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Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
Posted 5/23/13 8:26 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by Faithx2
All the SachemMoms here please join the FB group Sachem Moms. There's a lot of discussions going on there.
Posted 5/23/13 8:27 AM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
Who is bashing teachers?
I think you are being too sensitive and unnecessarily defensive.
Posted 5/23/13 11:17 AM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
I work in the private sector and get none of the above.
I also take work home, come in on weekends sometimes to get work done, leave at 6pm and work all summer. I get 2 weeks vacation and pay into my benefits and 401k. I don't have a pension. I have a bachelor's degree, a LEED certification and other Continuing Education credits.
Every job has pros and cons- and unfortunately, if you have a job where tax payers pay your salary, you have to hear what people have to say.
I don't discount what you do at all- I could NEVER deal with parents or MS/HS students all day every day. I think teachers deserve a fair salary.
It's hard, as a taxpayer, to see school taxes rising and rising and rising while things continue to get cut. Something's gotta give- we are paying more and more for less and less!
Message edited 5/23/2013 11:27:50 AM.
Posted 5/23/13 11:20 AM |
Member since 5/05 1573 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by kahlua716
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
I work in the private sector and get none of the above.
I also take work home, come in on weekends sometimes to get work done, leave at 6pm and work all summer.
Every job has pros and cons- and unfortunately, if you have a job where tax payers pay your salary, you have to hear what people have to say.
I don't discount what you do at all- I could NEVER deal with parents or MS/HS students all day every day. I think teachers deserve a fair salary.
It's hard, as a taxpayer, to see school taxes rising and rising and rising while things continue to get cut. Something's gotta give- we are paying more and more for less and less!
Posted 5/23/13 11:26 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Sachem Board of Ed meeting tonight 7:30 Samoset. Come down and fight for what our kids deserve!!!
Posted 5/23/13 11:47 AM |
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by Faithx2
Sachem Board of Ed meeting tonight 7:30 Samoset. Come down and fight for what our kids deserve!!!
Posted 5/23/13 11:51 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/11 1706 total posts
Name: kat
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by juanvi
I wish people knew what they were talking about...
Did You Know... About 90% of funds used to pay NYSTRS benefits come from investment returns and employee contributions? See our NYSTRS Pension Dollar.
Check the nystrs website. We pay into that...and we are not the only ones with a pension. Sachem will figure it out. They have to. They are unfortunately one of the first hit hard by the tax cap. Soon education will be for the rich.
I would be really surprised if this is true. Pensions are great for employees but a financial burden on employers. Employers must fund a certain % of pension liabilities - and as the economy when to sh!t and investment rates decreased, employers must kick in more which is why they are all struggling. I went to that website - the investment return was 2.8% in 2012 compared to a goal return of 8%....see below or further explanation. This is why most companies are moving away from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans like 401ks.
Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Pension Protection Act (PPA), single-employer defined benefit pension plans are subject to minimum funding rules that require employers to make contributions to the plan in order to fund the plan’s benefits. When interest rates are low—as they have been for the past several years—pension plan liabilities are estimated to be higher and employers are required to contribute more money to meet their minimum funding obligations.
Posted 5/23/13 12:01 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/11 1706 total posts
Name: kat
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
i work in the private sector and i would like this too!!
I don't live in the district but I would be very upset if my school's budget did not pass. It's not a reflection on teachers or how hard they work or what they do - the question is how can we afford quality education programs that taxpayers, governments and school districts can afford. I don't think the education field is the only industry facing this challenge, many are. Times are tough and changing and businesses (and education at the end of the day is still a business!) need to adapt. The answer can't always be to cut - we need to find new, innovative & efficient ways to meet our goals.
ok off my
Posted 5/23/13 12:06 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/10 978 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by kahlua716
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
I work in the private sector and get none of the above.
I also take work home, come in on weekends sometimes to get work done, leave at 6pm and work all summer. I get 2 weeks vacation and pay into my benefits and 401k. I don't have a pension. I have a bachelor's degree, a LEED certification and other Continuing Education credits.
Every job has pros and cons- and unfortunately, if you have a job where tax payers pay your salary, you have to hear what people have to say.
I don't discount what you do at all- I could NEVER deal with parents or MS/HS students all day every day. I think teachers deserve a fair salary.
It's hard, as a taxpayer, to see school taxes rising and rising and rising while things continue to get cut. Something's gotta give- we are paying more and more for less and less!
I work in the private sector and also work long hours, commute into the city every day, etc etc etc. My husband is a teacher (a TA actually, a whole other story) and also works extremely long hours, but just because our private sector jobs don't afford us the protections and rights that teachers have fought for over the years doesn't mean it's right! Instead of tearing them down, we should really be fighting for our own fair wages, vacation, retirement, etc. JMO. I realize tax payers pay their salaries, but I also feel grateful knowing that qualified, educated, professionals are being entrusted with this really important job, and that they are being compensated appropriately. We are really lucky on LI that the vast majority of us are able to take advantage of the public schools and that is a testament to the teachers. Again, JMO.
Posted 5/23/13 12:18 PM |
I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10 2237 total posts
Name: Adriana
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by blue11
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
i work in the private sector and i would like this too!!
I don't live in the district but I would be very upset if my school's budget did not pass. It's not a reflection on teachers or how hard they work or what they do - the question is how can we afford quality education programs that taxpayers, governments and school districts can afford. I don't think the education field is the only industry facing this challenge, many are. Times are tough and changing and businesses (and education at the end of the day is still a business!) need to adapt. The answer can't always be to cut - we need to find new, innovative & efficient ways to meet our goals.
ok off my
I agree. I work for a non-for profit, went to school for 8 years, will have to continue to get CE credits to keep my licensure, have 0 match into my 403b, and am in a field where 50k is A LARAGE salary. I have 0 job security since everything is state funded. 6 years with this company and I'm in my 2nd program where funding was cut.
There are many fields in the private and public sector that are going through the exact same things as the school districts are. A big difference is that school taxes are spelled out and the effect is directly felt on almost every household.
I think that if taxes weren't already so high on LI then most, if not all people wouldn't have a problem voting yes to "slight" (whatever that means to you) budget increases in order to keep activities, salaries and everything else mentioned here. As another poster said, it's not a matter of "don't want to", it's "not being able to."
Message edited 5/23/2013 12:24:03 PM.
Posted 5/23/13 12:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/13 6040 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by kahlua716
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
I work in the private sector and get none of the above.
I also take work home, come in on weekends sometimes to get work done, leave at 6pm and work all summer. I get 2 weeks vacation and pay into my benefits and 401k. I don't have a pension. I have a bachelor's degree, a LEED certification and other Continuing Education credits.
Every job has pros and cons- and unfortunately, if you have a job where tax payers pay your salary, you have to hear what people have to say.
I don't discount what you do at all- I could NEVER deal with parents or MS/HS students all day every day. I think teachers deserve a fair salary.
It's hard, as a taxpayer, to see school taxes rising and rising and rising while things continue to get cut. Something's gotta give- we are paying more and more for less and less!
Posted 5/23/13 12:45 PM |
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
I think a big part of the reason why budgets fail is because A LOT of residence don't vote. Also, saying that you wish you would have researched it more....these budgets are rolled out to he public usually in the winter. Everything is spelled out there in black and white. Placing blame on the teacher's pensions isn't going to change things, so voting no for that and their salaries as a reason is just silly. It's only hurting the kids in the long run. People have to go to their BOE meetings and realize that a lot of these things aren't imposed by the district but by New York State. And for what it's worth...teacher's live on Long Island too...meaning...we also pay taxes!! We're not exempt, so we feel the pain and burden just like you private sector folks
Posted 5/23/13 12:48 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by LovesMike
Posted by kahlua716
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
I work in the private sector and get none of the above.
I also take work home, come in on weekends sometimes to get work done, leave at 6pm and work all summer. I get 2 weeks vacation and pay into my benefits and 401k. I don't have a pension. I have a bachelor's degree, a LEED certification and other Continuing Education credits.
Every job has pros and cons- and unfortunately, if you have a job where tax payers pay your salary, you have to hear what people have to say.
I don't discount what you do at all- I could NEVER deal with parents or MS/HS students all day every day. I think teachers deserve a fair salary.
It's hard, as a taxpayer, to see school taxes rising and rising and rising while things continue to get cut. Something's gotta give- we are paying more and more for less and less!
I work in the private sector and also work long hours, commute into the city every day, etc etc etc. My husband is a teacher (a TA actually, a whole other story) and also works extremely long hours, but just because our private sector jobs don't afford us the protections and rights that teachers have fought for over the years doesn't mean it's right! Instead of tearing them down, we should really be fighting for our own fair wages, vacation, retirement, etc. JMO. I realize tax payers pay their salaries, but I also feel grateful knowing that qualified, educated, professionals are being entrusted with this really important job, and that they are being compensated appropriately. We are really lucky on LI that the vast majority of us are able to take advantage of the public schools and that is a testament to the teachers. Again, JMO.
I wasn't tearing her down at all. I was just making a point- if you work for a PUBLIC sector- you have to expect that the PUBLIC is going to have a say.
I also didn't say that teachers don't deserve the "perks" they get.
When I say "something's gotta give" I ddin't necessarily mean salaries, benefits, etc. --there's gotta be another way!
Posted 5/23/13 1:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/10 978 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
kahlua - I didn't mean you, specifically. I was just quoting to say that I too am in the private sector.
Posted 5/23/13 1:04 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by AScottWolf
Posted by blue11
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lilqtny
I really can't deal. Teachers are bashed at every opportunity. How dare we fight for fair salaries? We should be ashamed ourselves :(LMFAO
We go to school for 6 years, hold high level degrees, and in most districts we do not make 6 figures until it is almost time for retirement.
I know I am not the only teacher that gives up her lunch to help students with assignments or prepare for talent shows.
We work hard. But, everybody hates us.
I really did not see anyone bashing teachers themselves. I also didn't see most people say that you do not deserve your salary. The issue is that the private sector for years has not had retirement plans, had to pay into their own 401Ks with minimal employer contributions, had our healthcare slashed, went without raises or bonuses for years and still make around what teachers do. Teachers work hard but so do other professions and the teaching profession should not be except from the same issues the private sector has faced. I have the utmost respect for all teachers and think many go above and beyond, but you know what, so do other people.
If we are going to compare to the private sector then i would like the option to work from home once a week, an hour lunch, and please, the company credit card for all the supplies no one sends their kids in with!
i work in the private sector and i would like this too!!
I don't live in the district but I would be very upset if my school's budget did not pass. It's not a reflection on teachers or how hard they work or what they do - the question is how can we afford quality education programs that taxpayers, governments and school districts can afford. I don't think the education field is the only industry facing this challenge, many are. Times are tough and changing and businesses (and education at the end of the day is still a business!) need to adapt. The answer can't always be to cut - we need to find new, innovative & efficient ways to meet our goals.
ok off my
I agree. I work for a non-for profit, went to school for 8 years, will have to continue to get CE credits to keep my licensure, have 0 match into my 403b, and am in a field where 50k is A LARAGE salary. I have 0 job security since everything is state funded. 6 years with this company and I'm in my 2nd program where funding was cut.
There are many fields in the private and public sector that are going through the exact same things as the school districts are. A big difference is that school taxes are spelled out and the effect is directly felt on almost every household.
I think that if taxes weren't already so high on LI then most, if not all people wouldn't have a problem voting yes to "slight" (whatever that means to you) budget increases in order to keep activities, salaries and everything else mentioned here. As another poster said, it's not a matter of "don't want to", it's "not being able to."
Posted 5/23/13 1:04 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by mosh913
I think a big part of the reason why budgets fail is because A LOT of residence don't vote.
This is soooo true!!
I'm guilty of it myself but in West Islip there are over 20,000 registered voters and only a little over 3,000 actually voted!
(FTR- It passed!)
I did vote a few years ago when the proposed increase was 7.8% (or somethign close to that). I voted NO and it was passed. My taxes went up and for the extra money I got 2 less elementary schools (including the one my kids were slated to attend in a few years).
Posted 5/23/13 1:07 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by LovesMike
kahlua - I didn't mean you, specifically. I was just quoting to say that I too am in the private sector.
Posted 5/23/13 1:07 PM |
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by mosh913
I think a big part of the reason why budgets fail is because A LOT of residence don't vote. Also, saying that you wish you would have researched it more....these budgets are rolled out to he public usually in the winter. Everything is spelled out there in black and white. Placing blame on the teacher's pensions isn't going to change things, so voting no for that and their salaries as a reason is just silly. It's only hurting the kids in the long run. People have to go to their BOE meetings and realize that a lot of these things aren't imposed by the district but by New York State. And for what it's worth...teacher's live on Long Island too...meaning...we also pay taxes!! We're not exempt, so we feel the pain and burden just like you private sector folks
Yes, there are 55,000 registered voters in Sachem and only 12,500 voted
Posted 5/23/13 1:10 PM |
Have faith. Believe. Dream.

Member since 8/10 2356 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Just wondering how the meeting went tonight. Did anyone on here go? Don't live in district but its where I've been looking to buy
Posted 5/23/13 10:18 PM |
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by Teach723
Just wondering how the meeting went tonight. Did anyone on here go? Don't live in district but its where I've been looking to buy
Still going on. Had to leave but they were talking about closing 2 middle schools which I agree with.
Posted 5/23/13 11:09 PM |
Have faith. Believe. Dream.

Member since 8/10 2356 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by Teach723
Just wondering how the meeting went tonight. Did anyone on here go? Don't live in district but its where I've been looking to buy
Still going on. Had to leave but they were talking about closing 2 middle schools which I agree with.
Oh wow! Thanks! I've been checking their FB page. I never imagined they'd still be there.
Posted 5/23/13 11:13 PM |
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by Teach723
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by Teach723
Just wondering how the meeting went tonight. Did anyone on here go? Don't live in district but its where I've been looking to buy
Still going on. Had to leave but they were talking about closing 2 middle schools which I agree with.
Oh wow! Thanks! I've been checking their FB page. I never imagined they'd still be there.
They still had 18 more people to talk after the board was speaking. They were going to combine them but I could not stay. The speakers were good but said the same thing after awhile and what people really want to know is what is the plan. New budget by Tuesday and BOE meeting on Tuesday.
Posted 5/23/13 11:17 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
I left at midnight. I am optomistic they will keep fulltime kindergarten in the revised 3.14 budget...
Posted 5/24/13 6:50 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Sachem Failed
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by mosh913
I think a big part of the reason why budgets fail is because A LOT of residence don't vote. Also, saying that you wish you would have researched it more....these budgets are rolled out to he public usually in the winter. Everything is spelled out there in black and white. Placing blame on the teacher's pensions isn't going to change things, so voting no for that and their salaries as a reason is just silly. It's only hurting the kids in the long run. People have to go to their BOE meetings and realize that a lot of these things aren't imposed by the district but by New York State. And for what it's worth...teacher's live on Long Island too...meaning...we also pay taxes!! We're not exempt, so we feel the pain and burden just like you private sector folks
Yes, there are 55,000 registered voters in Sachem and only 12,500 voted
We need to get the word out for the contingency!!!!! I can't see 3.14 not passing but we have to advertise June 18th everywhere.
Posted 5/24/13 6:53 AM |
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