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Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

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Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

I went for a physical today with my PCP & had routine bloodwork done.

Before leaving I asked for a copy of my blood test results from my last physical from almost 2 years ago (during which I was in my first trimester as well).... I took a look at it on the way home & realized my TSH was 3.86 at the time!!! Isn't that high in general, but especially during early pregnancy??? I can't believe the doctor never brought this to my attention & he told me all my levels were normal Chat Icon ... well Thank God I had a healthy child & no issues during pregnancy that time.

Well I'm pregnant again & now I'm freaking out! I have a lot of symptoms of hypothyroidism (I've actually had these symptoms my whole life & never though too much of it), such as being freezing all the time, low body temp, etc... so I probably still have high TSH or even higher than before. I never really knew it was an issue until I did a little research tonight & it said during early pregnancy TSH should be less than 2.5!?!?!!!! Now I'm terrified I'm going to have a miscarriage because of this, before I'm able to get anything done about it.

My PCP seems totally uneducated about it & thinks I'm fine bc my TSH is under 5.

What should my next steps be? First of all, I'm assuming the OB checked my thyroid levels??? Wouldn't he have noticed & said something?-- he seems very on top of things. Is no one going to be willing to help me because my TSH level isn't extremely high? I'm very stressed about this now!

Should I call my OB first & bring it up, or should I try to see a regular endo asap (I don't have one)???-- would they be more likely to maybe do a sono (I've been having throat pain for no reason & pcp thinks it's just allergies) to see if there's anything there?? If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't feel as much urgency about this, but now I'm so stressed I can't relax at all!!! I read all these stories of women online who had mc's due to hypothyroidism & I'm terrified it will happen to me-- I'm worried about every day that passes with a high tsh Chat Icon Am I overreacting???

Posted 9/17/14 9:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/06

1905 total posts


Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

Google Christa Orecchio The Whole Journey she's had material up about thyroid and pregnancy which might help you.

Posted 9/18/14 11:20 AM

Got my miracle

Member since 9/11

1465 total posts


Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

I'm TTC and have a thyroid problem. I was told that you shouldn't have a TSH drawn while pregnant because it fluctuates so much just from being pregnant and it wouldn't be accurate. It could be completely normal and the number can change day to day.

Posted 9/18/14 11:48 AM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

I would wait til you get the results from this recent physical (if i read that right, the 3.86 was from 2 years ago?) Ask for the level and speak to your OB. If your PCP and OB are on the same page and dont want to put you on meds i would not go to an endo. I was on thyriod meds for both my pregnancies and my OB just monitored me - there was never a need to go to a specialist or even back to my PCP

eta - i was on meds years before getting pregnant so it was nothing new

Message edited 9/18/2014 12:08:18 PM.

Posted 9/18/14 12:07 PM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

1952 total posts


Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

I'm sorry but google is NOT a better doctor than an actual doctor with a PhD ... if you're worried about what you're seeing, speak with your PCP or find a new one to speak with.

One thing I've learned is not to stress about anything based solely on google.

Posted 9/18/14 12:32 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

Posted by KaKa2323

I was told that you shouldn't have a TSH drawn while pregnant because it fluctuates so much just from being pregnant and it wouldn't be accurate. It could be completely normal and the number can change day to day.

This is partially true, and a very good point. Your pregnancy hormones will affect TSH levels in early pregnancy and may make them appear out of whack. You need a doctor who can interpret the results properly.

The reason the above statement isn't entirely accurate is because you still SHOULD have them drawn - it is very important, especially if you have a pre-exisiting thyroid condition.

Posted 9/18/14 1:52 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Thyroid issues-- diagnosing myself

Thanks everyone! Your input is very reassuring, I do feel better about it. I'll see what the new bloodwork results show & I'll check with my OB about it when I go on Monday. Hopefully it's no big deal after all.

Posted 9/18/14 5:57 PM

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