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Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

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Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Wednesday we went in for the full anatomy scan and found out that we are having a boy!Chat Icon :Chat Icon Chat Icon We are very excited and DD is excited that she is having a Brother.

Well shortly after the tech did the sonogram, I met with my obgyn for a regular exam who shared the news that I may have Placenta Accreta. The joy of hearing the news about my baby boy was sucked out of me after hearing about the Placenta Accreta. I am going for another sono at Stonybrook, where they have better sono machines. The true dx is actually at Delivery.

They mentioned that I have to have a plan in place in case after the delivery they do find that it is indeed placenta accreta, which means a hysterectomy is recommended immediately after delivery. If I don't have a hysterectomy, I may be at risk at hemorrhaging and basically, maternal death (the worst case scenario). She mentioned that some patients don't even know that they were ever at risk until the actual day of delivery and are at greater risk if they are not prepared to deal with i.t So, basically, it is a blessing (I guess) to know that I am at risk and will have a plan in place.

I don't care about having a hysterectomy! I actually prefer it over partial. But, I am terrified about dying on the table and leaving my children motherless.

Is anyone on the same boat as me? How far along are you? I may be cross posting this to parenting board for more feedback.

Update: First of all, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me via this post and through FM. I have to say that It was a horrific week. What an emotional roller coaster! I cried off and on the entire week. MY DH appeared to be strong, but I knew deep down he was very concerned.

Well, Tuesday I went to Stonybrook as suggested by OBGYN. The sonotech did a lot of measurements of the Baby. She reconfirmed the sex, A Boy! She mentioned that our Baby Boy is very long and at 21 weeks weighs 1lb. She then asked..."Do you know why your OBGYN suspected Placenta Accreta?" My response to her was based on my previous csection and myomectomy history and placenta lakes on the sono. She mentioned that placenta lakes alone does not necessarily correlate to placenta accreta. She further stated that she saw NO placenta lakes in my sono. I had both an internal and external sono and was also seen by their obgyn who is very familiar with accreta. She reassured me that it doesn't appear to be placenta accreta and that my pregnancy appears to be quite normal. What a sigh of relief! Of course, my doctors will monitor me closely, but for now the news gives me comfort. I am going back there in 2 weeks because they were unable to take pictures of the baby's heart and hopefully, the prognosis will still be the same.

Thanks again to everyone who responded! And to those who suspect that they may have placenta accreta, my prayers go out to you!

Message edited 6/6/2013 9:24:55 PM.

Posted 5/31/13 6:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

I'm not in this position but it sounds terribly scary - sorry you are dealing with this. What exactly is a placenta Accreta? Sending hugs and prayers your way! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congrats on finding out you are having a boy! Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/13 8:49 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

FlowerWife dealt with this - I'd reach out to her. Chat Icon And congrats on your Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/13 9:44 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

My SIL had Placenta Previa which I think is a less severe issue and she was fine. Are you on Lovenox or any thinners? I agree with the Dr in that you are prepared. Try not to worry as they will be planning for it. Possibly look for a Dr who might specialize in this? Many hugsChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/13 11:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/09

1133 total posts


Re: Placenta Accreta?

Hi! I had placenta previa and was at high risk of placenta accreta due to my previous c-section. Most of the time it will go away by itself. As your uterus grows the the placenta will move up. They monitored me closely since the full anatomy scan, basically a sonogram every couple of weeks at the hospital with a specialist. Plus they have better equipment there at the hospital. By 32 or 34 weeks the placenta has moved away from the scar tissue where nothing had to be done. I was trying for a vbac and even got the okay from my OB.
Have they confirmed that you have placental accreta? If not there is hope. I was told 90+% of the time the placenta will move unless if it's already growing into the scar tissue. GL!

Posted 5/31/13 1:40 PM

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

Posted by lucamon

Hi! I had placenta previa and was at high risk of placenta accreta due to my previous c-section. Most of the time it will go away by itself. As your uterus grows the the placenta will move up. They monitored me closely since the full anatomy scan, basically a sonogram every couple of weeks at the hospital with a specialist. Plus they have better equipment there at the hospital. By 32 or 34 weeks the placenta has moved away from the scar tissue where nothing had to be done. I was trying for a vbac and even got the okay from my OB.
Have they confirmed that you have placental accreta? If not there is hope. I was told 90+% of the time the placenta will move unless if it's already growing into the scar tissue. GL!

Thank you everyone for your responses! They haven't confirmed it definitely, but I will have more answers on Wednesday at my sono at Stonybrook.

Lucamon...Thank you! I am hopeful that it is not.

Posted 5/31/13 5:18 PM

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

Posted by DRMom

My SIL had Placenta Previa which I think is a less severe issue and she was fine. Are you on Lovenox or any thinners? I agree with the Dr in that you are prepared. Try not to worry as they will be planning for it. Possibly look for a Dr who might specialize in this? Many hugsChat Icon Chat Icon

No to Lovenox and any thinners. Thankfully! I am starting to research, but to be honest it is scary researching! Ughh

Posted 5/31/13 5:19 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

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Placenta Accreta?

previa and accreta are not nearly the same thing. lovenox has nothing to do with accreta since accreta is attachment of the placenta to the uterus. previa is just when the placenta blocks the cervix. previa can lead to accreta esp in patients who have had previous c-sections since the placenta can adhere to the scar tissue. but previa is incredibly less severe than accreta. previa can basically resolve itself while accreta cannot and requires much more intervention and treatment during delivery.

accreta has much higher risks and the general "cure" is a hysterectomy. there is no treatment for accreta - the only options are attempt to detach the placenta and risk blood loss, partial hysterectomy or complete hysterectomy.

i had accreta that was not discovered until delivery. i was already in for an emergency c-section and under general anesthesia due to pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome at 33w. when they went in they found the accreta and it took over two hours to remove the placenta and i lost half of my blood volume. they talked about a hysterectomy but because i was 29 and it was my first baby they avoided it but at the cost of substantial blood loss (i had 4 transfusions and a platelet transfusion following the surgery). i dont know what damage was left behind because i havent had a hysteroscopy since but i know they were able to remove the placenta without removing my uterus.

i wouldnt really be as concerned with dying on the table. the #1 reason for death due to accreta is due to blood loss in the attempts to remove the accreta and sparing the uterus. if you are truly done having children and are OK with a hysterectomy, that might be your best option as far treatment. hysterectomies come with a boatload of hormonal repercussions so i def advice you to look into it heavily before making the decision (although when they are actually delivering your baby it might not be a choice depending on how deeply the accreta/procreta/increta is attached to the uterus.)

it is a miracle to discover accreta prior to delivery so consider that lucky if you do indeed have it that they found it early. it is better to go in with a plan of action instead of being caught off guard. the chances of severe blood loss are much less if there is a plan then if its an emergency surprise. good luck, please FM me if you want to chat further about this. i believe JulieLO also had accreta and had a partial hysterectomy to cure it. she was able to go on and have another baby. you might want to reach out to her as well although i am not sure if she is on much anymore. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/1/2013 11:17:15 AM.

Posted 6/1/13 11:09 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/11

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

I had Placenta Accreta with my last c-section birth. It was not discovered prior to my c-section even though I had been getting level II ultrasounds every week from 28 weeks on. It was a little scarey, but everything turned out okay and I did not have to have any blood transfusions or a hysterectomy. I did hemorage however, but my doctor got it under control fairly quickly. I am scheduled for my current c-section next Tuesday and they aren't concerned that it will happen again. Best wishes!

Posted 6/1/13 12:41 PM

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

Posted by FlowerWife

previa and accreta are not nearly the same thing. lovenox has nothing to do with accreta since accreta is attachment of the placenta to the uterus. previa is just when the placenta blocks the cervix. previa can lead to accreta esp in patients who have had previous c-sections since the placenta can adhere to the scar tissue. but previa is incredibly less severe than accreta. previa can basically resolve itself while accreta cannot and requires much more intervention and treatment during delivery.

accreta has much higher risks and the general "cure" is a hysterectomy. there is no treatment for accreta - the only options are attempt to detach the placenta and risk blood loss, partial hysterectomy or complete hysterectomy.

i had accreta that was not discovered until delivery. i was already in for an emergency c-section and under general anesthesia due to pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome at 33w. when they went in they found the accreta and it took over two hours to remove the placenta and i lost half of my blood volume. they talked about a hysterectomy but because i was 29 and it was my first baby they avoided it but at the cost of substantial blood loss (i had 4 transfusions and a platelet transfusion following the surgery). i dont know what damage was left behind because i havent had a hysteroscopy since but i know they were able to remove the placenta without removing my uterus.

i wouldnt really be as concerned with dying on the table. the #1 reason for death due to accreta is due to blood loss in the attempts to remove the accreta and sparing the uterus. if you are truly done having children and are OK with a hysterectomy, that might be your best option as far treatment. hysterectomies come with a boatload of hormonal repercussions so i def advice you to look into it heavily before making the decision (although when they are actually delivering your baby it might not be a choice depending on how deeply the accreta/procreta/increta is attached to the uterus.)

it is a miracle to discover accreta prior to delivery so consider that lucky if you do indeed have it that they found it early. it is better to go in with a plan of action instead of being caught off guard. the chances of severe blood loss are much less if there is a plan then if its an emergency surprise. good luck, please FM me if you want to chat further about this. i believe JulieLO also had accreta and had a partial hysterectomy to cure it. she was able to go on and have another baby. you might want to reach out to her as well although i am not sure if she is on much anymore. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thank you SOO much! This is our last child and I consider both of them miracles since I suffered years of IF. I am truly considering a full hysterectomy. Luckily, I have a sono on Tuesday. I think I would go nuts if I had to wait longer.

Thanks again! I am glad to hear that after all you went through, you are doing well!

Posted 6/1/13 8:07 PM

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Re: Placenta Accreta?

Posted by lizib60

I had Placenta Accreta with my last c-section birth. It was not discovered prior to my c-section even though I had been getting level II ultrasounds every week from 28 weeks on. It was a little scarey, but everything turned out okay and I did not have to have any blood transfusions or a hysterectomy. I did hemorage however, but my doctor got it under control fairly quickly. I am scheduled for my current c-section next Tuesday and they aren't concerned that it will happen again. Best wishes!

Best of Luck on your C-Section! I guess I am glad that sono technician did see the indicators. I kept on seeing her type... Placenta wave, which is the indicator.

Posted 6/1/13 8:10 PM

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Re: Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Update: First of all, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me via this post and through FM. I have to say that It was a horrific week. What an emotional roller coaster! I cried off and on the entire week. MY DH appeared to be strong, but I knew deep down he was very concerned.

Well, Tuesday I went to Stonybrook as suggested by OBGYN. The sonotech did a lot of measurements of the Baby. She reconfirmed the sex, A Boy! She mentioned that our Baby Boy is very long and at 21 weeks weighs 1lb. She then asked..."Do you know why your OBGYN suspected Placenta Accreta?" My response to her was based on my previous csection and myomectomy history and placenta lakes on the sono. She mentioned that placenta lakes alone does not necessarily correlate to placenta accreta. She further stated that she saw NO placenta lakes in my sono. I had both an internal and external sono and was also seen by their obgyn who is very familiar with accreta. She reassured me that it doesn't appear to be placenta accreta and that my pregnancy appears to be quite normal. What a sigh of relief! Of course, my doctors will monitor me closely, but for now the news gives me comfort. I am going back there in 2 weeks because they were unable to take pictures of the baby's heart and hopefully, the prognosis will still be the same.

Thanks again to everyone who responded! And to those who suspect that they may have placenta accreta, my prayers go out to you!

Posted 6/6/13 9:25 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Wow!! Thank God!!!!!

Posted 6/6/13 10:04 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Posted by MrsC614

Wow!! Thank God!!!!!

Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/13 6:36 AM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

What a great update!! Continued prayers that everything goes smoothly here on out!!

Posted 6/7/13 9:18 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Great update!!

Posted 6/7/13 9:55 AM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

great news!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/13 11:09 AM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Thats fantastic news!!! Congrats!!!

Posted 6/7/13 11:23 AM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

8423 total posts


Re: Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Posted by juju

Update: First of all, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me via this post and through FM. I have to say that It was a horrific week. What an emotional roller coaster! I cried off and on the entire week. MY DH appeared to be strong, but I knew deep down he was very concerned.

Well, Tuesday I went to Stonybrook as suggested by OBGYN. The sonotech did a lot of measurements of the Baby. She reconfirmed the sex, A Boy! She mentioned that our Baby Boy is very long and at 21 weeks weighs 1lb. She then asked..."Do you know why your OBGYN suspected Placenta Accreta?" My response to her was based on my previous csection and myomectomy history and placenta lakes on the sono. She mentioned that placenta lakes alone does not necessarily correlate to placenta accreta. She further stated that she saw NO placenta lakes in my sono. I had both an internal and external sono and was also seen by their obgyn who is very familiar with accreta. She reassured me that it doesn't appear to be placenta accreta and that my pregnancy appears to be quite normal. What a sigh of relief! Of course, my doctors will monitor me closely, but for now the news gives me comfort. I am going back there in 2 weeks because they were unable to take pictures of the baby's heart and hopefully, the prognosis will still be the same.

Thanks again to everyone who responded! And to those who suspect that they may have placenta accreta, my prayers go out to you!

great news! which dr was very familiar with accreta? i am making a list for whenever my next pregnancy is Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/7/2013 2:17:59 PM.

Posted 6/7/13 2:17 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: Placenta Accreta? Update in OP

Posted by FlowerWife

Posted by juju

Update: First of all, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me via this post and through FM. I have to say that It was a horrific week. What an emotional roller coaster! I cried off and on the entire week. MY DH appeared to be strong, but I knew deep down he was very concerned.

Well, Tuesday I went to Stonybrook as suggested by OBGYN. The sonotech did a lot of measurements of the Baby. She reconfirmed the sex, A Boy! She mentioned that our Baby Boy is very long and at 21 weeks weighs 1lb. She then asked..."Do you know why your OBGYN suspected Placenta Accreta?" My response to her was based on my previous csection and myomectomy history and placenta lakes on the sono. She mentioned that placenta lakes alone does not necessarily correlate to placenta accreta. She further stated that she saw NO placenta lakes in my sono. I had both an internal and external sono and was also seen by their obgyn who is very familiar with accreta. She reassured me that it doesn't appear to be placenta accreta and that my pregnancy appears to be quite normal. What a sigh of relief! Of course, my doctors will monitor me closely, but for now the news gives me comfort. I am going back there in 2 weeks because they were unable to take pictures of the baby's heart and hopefully, the prognosis will still be the same.

Thanks again to everyone who responded! And to those who suspect that they may have placenta accreta, my prayers go out to you!

great news! which dr was very familiar with accreta? i am making a list for whenever my next pregnancy is Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are seeing Dr.Kofinas if I have to drag you there with my own two hands! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/13 3:31 PM

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