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LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 2052 total posts
Name: stacey
question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
Im 20 weeks... going to be 21 on Thursday... I got home from work today... ate dinner.. and now my belly feels tight, on and off like I just did sit ups, my muscles in my legs are all shaky... my back hurts, everything feels "off"!! I know, I know, I am preggo!!! But is this anything I have to worry about?
Posted 12/2/08 8:49 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
Are you noticing a pattern to the "tightening" of your belly??
You could be starting with Braxton Hicks
Any cramping? Have you done anythign physically strenuous in the last 24 hours?
Posted 12/2/08 8:55 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 2052 total posts
Name: stacey
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
I do have some cramping... Nothing physically strenuous.. just worked late... i kind of feel a pattern.. I have to pay more attention.. Im trying to drink lots and lots of water.... do i need to go to the hospital or something? or is it totally normal....
Posted 12/2/08 9:01 PM |
Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
I would take a warm shower, get a big bottle of water and lay down with your feet up for a little while and if it doesn't subside/get worse call your OB
Posted 12/2/08 9:03 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/08 592 total posts
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
if you're noticing a pattern and it's not subsiding, i'd call your doctor. i'd always rather be safe than sorry. s/he may tell you that you have nothing to worry about but i'd rather hear it from a doctor than just wonder what to do.
Posted 12/2/08 9:58 PM |
Love The Roo

Member since 2/08 2024 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
I had a lot of pressure at night when I was around 20 weeks - like the baby or my belly was going to drop out from underneath me. It was really only at night, and when I mentioned it to my OB, she was like, "duhhh, you're pregnant." If its really bothering you, it can never hurt to make a phone call.
Posted 12/2/08 10:07 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/08 1001 total posts
Name: Indira
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
CALL YOUR OB ASAP....could be braxton hicks...but if its not subsiding then it may be early contractions...drink lots and lots of water...I ended up in the hospital for dehydration and a bladder infection which let to early contractions...don't risk may be nothing...but always call if you feel uncomfortable...I hope you feel better soon!
Posted 12/2/08 11:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 2052 total posts
Name: stacey
Re: question... i dont know if anyone can answer it....
Thanks girls! I called and he told me to drink a lot of water.. which I did last night, and I slept all night... I feel much better this morning... but I think I am getting sick... maybe thats the real problem... feels like a bad cold.. hopefully not the flu!!!
Posted 12/3/08 6:55 AM |