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love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
We are starting TTC and I'm just turning 30. I know everyone is different, but I was wondering if you did anything special ie, Deanna's plan , opks,temping etc. If you used one of these methods ,how many cycles did it take to conceive. Also, how old are you. Thanks !
Posted 7/16/14 7:10 PM |
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Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I got pg immediately after going off the pill, but mc'ed. Had a chemical 2 months later. Used the cbefm for a few months with nothing and decided to take a cycle off and that's when I got pg this time. 20 weeks on Saturday! Also, I did acupuncture which I find very helpful.
Posted 7/16/14 7:34 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
We were at it for 8 cycles but I got pg the first cycle temping. I used opk for about 4 or 5 cycles before that.
Posted 7/16/14 7:41 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1770 total posts
Name: B
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I tracked my cycle for a month before we started actually trying. We started trying and got pg the first cycle just doing what Deanna's plan suggests, basically bd every other day after AF and then everyday during high fertility days. We also used preseed (kinda messy) once or twice during the high fertility days. I'm 31.
Posted 7/16/14 8:02 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I got pregnant on the first try at 35 years old. I just bought some OPKs online and tried them out on a whim thinking it would take much longer. Boy was I surprised!
I did nothing else
Posted 7/16/14 8:16 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
For my first I got preggo in the first cycle. I was 29. I have perfect 28 day cycles, and I get mittelschmerz pain, so I know when I ovulate.
This second time I was trying for a little short of a year but had 2 chemicals. I used opk's, I temped, and I finally just bd'd every other day from day 8-15. The temping made me realize that I might be o'ing on day 16 and not 14. Temping sucks, but to really know ur cycle id start doing it right away. I got preggo on my second cycle temping. I'm still hoping for sticky dust bc I'm no where near out of the woods yet, but my betas are good! Oh and I just turned 32.
Posted 7/16/14 8:24 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
Posted by NervousNell
I got pregnant on the first try at 35 years old. I just bought some OPKs online and tried them out on a whim thinking it would take much longer. Boy was I surprised!
I did nothing else
Lucky lady !
Posted 7/16/14 8:27 PM |
Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11 5570 total posts
Name: S
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I got pregnant the second month we were trying-- it was a few weeks before my 37th birthday. I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure and my RE highly suggested I use the clear blue easy advanced ovulation predictor kit--it worked for me but my cycles were very regular. I am a believer that timing is everything--DH was traveling for work up until the day before I got my peak reading (solid smiley) and we were only together the night before and the day I ovulated. Good luck!
Posted 7/16/14 9:06 PM |
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I just turned 30 in April and started TTCing in January, we got pregnant on the first try. I used fertility friend and tried temping even tho I don't think I did it correctly
Posted 7/16/14 9:07 PM |
happy bday mom! 7yrs married
Member since 12/13 1323 total posts
Name: thank you mom. i love you
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
Posted by NervousNell
I got pregnant on the first try at 35 years old. I just bought some OPKs online and tried them out on a whim thinking it would take much longer. Boy was I surprised!
I did nothing else
Same here only i was 34 lol used the same brand of opks and got pregnant first month trying for number two at 36 years old
Posted 7/16/14 9:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
2nd month trying, used ovulation kit but watching cm is very predictable for me.
Posted 7/16/14 9:25 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 997 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I got pregnant my 1st month trying. We bd from CD 8 or 10 to I think 16 maybe our last was CD 17. Basically we tried to bd every other day and it worked.
Posted 7/16/14 11:16 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I didn't do anything special, dc#1 took approx. 2-3 months we just weren't being careful I was 28. dc#2 31 years old 3 months, I was tracking my cycle using opk's. This time dc#3 one time not being careful and I'm due in a few weeks. I was 33 when we conceived and I'll be 34 when this baby arrives.
Posted 7/17/14 7:31 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
With DS I did so much research as we were planning to try, the first month we use OPK, second month OPK, pressed and deannas plan, we got pregnant.
With this one we had unprotected sex once and got pregnant
If I were actively trying I would use OPK, preseed and Deanna's plan again
Posted 7/17/14 7:42 AM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
What opks do you all recommend ?
Posted 7/17/14 8:59 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I did nothing special, but did keep track of my menstrual cycle (for period purposes) for about 2 years on an iPhone App. So I pretty much knew exactly when I was ovulating.
Posted 7/17/14 9:42 AM |
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I was actively trying for about 6 months, and the one month I paid no attention whatsoever to using OPK or anything, I got pregnant...
Posted 7/17/14 9:54 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 3/14 689 total posts
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
Posted by LovetheSecondTime
I was actively trying for about 6 months, and the one month I paid no attention whatsoever to using OPK or anything, I got pregnant...
Posted 7/17/14 11:09 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
Posted by MrsA1012
What opks do you all recommend ?
clear blue easy
Posted 7/17/14 1:00 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 530 total posts
Name: M
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I was 30. I went off the pill (after being on it for over 10 years straight) and got pregnant the second month. We were actually shocked, we figured it would take much longer. I wasn't tracking or doing anything special, just having sex whenever the mood struck like we normally would.
Posted 7/17/14 1:12 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I went off the pill 3 months before we were going to start trying and starting using the Notes on my iphone to track my period and yes, I even tracked the days we 
I got pregnant the second month trying when I was 35. We just started ttc #2 and have been tracking my period since it returned post-partum, again on my iphone. I have a hard time figuring out when I'm ovulating because my period varies. I'm pretty much guesstimating and this past month went with the every other day method but when I conceived DD, I was pretty hardcore and we baby danced everyday at certain times. We'll see what happens this time around.
Message edited 7/17/2014 1:57:56 PM.
Posted 7/17/14 1:54 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
It didn't work until we BD literally every other day, never used opk or anything
Posted 7/17/14 2:34 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/10 423 total posts
Name: las1 from LIW
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
Got pregnant quickly we were so suprised. We are convinced it was because it was our first month trying again and I had a DNC in February due to a miscarriage. I used fertility friend app. Know some of my friends had used OPKs and got pregnant quickly.
Posted 7/17/14 3:17 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
Posted by MrsA1012
What opks do you all recommend ?
I just ordered these online Cheap and they worked
Ovulation Tests
Posted 7/17/14 4:15 PM |
In love with my baby girl <3
Member since 2/11 1417 total posts
Name: Booshka
Question for ladies who got pregnant quickly ?
I tracked my cycles and cm. I started to use opks a few months before we were planning to ttc so I could get an idea of when I ovulate. Got pregnant on the first try. I am 34.
Posted 7/17/14 4:38 PM |
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