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puppy training question

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

891 total posts


puppy training question

I have a 3 month old maltee-poo that we are trying to house train. But everytime someone comes over... she runs right up to them and pees!! Even if it is me... my son.. my husband...
anytime ANYONE enters the house she immediately pees!!! So as you can see this happens multiple times per day!! any advise on How I can get her to stop doing this??

Posted 1/16/08 1:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: puppy training question

Could be sometihng called submissive urination. You may want to google that. I am not sure what to tell you about that, if it is that.

Could also be excitement urination. Girl dogs have a very hard time holding the muscles down there when exciited (like a lot of women have this when coughing, sneezing, etc, lol). Some tips...don't talk to pup in a high pitched voice, don't make eye contact, give her a few minutes to settle down.

My girl dog did this for about one year. She only does it now when her bladder is extremely full and she gets very excited.

ETA - I just realized she is only 3 mths old. She may still just need basic training too.

Message edited 1/16/2008 1:29:06 PM.

Posted 1/16/08 1:27 PM

Love my fur baby

Member since 8/07

5183 total posts


Re: puppy training question

My Puppy is only 11 weeks old, so I feel your pain. They get so excited over everything, it's adorable but their little bladders can not handle it I guess.

Are you crate training her? Best thing I am doing is that, it seems to be working and it gets better everyday

Message edited 1/16/2008 1:30:16 PM.

Posted 1/16/08 1:28 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

188 total posts


Re: puppy training question

I have the same puppy and I have had her about 2 months and she does the same thing. Although it has gotten better. Im trying to have her stop with the accidents. But I think we keep switching up her routine and it is confusing the heck out of her. I have to get her back on track.

Posted 1/21/08 11:21 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: puppy training question

3 mos is very young still. She might grow out of it, but be prepared that she may not. Smaller breeds have "Happy Pee" or submissive pee. Talk to your vet about it and make sure that it is not a physical issue first.

Posted 1/22/08 10:51 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

400 total posts


Re: puppy training question

It is called submissive urination. Check out this link.

Posted 1/22/08 11:02 AM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: puppy training question

Morgan will sometimes do this....she gets sooo excited when we come home...
So we just let her trot around the house and pay her no attention for a few minutes. Once she stops circling the room, I know she is ok, and we can greet her

Posted 1/22/08 2:45 PM

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