted we marry, my mother told them to go eff themselves. Being a teen mother AND wife wasn't going to make anything better. If Palins daughter & her boyfriend are in love this is their choice to marry, I applaud that. I hope they can make it work.
I personally would not be surprised if Palin JUST found out, the pressure from the media about the other baby may have cracked Bristol into telling.
The Bush girls drank underage & snuck away from the secret service men at parties. Al & Tipper Gore's son got busting for speeding in his Prius while smoking pot after his mother spent years trying ban video games & music because it would make kids do drugsChat Icon

Kids will disobey their parents, this is a stark reality. I will not let something as personal as this affect my opinion on her as a candidate.
Its not like she was getting BJs in the oval office or banging hookers with campaign money.

You make many many great points...

and as the child of an unwed mom who got pregnant at 18 and had ultra pro-life and ultra conservative parents, we can all agree that we're HUMAN. My mom certainly wasn't planning to become pregnant but things do happen.

I'm sure they will all get through is not a death sentence nor the end of the world. I think its unfortunate that she is so young..its going to be tough..and I'm not sure marriage is the answer here, but they can deal with their issues on their own. I don't think it affects the job Palin will do nor does it make her a hypocrite. Standing by her child and making the best of a tough situation is admirable in my eyes!

Posted 9/1/08 5:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by dita

Posted by Beth1210

I agree with Shelly 110% - Abstinence education begins at HOME IMO

so if you can't educate your own child- please keep your view point out of the public

we all agree kids are going to have sex- including her own- so they need to learn how NOT to get Prego at 17

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

See, I don't understand this. Of course every parent tries to drill things into their childrens heads!! My mom time and time again told us not to smoke, not to do drugs, not to have sex until we were in committed relationships etc...but how many of us did those things at different times AND had parents warning and warning and ranting about NOT to??

TEENS will do things to go against their parents. It's a truth of life. Some teens don't and abide by rules but I think it's few and far between. I'm sure Palin has feelings of embarrasment, hurt etc...and I'm sure the news from their daughter was not initally met with hugs and kisses and congratulations...their daughter after all is human..and her own person. Warnings and lessons taught at home only go so far until peer pressure sets in...I think people need to try to understand a little better!

Posted 9/1/08 5:57 PM

My bunny

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by MissJones

Thank you. I agree. Although it is sad that her daughter is pregnant, having a 4month old at home and NOW a pregnant teenage daughter, her place is not in an election. Her priorities should not and will not be our country and THAT is what I expect from someone running for President and Vice President.

if Sarah Palin was a man, would you feel differently?

Kelly- well said- from all your posts you seem to be a fantastic person - I would vote for you for VP in a heartbeatChat Icon

and someone mentioned how Obama said he was not going to comment and how both candidates seem to be very honorable people - and I agree.

I plan to vote for McCain, but if Obama wins im not going to be very disappointed. I think we have a great 4 years ahead of us as a nation, no matter who wins.

Posted 9/1/08 5:58 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

All I can say is Chat Icon , the DD WAS PG in the pic. where people speculated she was PG! Chat Icon

Should we judge her as a mother? No, just as we don't judge Jamie Lynn Spears' mother. Chat Icon

All I can say is that it makes me have even more respect for the Clintons, who did such a wonderful job raising Chelsea to be such a strong, brilliant, confident, and successful young woman, while growing up in the public eye, and being made fun of on Saturday Night Live. The children of politicians have ALWAYS been in the public eye, and if Palin wants to be VP, she should be aware that all of her choices regarding her children will be made public and scrutinized.

Message edited 9/1/2008 6:07:14 PM.

Posted 9/1/08 6:03 PM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Meaghan729

Kelly- well said- from all your posts you seem to be a fantastic person - I would vote for you for VP in a heartbeatChat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon thanks Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/08 6:07 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by nov04libride

All I can say is Chat Icon , the DD WAS PG in the pic. where people speculated she was PG! Chat Icon

Should we judge her as a mother? No, just as we don't judge Jamie Lynn Spears' mother. Chat Icon

All I can say is that it makes me have even more respect for the Clintons, who did such a wonderful job raising Chelsea to be such a strong, brilliant, confidentm successful young woman, while growing up in the public eye, and being made fun of on Saturday Night Live. The children of politicians have ALWAYS been in the public eye.

I think that picture was from before the youngest son was born, that is why they thought she was pregnant in it. . . .so she actually wasnt pregnant in it - just pudgy.

I feel her pain, my coworkers are always rubbing my belly and telling me that I am pregnant - but I am just fat! Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/08 6:07 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by Meaghan729

Posted by MissJones

Thank you. I agree. Although it is sad that her daughter is pregnant, having a 4month old at home and NOW a pregnant teenage daughter, her place is not in an election. Her priorities should not and will not be our country and THAT is what I expect from someone running for President and Vice President.

if Sarah Palin was a man, would you feel differently?

Probably not, but I also think with all my heart that a 4 month old baby NEEDS his mom as well as a 17 year old pregnant girl. Unless in that family, Dad is the primary caregiver. But I think that her priorities should be her family right now. And what kind of candidate would she be IF they weren't?
Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/08 6:11 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by SupaBonBon

Posted by -Laurie-

Obama’s mother was 3 months pregnant when she got married. She married Feb 2, 1961, Obama born Aug 4 1961, do the math. Maybe that’s why he’s trying to quash the breaking news of Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy. Besides, nowadays it’s usually the norm. At least she’s planning to get married, and she’s not going to get an abortion. I feel that it is in bad taste to discuss this topic on the night of the Convention.

and she was 17

but Obama didnt CHOOSE to be born no?

What does his MOTHER's decisions have to do with it?

Posted 9/1/08 6:21 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by maybebaby

Posted by dita

Posted by Beth1210

I agree with Shelly 110% - Abstinence education begins at HOME IMO

so if you can't educate your own child- please keep your view point out of the public

we all agree kids are going to have sex- including her own- so they need to learn how NOT to get Prego at 17

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

See, I don't understand this. Of course every parent tries to drill things into their childrens heads!! My mom time and time again told us not to smoke, not to do drugs, not to have sex until we were in committed relationships etc...but how many of us did those things at different times AND had parents warning and warning and ranting about NOT to??

TEENS will do things to go against their parents. It's a truth of life. Some teens don't and abide by rules but I think it's few and far between. I'm sure Palin has feelings of embarrasment, hurt etc...and I'm sure the news from their daughter was not initally met with hugs and kisses and congratulations...their daughter after all is human..and her own person. Warnings and lessons taught at home only go so far until peer pressure sets in...I think people need to try to understand a little better!

Your missing the point.

Your mom wasnt running for VP of the U S OF A.

If Palin is going to say that she feels she can influence people ( congress etc) to her points of view, well then something needs to be said that she cannot convince her child to her point of view.

YES shes a teenager and we all know teenagers..but still.

Posted 9/1/08 6:24 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by maybebaby

Posted by dita

Posted by Beth1210

I agree with Shelly 110% - Abstinence education begins at HOME IMO

so if you can't educate your own child- please keep your view point out of the public

we all agree kids are going to have sex- including her own- so they need to learn how NOT to get Prego at 17

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

See, I don't understand this. Of course every parent tries to drill things into their childrens heads!! My mom time and time again told us not to smoke, not to do drugs, not to have sex until we were in committed relationships etc...but how many of us did those things at different times AND had parents warning and warning and ranting about NOT to??

TEENS will do things to go against their parents. It's a truth of life. Some teens don't and abide by rules but I think it's few and far between. I'm sure Palin has feelings of embarrasment, hurt etc...and I'm sure the news from their daughter was not initally met with hugs and kisses and congratulations...their daughter after all is human..and her own person. Warnings and lessons taught at home only go so far until peer pressure sets in...I think people need to try to understand a little better!

her ideas are outdated- that's the issue

by not teaching kids about safe sex- you are doing more harm then good

case and point

it's 2008 - time to be realistic and move forward- not backward

Posted 9/1/08 6:24 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: PALINS daughter IS pregnant!

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by SupaBonBon

Posted by -Laurie-

Obama’s mother was 3 months pregnant when she got married. She married Feb 2, 1961, Obama born Aug 4 1961, do the math. Maybe that’s why he’s trying to quash the breaking news of Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy. Besides, nowadays it’s usually the norm. At least she’s planning to get married, and she’s not going to get an abortion. I feel that it is in bad taste to discuss this topic on the night of the Convention.

and she was 17

but Obama didnt CHOOSE to be born no?

What does his MOTHER's decisions have to do with it?

He's also a liberal Democrat, and doesn't have policies that condemn abortions and birth control.

But it's the NORM to get PG at 17 these days? That's really sad, if true. I thought the NORM age to get PG was actually becoming later due to increased education for women and careers.

Posted 9/1/08 6:25 PM
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