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Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

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"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

I am 16 wks PG with twins.
I had a sono today and my cervix measured 28mm - the dr said that the average is about 40mm.
I have to go on bed-rest for the rest of the week and have a sono to re-check my cervix again on Friday -- I am praying there is no change. I cannot imagine going on bed-rest from this early on in my pregnancy - especially with a 2.5 yo toddler at home
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We also had a 2 week vaca to FL planned for next week and my Dr said I should plan on canceling it bc he doesnt want me traveling - I was so looking forward to this trip, but obviously, this pregnancy comes first.
Does anyone have any advice/info on this for me??? I dont know what to expect and I'm so worried.

Posted 1/25/10 11:05 PM
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Re: Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

Forgive me, my math sucks I'm not sure what mm converts to in cm's.

At 16 weeks with my DS, I was 2.0cm's. The previous visit, it had been 3.5cm. I was out on strict bedrest, and went back a week later, and it was up to 2.5cm.

I went to see specialists, and remained on bed rest until 28 that time my cervix fluctuated from 2.3-3.7cm. It was always changing, and they could not figure out why. It was closed, and there was no funneling, so at 28 weeks, I was allowed modified bed rest, and at 33 weeks, taken off any form of bed rest completely. I went full term and had to be induced.

This time around, my OB said since I went full term, if I should have shortening again, they won't put me on bed rest so early. But I am Chat Icon Chat Icon I don't have to at all because I do not know what I'll do with DS.

I would try and relax and not worry about it. Some women, like me, just have naturally short cervixes. Also, you having twins, can put extra weight on the cervix. Take it easy as much as you can, rest your pelvis as much as you can, and hope for the best. I know it's not easy with a toddler, but try. No heavy lifting, squatting, sex, or strenuous activity.

As for the vacay, I would play it safe and cancel it. I know it sux, but better be safe that sorry.

I Chat Icon that you do not have to remain on bed rest...good luck!

Posted 1/25/10 11:21 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Re: Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

I had shortened cervix w/ both my pregnancies and sadly, lost the first baby due to it.
My cervix went from over 3cm to less that 2 in a matter of weeks. With the second pregnancy, I had a cerclage and was on bedrest from 20 weeks on. I had to go back for weekly measurements and my cervix was always different, but never more than 2.5cm and many times was less than 1cm. I was put on modified bedrest at 35 weeks and had DS the next day.

Please follow your Drs. advice. I know it's difficult but they do know best. I would also cancel the vacation. I know this all sux and is going to be really difficult, but do it for those babies.Chat Icon

Posted 1/26/10 4:20 AM

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Re: Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

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Posted 1/26/10 6:50 AM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

I am so sorry u r going through this. I hate to say it, but i would cancel the vacation. I know how much that sucks, but it seems like u don't have any other choice.

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Posted 1/26/10 8:31 AM

"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Re: Short Cervix @ 16 wks...any advice?

thanks girls.
i feel a little better knowing that the length of the cervix can get longer -- i didnt know that...i thought it can only shorten from here.
i just have to focus on taking it really easy this week and hoping i get some better news on friday.

Posted 1/26/10 9:42 AM

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