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Update to Off to my Level II!

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Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by maybeamommy

Posted by Bridex100

Update: We are having a baby boy. Chat Icon

Crashing too.

This saddens me. Chat Icon

Ditto on both counts Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 12:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

First off, I am happy for you that the baby is healthy and everything went well!

Second, I am responding to your post (and I hope I don't get flamed) because I can relate to where you are coming from. DH and I were both pulling for a little girl. Not sure why DH was, but I know I wanted one because the boys in my family have had a LOT of issues - we're talking jail, drugs, alcohol abuse, discipline problems, school problems - the list is endless and goes on and on. I am scared out of my mind to be raising a little boy.

That being said, I do LOVE my little boy and am thrilled to be having him and will do the very BEST that I can. There are some things that I may never experience, but I am excited to do the things I never thought about - like being a soccer Mom, going to sporting events, etc. Don't think of it as what you are missing, but what you are gaining.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 12:38 PM


Member since 2/08

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by Bridex100

I really really really really hope that it's a girl. Wish me luck in joining Team Pink! Chat Icon

I can't remember the last time I was this excited to find out news.

Update: We are having a baby boy. Chat Icon
Husband was over the moon. I've never in my life seen DH so happy. He had a smile from ear to ear. I, on the other hand, was disappointed that it wasn't a girl but am happy that the baby is healthy.

I asked the ultrasound tech 3x if she was sure the baby was a boy. She showed us the little penis 3x. Chat Icon

Both sets of future grandparents are extremely excited for a grandson. Apparently I was the only one rooting for Team Pink. I think I sabotaged myself by wanting a girl so badly. No cute pink dresses for me. Chat Icon

I wish I was in your shoes Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 12:45 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

Posted 11/7/08 12:49 PM

I love my kids

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

ITA...I really dont think she meant to offend anyone

Posted 11/7/08 12:50 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

I was just about to put my popcorn away from the election stuff!Chat Icon To the OP this is a topic that gets a lot of people steamed on here FYI. I had a lot of trouble keeping a pregnancy and am now finally 33 weeks with 2 boys via IVF. You should try to be a bit more sensitive to other posters that did not get PG as easily as you and therefore would take whatever gender they were blessed with. I will say once you get used to it it will be fine

Posted 11/7/08 12:51 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

I have to agree. She's allowed to express disappointment here. Poor choice of words or not, we should be a little more forgiving.

Posted 11/7/08 12:52 PM

Real Estate Professional

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MrsGreek

Posted by Blissful

You know when I saw the title to the post I thought somethign Horrible had happened, especially since you posted teh next day. I actually thought of neener and the day she came back with news from her level II that her beautiful, precious baby was very very sick and would not make it to term.

I can understand a slight dissapointment that its nto a girl but you are genuinely sad?????? Your baby is healthy!!!

PLEASE PLEASE be thankful that your little one is developing normally and all is well.

You could have gone home last night with truly terrible news and had a reason to title your post teh way you did.

Thank God that wasn't the case and your baby is fine.

I really hope you embrace this precious and beautiful gift you are given regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, when there are sooooo many who would give their right arm to be in your position.

I hope you find acceptance and love for your Chat Icon very soon

This is perfectly put together!! I totally agree.....

for someone that tried for 2 years to get pregnant these kind of posts really upset me....

Please be thankful you are having a HEALTHY baby and enjoy every moment of your pregnancy....I would also change the title of your post....

Ditto, I would not have titled it "so sad," bc I can think of A LOT of things that are in reality SAD...
I am the first person to admit that I was hoping for a baby girl, and when they made the mistake at my 12 week and said it was a boy, I said OK, no cute pink dresses, but I'm having a HEALTHY baby, we were over the turns out I am having a girl, but none the less, I could not ever see myself saying I was sad, either way you're baby is healthy!!!!

Posted 11/7/08 12:57 PM

Team Pink!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Chat Icon

I'm sorry you are disappointed and as someone who felt a twinge of disappointment when I found out I was having a boy because I was 1000% sure it was a girl and felt foolish that I was wrong, I can understand to some degree. I was over the moon by the next day though - my DH's excitement alone was enough to wake me up. Giving him a son is the greatest gift I can think of.

The other difference is I did not share those emotions with anyone, on here or elsewhere, with the exception of my best friend. I guess maybe you were just venting but you have to have been on here long enough to have been touched by some of these other girls struggles and painful journeys to get and stay pregnant. They are talked about every day and are heartbreaking - they are something to be SAD about. Putting in your thread title that you are sad had us all in edge that something was wrong!

Do you ever go back and look at the TTC board or Infertility? TTC & Pregnancy after a miscarriage? Perhaps they might put some things in perspective.

Posted 11/7/08 12:58 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by isabelle2137

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

I have to agree. She's allowed to express disappointment here. Poor choice of words or not, we should be a little more forgiving.

I agree as well. Give the poor gal a break. She is hormonal and a bit disappointed. Nothing wrong with that. Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 1:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I'm SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

I have to agree. I will (and did) admit that I was a little bummed at first to find out that second baby is also a boy. We are not having anymore children, and although I love DS more than anything, and I am thrilled beyond words to have this baby, I do wonder what it would be like to have a girl. I am so incredibly thankful that we were blessed with 2, especially since the first PG was 7 years in the making.

For the self-named "crashers," I think I can confidently say that we all wish for your TTC/IF stays to be short and your PG stays to be many and healthy, and I am sorry that the post hurt anyone.

I think the OP was simply reacting to how she feels, and IMO it is hard even for many of us who are PG to understand what it feels like to be so sure about one thing and be told you are wrong, or that your instincts were off.

I do agree that the title is harsh and a little overstated given what the "problem" was.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 1:05 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by BunnyWife

Posted by isabelle2137

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

I have to agree. She's allowed to express disappointment here. Poor choice of words or not, we should be a little more forgiving.

I agree as well. Give the poor gal a break. She is hormonal and a bit disappointed. Nothing wrong with that. Chat Icon

Not for nothing, then she should have worded her thread differently. To say she's sad, and she sabotaged herself into having a boy is a little much. I think Blissful and Katie said everything perfectly. There are so many women here that would give anything to be in her shoes. To put the sad face in the update and say you are so sad, also raises alarms that everything was NOT okay at her Level II when in fact everything was. We've seen so many ladies come here after their Level II's with bad news. Or to have lost their babies late in their pregnancies.

I hope the OP gets over her sadness and embraces her Chat Icon as much as she would have, had she been having a girl.

Posted 11/7/08 1:07 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MrsRbk

Posted by BunnyWife

Posted by isabelle2137

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

I have to agree. She's allowed to express disappointment here. Poor choice of words or not, we should be a little more forgiving.

I agree as well. Give the poor gal a break. She is hormonal and a bit disappointed. Nothing wrong with that. Chat Icon

Not for nothing, then she should have worded her thread differently. To say she's sad, and she sabotaged herself into having a boy is a little much. I think Blissful and Katie said everything perfectly. There are so many women here that would give anything to be in her shoes. To put the sad face in the update and say you are so sad, also raises alarms that everything was NOT okay at her Level II when in fact everything was. We've seen so many ladies come here after their Level II's with bad news. Or to have lost their babies late in their pregnancies.

I hope the OP gets over her sadness and embraces her Chat Icon as much as she would have, had she been having a girl.

Thank you! Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 1:09 PM

Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Don't be upset - BOYS ROCK! Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 1:10 PM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

As mom of an amazing and wonderful 2 year old little boy you are in for something truely amazing. No, there are no pink frilly dresses, but being a mom is so much more than that. The love between a mother and son is a love that is just so special and indescribable (not that it isn't between mother and daughter also) I hope to one day be blessed with a little girl also, but look at it this way for now I couldn't be happy with my little man.

Be are blessed and you will probably laugh at yourself for feeling that way after your little man is born.

Message edited 11/7/2008 2:04:25 PM.

Posted 11/7/08 1:21 PM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

9876 total posts


Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

I'm agreeing with this. I COMPLETELY understand the other points of view from people who are TTC or ladies struggling with infertility (the way many of us here did), but--

Think of it this way: Don't we all think of this as a "safe haven"? I post some of my most personal thoughts and feelings here. I think she was just doing the same.

That said, I WILL say to the original poster just to give it time, you will be thrilled about it once the idea sinks in. A good friend of mine DESPERATELY wanted a girl, and found out it was a boy. I felt bad since WE are having a Chat Icon, but it just took her some time to come around.

You will love your little Chat Icon regardless!

Posted 11/7/08 1:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by beena

Don't be upset - BOYS ROCK! Chat Icon

I agree. I have two boys. I have to admit, I did feel the same way you felt. I really wanted a girl too and was disappointed for a little bit as well. I think it's normal to feel that way, especially if you had your heart set on a girl.

I wouldn't change a thing now...I love that I have 2 boys.

Posted 11/7/08 1:25 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

aww its okay.. its an emotional time right now being pregnant. I know when i was pregnant with dd, I thought for sure baby was a boy, then when they said girl.. i was sad, not b/c she was girl but b/c i had myself so convinced boy that it felt like i lost my son.. an odd feeling but thats how i felt. I feel its our hormones that make us like this.

Posted 11/7/08 1:27 PM


Member since 9/05

3423 total posts


Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by davenjess

Posted by JennZ

OK, Im going to say it and It may sound a lot more witchy than I mean it to. But are you kidding me?

I mean really, be thankful you have a healthy baby REGARDLESS what it is and thank God. Its not the end of the world its a boy. I think, since so many people try for so long and have sacrificed so much to be a parent you should just count your blessings.

Im sorry but posts like this bug me. I just find it really sad.


i will be honest and say i thought the same thing, but couldn't find the words.... can you be upset???

Posted 11/7/08 1:27 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by MetsGirl07

i know i dont belong here.. Chat Icon

You do belong here.. dont ever think you dont!! i Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon you can say your pregnant again very soon!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 1:32 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by Katie111806

Chat Icon

I'm sorry you are disappointed and as someone who felt a twinge of disappointment when I found out I was having a boy because I was 1000% sure it was a girl and felt foolish that I was wrong, I can understand to some degree. I was over the moon by the next day though - my DH's excitement alone was enough to wake me up. Giving him a son is the greatest gift I can think of.

The other difference is I did not share those emotions with anyone, on here or elsewhere, with the exception of my best friend. I guess maybe you were just venting but you have to have been on here long enough to have been touched by some of these other girls struggles and painful journeys to get and stay pregnant. They are talked about every day and are heartbreaking - they are something to be SAD about. Putting in your thread title that you are sad had us all in edge that something was wrong!

Do you ever go back and look at the TTC board or Infertility? TTC & Pregnancy after a miscarriage? Perhaps they might put some things in perspective.

Katie, I think this
is a very well written, wonderful post.

Posted 11/7/08 1:36 PM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by BabySammie

Posted by MetsGirl07

i know i dont belong here.. Chat Icon

You do belong here.. dont ever think you dont!! i Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon you can say your pregnant again very soon!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon thank you! that was sweet of you! Chat Icon Chat Icon and i hope to be back soon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i just cant help respond to these threads..i really would give anything Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 1:37 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Posted by JennZ

OK, Im going to say it and It may sound a lot more witchy than I mean it to. But are you kidding me?

I mean really, be thankful you have a healthy baby REGARDLESS what it is and thank God. Its not the end of the world its a boy. I think, since so many people try for so long and have sacrificed so much to be a parent you should just count your blessings.

Im sorry but posts like this bug me. I just find it really sad.


A baby is a blessing of either gender.
Wow, Jenn, we agree!!!

Too many women have struggled to get pregnant; some for years; and for many it never happens
Others have lost babies that would NEVER care if it was a boy or a girl

I know these threads always end up with arguments saying "of course i want a healthy baby, that is a given"
however, to be SAD about either gender is upsetting to me

Message edited 11/7/2008 1:41:12 PM.

Posted 11/7/08 1:39 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

Congrats on your baby Chat Icon.

There's nothing wrong with feeling a little let down if you had a strong gender preference. I think many of us grow up dreaming of our daughters -- the way our husbands often dreamt of their sons. You just have to readjust your expectations a little.

I was so sure my first was a girl and was completely shocked to find out he was a Chat Icon. He is such a wonderful gift and I know you will come to understand all the wonderful things about little boys, the way I have, too.

ETA: I think people need to lay off the judgemental posts. She didn't say she was devastated or anything like that. Things just turned out differently than she expected.

Message edited 11/7/2008 1:46:56 PM.

Posted 11/7/08 1:43 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II! - So Sad

NM, I answered my ?

Message edited 11/7/2008 1:47:38 PM.

Posted 11/7/08 1:46 PM
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