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School kids party RSVP date?

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Member since 5/05

3206 total posts


School kids party RSVP date?

DD party is April 25th, when should the RSVP date be and when should I hand out the invites in school???


Posted 3/18/15 8:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: School kids party RSVP date?

Maybe rsvp a week before and invites 2 weeks before?
But it doesn't really matter. They won't RSVP anywayChat Icon

Posted 3/18/15 9:31 AM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: School kids party RSVP date?

i have seen RSVP a week before the party till almost a month to 3 weeks before the party.

i did two weeks before the party there was no way i could have done a week before and get all the favors done in time. with two weeks i barely was able to finish them Chat Icon

so i would base it on how much time you need to get everything you need a head count for.

based on the RSVP date i would try to give parents at least 3 weeks (i think i barley gave 3 weeks though cause i of course wait till the last minute to do everything Chat Icon )

also i have given options of texting and/or emailing i feel you getter a better response that way. I also stated to please RSVP yes or no so no one would assume that i would know if the didn't RSVP they weren't coming ... this year i only had two parents who didn't RSVP to me from school Chat Icon
i don't get why people find it so hard to RSVP Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/15 10:10 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: School kids party RSVP date?

My son's is that day - I sent the invitations early this week, with an RSVP of the week before the party.

Posted 3/18/15 12:49 PM

this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07

3321 total posts


School kids party RSVP date?

i would def set the rvsp date 2 weeks before the party. I don't do school birthday parties yet b,c I cant deal with chasing down people or not knowing until the last minute if they are coming or not.
from what I hear on the boards, a lot of people have a hard time getting rsvps and then you have like only 5 kids coming out of 25.

do two weeks b.,c you are bound to get a few late rsvpers

Posted 3/18/15 1:00 PM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

Member since 2/11

3992 total posts


Re: School kids party RSVP date?

I usually send out birthday party invites in the range of 3-4 weeks before (but my son's birthday is during a busy time in December).

I usually make the rsvp date about 10 days before the party, because the place usually wants a headcount several days before the party, and it gives me extra time to try to track down stragglers. I don't go crazy, but I do follow up with people who didn't rsvp if I see them at school/sports, or shoot them a text/email. I never have a perfect headcount, but I like to get a decent idea about who is coming, so I have an approximate headcount for the party place and can plan things like favors.

Posted 3/18/15 2:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/14

682 total posts


Re: School kids party RSVP date?

Dd's party is 3-28. I gave the invites outs the last week of feb an made the RSVP date the 22nd.

I've actually heard from everyone except for 2 or 3. It's an RSVP miracle. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/15 2:56 PM

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