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Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

I would like to add that the attitude when you don't give anything is unbelievable. Mostly given from the younsters Chat Icon

At DD when I didn't tip one of the two young boys as I was leaving one boy says to the other who handed me my coffee "you should have used deoderant". Said exactly when I was zipping up my wallet. Starbucks the young man after giving me my 90 and whatever cents goes to empty out the plastic tip box that only had $1, pennies and whatever silver change, very little & didn't have to be emptied. Like wanna be any more obvious there's a tip jar? Another time an older woman at DD shook her head at me.

Vacuum or wipe down cars at a Car wash...wait in a salon...deliver pizza/food...this kind of service gets my tips without a second thought!

Message edited 5/6/2010 7:28:52 AM.

Posted 5/6/10 7:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

Posted by Erica

Posted by Tilde

i hate change,

send it my way! I collect over $1000/year in loose change! love it!

I don't tip at counters.

dont get me wrong, I am not throwing it out or anything Chat Icon

If there is a tip jar I will throw my change in there. But I still get plenty of change from my other purchases and I am always rolling change and I usually use it as spending money for when we go on vacation!

Posted 5/6/10 7:30 AM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

I throw my change sometimes in the tip cup, but I don't feel a need to tip at those places.

Posted 5/6/10 8:21 AM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

I dont tip at DD or Starbucks but I do tip when we get shakes at the italian ice shop by our house- they are all high school/college kids that are putting themselves through school

Posted 5/6/10 9:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

fyi used to work at starbucks decade ago..... minimum wage.

when i went ot apply for ajob to get insurance about 5 yrs ago was told minimum wage again even with experience.........about 7ith dollars or so to start.

gotta tell you.......... unless you are management you really make poop at starbucks,and yes insurance is good....but its not a "living" so to speak.

just my 2 cents :)

Posted 5/6/10 1:44 PM

Puppy Love

Member since 6/08

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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

No I do not tip at DD or SB...unless I'm in a REALLY good mood.

I think the presence of the jar is kind of nervy if you ask me. And I think they know that some people see the jar and almost feel a kind of social pressure to drop something in it. What ever happened to people working hard at their job for the paycheck they agreed to? Its like people think they should be paid their salary just for showing up, and then if they actually do their job well they should get even more (AND apparently that extra should come from ME, because I guess I didn't give away enough of my money when I paid $4 for a medium cup of coffee).

Posted 5/6/10 2:58 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

I don't care how much they make an hour-pouring coffee into a cup and handing it to me does not require a tip.

Posted 5/6/10 3:51 PM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

Posted by BriBri2u

I don't tip at places like DD, SB, McD's etc.

Like a pp said tip jars are getting out of control. Everyone expects a tip now a days for work that the majority of them are getting paid for accordingly.

I agree.

Posted 5/6/10 9:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

Posted by ToriaRae

Posted by BriBri2u

I don't tip at places like DD, SB, McD's etc.

Like a pp said tip jars are getting out of control. Everyone expects a tip now a days for work that the majority of them are getting paid for accordingly.

I agree.

ITA - I don't tip at places like this.
My friends kid works at DD. He makes $10.50 hr. to hand people coffee. I think it's ridiculous for them to expect a tip.

I went to Carvel for ice cream the other day and got an attitude when I didn't put anything in their tiny styrofoam cup with the word "tips" scratched into the side.

Posted 5/7/10 9:47 AM

Our Ron is an awesome Ron

Member since 4/07

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baby fish mouth

Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

I'm going to put a tip jar on my desk at work.

Posted 5/7/10 9:51 AM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

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Re: Tip giving at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts places like that....

Posted by JennZ

yes, as someone who works for tips. I DO NOT TIP the DD chick. I think tip jars are out of control. I have seen them in McD's. I find it tacky. JMHO

agreed. I only tip people who I know are not making min wage, that are making "service industry wage" and a Starbucks worker is not making service wage.

Posted 5/7/10 9:54 AM
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