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semen analysis

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Member since 1/07

1226 total posts


semen analysis

we just got back the SA and DH has high sperm count 80 million and the motility is 37%. they said that is really good. they said he has a lot of sperm so that makes up for the lower motility (normal motility is 50).

does anyone have experience with a lower than normal motility count?

Posted 7/9/07 11:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

199 total posts


Re: semen analysis

My DH also has a lower than average motility. My RE has us on a course of IUIs before trying IVF. We have already tried it once and it failed. We'll try again and see what happens. If it fails again we may move right to IVF with ICIS (they inject the egg with the sperm).

I have read that with low motility IUIs shouldn't be done past 2-3 times because the spermies still have to do some swimming to the egg. Although the IUI gets them closer its not the end all be all.

When we did the SA (with a lab) they gave us a total count for the sperm, however it didn't give an amount for total motile sperm. When we did our first IUI, DH has 6.7 million motile sperm on Day 1 and then 8 million motile sperm on Day 2. So while he had a good overall count, we didn't really know what we were working with until the sperm was washed in preparation for the IUI (done by RE). 10 million motile sperm is a good count for IUI and 20-30 million motile sperm is great. So we're just waiting to see what round 2 yields.

Good Luck...and FM me if you want!
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Posted 7/9/07 11:41 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

199 total posts


Re: semen analysis

One more thing...with below average motility you still have a chance of making it to the egg without help!
So don't get discouraged!!!!!!

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Posted 7/9/07 11:43 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

527 total posts


Re: semen analysis

my dh has the problem with morphology. his mobility is 50%. his sperm count was high too 81 million. they told us that most likey IUI would be best because they can take all the good sperm wash them and then inseminate. we go to a really nice male infertility/urologist if you need one. the only problem is the doctor is female!
best wishes!!!!!!!!!

Posted 7/9/07 4:27 PM


Member since 1/07

1226 total posts


Re: semen analysis

we are doing the iui tomorrow, so i guess we will find out how many motile sperm there are to inseminate. they weren't at all concerned with his count and motility, so i am not sure if we have to see a urologist. i guess we will find out more after tomorrow. thanks for all your help.

Posted 7/9/07 6:07 PM


Member since 1/07

1226 total posts


Re: semen analysis

One more thing...with below average motility you still have a chance of making it to the egg without help!

i am hoping that's what happens. when they did the post coital exam on my they only found one sperm in my CM. they have no idea why he has so many, but they aren't living inside me. the iui is tomorrow so i am crossing my fingers.
thank you.

Posted 7/9/07 6:09 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

199 total posts


Re: semen analysis

Good Luck!!!! Sending Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon your way!!!

Posted 7/9/07 7:19 PM

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