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Update to Off to my Level II!

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Love my two kiddos :)

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by secretbabymaker

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

ITA...I really dont think she meant to offend anyone

I also agree with this and what i think she meant

Posted 11/7/08 9:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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They get so big, so fast :(

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by MarisaK

I'm SURE the OP was just expressing her disappointment that the baby Chat Icon she was hoping for is really a Chat Icon - and her post had nothing to do with the baby's health or how much she will love and care for him when he's born !!

There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a girl ........and it's normal to feel some disappointment. I think 'sad' was a poor choice of words on her part and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone by her post. -

No need to flame or tell her to be thankful and all of that. -
I"m SURE she's thrilled her baby is healthy and doing well, and thankful for her blessings ........she's just a little diapoointed she won't be buying pink dresses and getting mani/pedis w/ her daughter ........I don't think it's anything to abuse her for -

ITA- I know that there are many of us who lost babies(myself included) but I do understand her feelings right now. She is entitled to them whether anyone thinks so or not. Feel free to flame me but she just expressed disappointment, not that she wasn't happy about her baby.

Posted 11/7/08 9:10 PM


Member since 7/06

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Mama :)

Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

It is completely normal for feeling disappointed when the fact isn't what you were expecting to hear.

Boys are equally wonderful and precious. Although I've always wanted a girl, before DH and I found out, I was secretly hoping I am having twins and it's one of each (yes I am greedy) Chat Icon

Congratulations Chat Icon mommy! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/08 9:12 PM

Growing up soo fast..

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by MrsGraz

This site is for discussing our feeling and emotions...I don't think she should have to change her wording or act in any sort of way. She can't help how she feels.

I agree

Posted 11/7/08 9:38 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by JennyPenny

She made it seem like it was not just "disappointment." More like it was the end of the world that she wouldn't be able to buy pink dresses by saying she "sabotaged" herself.

I'm sure the OP is happy to be carrying a healthy child. BUT- she didn't have to state so bluntly just how disappointed she is.

To the OP- thank you for clarifying. I am sorry you feel the way you do.Chat Icon

Exactly! For those ladies seeing this now, the OP edited the title of her thread. It was the way she titled it and worded it that got many of us upset.

Posted 11/7/08 10:21 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by Bridex100

Ack! I just came back from getting lunch and didn't expect such an overwhelming response to my post. I was expecting responses like, "boys are fun too" and "you can buy cute blue boy outfits."

I just reread my post and I had written that I was happy that the baby was healthy.

However, I have been feeling down today. Perhaps I should have used another word choice to describe how I felt like disappointed or unhappy. I feel people would have taken offense to any negative word choice I would have made.

Now I just feel worse because it appears that I have offended many people. My heart breaks for every sad story that I hear about. I was not trying to be insensitive. I apologize if I offended anyone who has had any problems having a baby. That was not my intention at all.

You are entitled to feel any way you do, just as the other ladies who are struggling to get preggo or who have lost LOs can feel as upset as they do about your words. I know you will soon feel an all encompassing love when you meet your little boy. Give it time to sink in... In the meantime here are some hugs for ya... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon So glad that your baby is healthy! Chat Icon

Message edited 11/7/2008 10:29:52 PM.

Posted 11/7/08 10:29 PM

this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by Blissful

You know when I saw the title to the post I thought somethign Horrible had happened, especially since you posted teh next day. I actually thought of neener and the day she came back with news from her level II that her beautiful, precious baby was very very sick and would not make it to term.

I can understand a slight dissapointment that its nto a girl but you are genuinely sad?????? Your baby is healthy!!!

PLEASE PLEASE be thankful that your little one is developing normally and all is well.

You could have gone home last night with truly terrible news and had a reason to title your post teh way you did.

Thank God that wasn't the case and your baby is fine.

I really hope you embrace this precious and beautiful gift you are given regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, when there are sooooo many who would give their right arm to be in your position.

I hope you find acceptance and love for your Chat Icon very soon

i totally agree!! i couldnt have said it any better than this..

eta- read the op 's new comment ... and wanted to send Chat Icon

Message edited 11/8/2008 6:50:50 AM.

Posted 11/8/08 6:45 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

A healthy baby is a blessing. I know OP isn't a heartless person and will be a great mom and love her little boy..

But for anyone pregnant who has their "heart set" on a certain gender, let me tell you know there is a 50% chance of having a boy or girl. Step back and look at this HUGE lifechanging event as the best thing to ever happen to you. Because it is!!!

There are women who would give anything for a child. There are couples who suffer tremendously when they get news their child is sick or something awful has happened...

Please, we need to put things in perspective...I feel if someone is truly upset they should keep it to themselves and not come across sounding like this is a horrible thing..there are major things in life to be upset over and this is NOT one of them.

Having a boy was the best thing that ever happened to me although I really thought I'd have a girl. And wait till you see your husband with his son!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 9:13 AM

I'm a Big Brother

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Although I can see both sides of this debate, I feel it's really unfair to tell someone to keep their feelings to themselves on certain subjects. That defeats the purpose of the boards all together. At that point we might as well tack a list of topics and the appropriate responses at the top of the board.

I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing disappointment (even if you didn't like her use of the word "sad"). She also followed that statement by saying she was happy the baby was healthy (a statement that was completely overlooked by those offended). I mean it's not like she posted this on TTC or IF boards. I think the OP was wrongly flamed and would be surprised if she EVER feels comfortable sharing how she really feels about anything anymore. Is this the intent of those offended? I'm sure not.

We are all here for support and TO support. Everyone has their own crosses to bear in their own world. There's no reason to attack each other. JMOChat Icon

To the ladies who had so much difficulty getting here or can't wait to get here...Chat Icon Chat Icon

To the OP....boys rock!!!!!Chat Icon

Message edited 11/8/2008 10:22:13 AM.

Posted 11/8/08 10:15 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by Little-J-Mommy

Although I can see both sides of this debate, I feel it's really unfair to tell someone to keep their feelings to themselves on certain subjects. That defeats the purpose of the boards all together. At that point we might as well tack a list of topics and the appropriate responses at the top of the board.

I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing disappointment (even if you didn't like her use of the word "sad"). She also followed that statement by saying she was happy the baby was healthy (a statement that was completely overlooked by those offended). I mean it's not like she posted this on TTC or IF boards. I think the OP was wrongly flamed and would be surprised if she EVER feels comfortable sharing how she really feels about anything anymore. Is this the intent of those offended? I'm sure not.

We are all here for support and TO support. Everyone has their own crosses to bear in their own world. There's no reason to attack each other. JMOChat Icon

To the ladies who had so much difficulty getting here or can't wait to get here...Chat Icon Chat Icon

To the OP....boys rock!!!!!Chat Icon

I could not agree more. I typed 3 responses and then decided not to post for fear that it would be misconstrued, but you worded it perfectlyChat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 10:23 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Maybe I look at it differently because unfortunately I know a few too many people who have lost babies from 20 weeks to 40 weeks, that's why it really hits me hard when I read people saying how sad they are not getting the sex they wanted. Two people at 20 weeks found out devastating news -- and I can guarantee you that the sex of the baby was the last thing on their minds.

I think people need to look at the bigger picture here - and to realize that having child is NOT about buying pink dresses. It is about bringing another person into this world. There is more to it then pink bows and ribbons.

Posted 11/8/08 11:25 AM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

I really did not expect the way I felt would stir up so much controversy. Yes, my initial reaction was disappointment, just because I had spent the past few months daydreaming about my future little daughter. My heart did sink when I was told it was a boy at the ultrasound. Immediately afterwards, I saw our little boy moving around on the screen and it was very exciting.

It has been two days since I found and it has sunk in that we are having a little boy and I am now daydreaming about a future little one who resembles DH. Will I love my son with all my heart? Of course I will.

At the time that I was "sad", I was not thinking of the women who have had a difficult journey with motherhood. I understand that people were offended and I am sorry for that.

I do think it is unfair to tell another person how they should and shouldn't feel though. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings.

Posted 11/8/08 12:48 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by Bridex100

I really did not expect the way I felt would stir up so much controversy. Yes, my initial reaction was disappointment, just because I had spent the past few months daydreaming about my future little daughter. My heart did sink when I was told it was a boy at the ultrasound. Immediately afterwards, I saw our little boy moving around on the screen and it was very exciting.

It has been two days since I found and it has sunk in that we are having a little boy and I am now daydreaming about a future little one who resembles DH. Will I love my son with all my heart? Of course I will.

At the time that I was "sad", I was not thinking of the women who have had a difficult journey with motherhood. I understand that people were offended and I am sorry for that.

I do think it is unfair to tell another person how they should and shouldn't feel though. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings.

Glad to hear you're feeling better and that the thoughts of your Lil Boy are bringing you joy!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are 100% entitled to your opinion and I'm so sorry so many people flamed you- you did not deserve that!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 12:50 PM

CT. here we come!!

Member since 5/08

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Congratulations!!! Chat Icon Little boys are great!! I will tell you, when I was PG I was hoping for a girl. When I found out boy, I had a twinge of dissapointment but I was also so grateful that our little man was healthy (as I know you are too). The second I met him, it was complete love at first sight, and now I can't ever imagine him being a girl. We are PG with #2, and I really don't care at all weather it's a boy or a girl. Once you have one baby, you realize that being a mother is the most amazing thig in the world, weather you have girls or boys. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 1:53 PM


Member since 6/08

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by dawnygirl25

Posted by MrsGraz

This site is for discussing our feeling and emotions...I don't think she should have to change her wording or act in any sort of way. She can't help how she feels.

I agree

ya know, this site aggravates me sometimes, and im sure ill get heat for that too...EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion, or a feeling, and theres always someone who isnt gonna like or appreciate what youre saying, but gimme a break..40 people dont have to say the same thing and make the one person feel like an idiot for venting and just speaking of her current frustration...
im positive that once shes over the inital shock of it, shes gonna love this lil boy and be way passed the fact that she ever felt this way briefly..

to Bridex...all i can say to try and ease SOME of your dissapointed emotions is...sometimes we dont get what we "want" we get what we "need"...

i say this because when i had my DS 10 years ago i wanted a lil girl so bad that my mother an i continued buying dresses even after the sono confirmed it was a boy lol...i had NO experience with boys that way, and was a total girly girl...couldnt imagine playing with action figures or trucks..or dirty overalls...
let me just tell you...

that my son is the LOVE OF MY LIFE..i will NEVER experience a love like the one i have with my son with ANY ONE ever in this planet..he is my best friend, my rock, and has gotten me through the hardest times of my life with his constant strength...with that being said, when i got PG this time, i actually couldnt imagine being a mommy to anything else but a boy!! When i found out she was a girl, i was nervous and afraid...but again...Gods here, giving me what i NEED...and i cant wait to find out the reason she is entering my life the way i found out with my ds!!!

Good luck sweetie ;) Youre allowed to have a "moment" dont feel bad about it!

i empathize GREATLY with everyone out there who was offended or worried by this post..but all you needed to say was "glad youre ok, we were worried" sure no one here needs to tell anyone else how greatful they should be for being on here..Chat Icon
i think we all are :)

Posted 11/8/08 6:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Update to Off to my Level II!

Posted by Bridex100
It has been two days since I found and it has sunk in that we are having a little boy and I am now daydreaming about a future little one who resembles DH. Will I love my son with all my heart? Of course I will.

I am glad that you are feeling better!

If you want good boy shopping places, the gals on here are great for that!Chat Icon

And you have every right to have feelings, no matter what else anyone thinks of them.Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 7:12 PM
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