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School Taxes

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/07

616 total posts


School Taxes

Well...our school taxes went up 2%.

And we don't even use the schools.

Posted 5/16/12 8:50 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

534 total posts


Re: School Taxes

Welcome to my world..And people claim suburbia is only for people with kids...Chat Icon

I voted no on the school budget, notwithstanding the fact that DH works for a school district (not in our town though - his district always passes and is one of the highest rated in LI).

Posted 5/16/12 5:06 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: School Taxes

I have no children, but still always vote yes for the budget. How are schools suppose to maintain themselves if they can not even keep up with the increase in cost of living. Schools pay the same bills everyone else does: heating, electric, water, etc. To stay stagnant would devastate schools.

Plus - Good schools maintain property values because homes are attractive to new families. When families purchase homes in a community, businesses sell products to those families. That leads to a snowball economic benefit for everyone.

Also schools do offer services to people who are child free. You can take advantage of their facilities (fields, tracks). You can take adult ed classes.

If you are dissatisfied with how your school board is preparing the budget, you should attend board meetings or run for a position so that your voice can be heard.

Posted 5/20/12 7:50 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/07

616 total posts


Re: School Taxes

Posted by CAMCaps

I have no children, but still always vote yes for the budget. How are schools suppose to maintain themselves if they can not even keep up with the increase in cost of living. Schools pay the same bills everyone else does: heating, electric, water, etc. To stay stagnant would devastate schools.

Plus - Good schools maintain property values because homes are attractive to new families. When families purchase homes in a community, businesses sell products to those families. That leads to a snowball economic benefit for everyone.

Also schools do offer services to people who are child free. You can take advantage of their facilities (fields, tracks). You can take adult ed classes.

If you are dissatisfied with how your school board is preparing the budget, you should attend board meetings or run for a position so that your voice can be heard.

I do not mind paying school taxes. I'm just saying that it should be pro-rated for people who do not use the school system.

Posted 5/21/12 8:48 AM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

22334 total posts

Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: School Taxes

Posted by deedee1013

Posted by CAMCaps

I have no children, but still always vote yes for the budget. How are schools suppose to maintain themselves if they can not even keep up with the increase in cost of living. Schools pay the same bills everyone else does: heating, electric, water, etc. To stay stagnant would devastate schools.

Plus - Good schools maintain property values because homes are attractive to new families. When families purchase homes in a community, businesses sell products to those families. That leads to a snowball economic benefit for everyone.

Also schools do offer services to people who are child free. You can take advantage of their facilities (fields, tracks). You can take adult ed classes.

If you are dissatisfied with how your school board is preparing the budget, you should attend board meetings or run for a position so that your voice can be heard.

I do not mind paying school taxes. I'm just saying that it should be pro-rated for people who do not use the school system.

Thats what the STAR program started as now everyone can apply...even if they use the school system....

Posted 5/21/12 10:36 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

534 total posts


Re: School Taxes

Part of the reason I voted no was not because of subsidizing OPK (other people's kids) but to trim the fat in already over-bloated school budgets. There are ways to save money without cutting needed teacher/kid programs or services. After school services could be run more efficiently, who needs 3 different type of soccer clubs anyway?? Of course, those who oppose this are the Stony Brook and Setauket Stepford wives with their standing mani-pedis and Escalades. Heaven forbid there wasn't somewhere to ship Trey and Tatiana off to after school other than home. It would really screw with their shopping and nail appointments.

Thanks to the internet, the NYSeeThrough website and other transparency efforts, we know more about the contracts and instruction, pensions and teacher benefits and it's not pretty. I, for one, think its absolutely ridiculous for a school Superintendent to rake in $350K or more for income, pension and benefits.

DH works for a school district and he cant believe some of the crap he sees on a daily basis (including 1 teacher who complained to the IT Dept because the server blocked access to eBay and her precious online eBay store Chat Icon ).

Posted 5/21/12 10:54 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/12

243 total posts


Re: School Taxes

Posted by deedee1013

I do not mind paying school taxes. I'm just saying that it should be pro-rated for people who do not use the school system.

Should the same rule apply to people that have children not enrolled in the schools? In every district, there are CF families, families with babies, families with school-age kids that go to private school, and older couples who's kids are grown. If they all got a break, the school wouldn't be able to sustain itself. NY is cutting millions of dollars of funding from SDs all over LI; schools would buckle without the tax dollars.

I think NY needs to fund schools fairly so that our tax burden is eased a bit. Every time there's a budget problem, education is the first thing they cut. It's BS IMO.

Posted 5/21/12 1:19 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: School Taxes

Unfortunately in the last few years, schools have gotten a bad rap.

The governor is cutting state aid, while also requiring schools to pay a Gap Elimination Adjustment (more or less a hidden tax). The "2%" tax cap has disproportionally affected poorer districts and many (by me) are cutting things to the bone. It devastates me to know soon education will be about the haves and the have nots. People who are able to afford a private education will send their children to schools that can offer them amazing opportunities (sports, APs, etc), while poorer individuals will be forced to use inadequate, bare-boned public education.

Once again - If you are dissatisfied with how your school board is preparing the budget, you should attend board meetings or run for a position so that your voice can be heard.

Posted 5/22/12 8:58 AM

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