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**Update**empty sac question

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

57 total posts


**Update**empty sac question

I went for a 6 week sono and they said they didn't see the baby, just the sac. They said at 6 weeks, they should have seen something in the sac. I read online that this happened to people and a few days later they saw a fetal pole and heartbeat.

Has anyone had any experience with this?

Also, what should my levels be at 6 weeks?

And, can anyone recommend another ob/gyn in nassau?


***Unfortunately, things did not turn out positive for dh and me. I had a natural m/c 2 days ago. Fortunately, the dr. said there was nothing we could have done to prevent this and this would not affect us conceiving in the future. Thank you everyone for your support. ***

Message edited 8/19/2010 5:11:17 PM.

Posted 8/15/10 6:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: empty sac question

You could be off with the week, maybe you ovulated later than you think or a late implanter. I wouldn't worry yet, 6 weeks is still early and a lot could change within a few days.

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Stay positive, till your next appt.

Posted 8/15/10 6:55 PM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

9655 total posts


Re: empty sac question

Posted by bride07

You could be off with the week, maybe you ovulated later than you think or a late implanter. I wouldn't worry yet, 6 weeks is still early and a lot could change within a few days.

I totally agree. It is definitely possible that you miscalculated and at 4-5 weeks, you will barely see anything. I would wait it out!! Hopefully you will see your little bean at your next sono!!

I absolutely love my OB practice and would HIGHLY recommend them.

Complete Women's Healthcare
Stewart Avenue, Garden City
(516) 683-6800
Dr. Dilena, Dr. Nadell and Dr. LoPresti
They are all fab!!

Good Luck!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/15/2010 7:02:50 PM.

Posted 8/15/10 7:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/10

92 total posts


Re: empty sac question

same thing happened to me,,,,i was 5 1/2 weeks and they saw an empty sac....i had to wait one week and when i wne back there was a heartbeat and baby!!!
good luckChat Icon

Posted 8/15/10 7:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/09

113 total posts


Re: empty sac question

Same thing happened to me. I went back 1 week later and there was a heartbeat. I am now the proud Mommy of a beautiful 4 month old!!! Good Luck

Posted 8/15/10 7:16 PM


Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: empty sac question

Same thing happened to me at 6 weeks, but sadly my story didn't end well and it was diagnosed as blighted ovum; ended up with a d&c....but I have read many positive stories, such as previous posters. Good luck, stay positive and I firmly believe what is meant to happen, does. Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/10 7:57 PM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

4240 total posts


Re: empty sac question

you can be off by a few days and those few days makes a HUGE difference seeing a fetal pole.

Did they see a yolk sac in the gestational sac?

Posted 8/15/10 8:33 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

57 total posts


Re: empty sac question

Posted by WNA01

you can be off by a few days and those few days makes a HUGE difference seeing a fetal pole.

Did they see a yolk sac in the gestational sac?

They said they did not see a yolk sac either. They wanted to schedule a D&C but I keep reading that for some people, they miscalculated the date of conception and when they went back a week later, they saw what they were supposed to. I just don't know if I should wait a little longer or schedule the D&C. This is such a hard decision to make.

Posted 8/15/10 11:29 PM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

7465 total posts


Re: empty sac question

This JUST happened to me.

I went to my first appointment and according to my LMP I would have been 7 weeks 4 days. I know I have long cycles so I expected to be a week behind 7 weeks 4 days. I was only measuring at 6 weeks but the sac was empty, no yolk sac, nothing:

External Image

I freaked out and cried until I went to have another ultrasound 6 days later. Only 6 days later it looked like this, measuring at 7 weeks 4 days(the ultrasound says 6w 6d but the final size estimate they gave me was 7w 4d):

External Image

It even had a heartbeatChat Icon Things can change fast this early in! Only 6 days after seeing an empty sac mine was measuring 11 days ahead of my first ultrasound. So it caught up fast.

Message edited 8/15/2010 11:44:26 PM.

Posted 8/15/10 11:38 PM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

4240 total posts


Re: empty sac question

Posted by question2010

Posted by WNA01

you can be off by a few days and those few days makes a HUGE difference seeing a fetal pole.

Did they see a yolk sac in the gestational sac?

They said they did not see a yolk sac either. They wanted to schedule a D&C but I keep reading that for some people, they miscalculated the date of conception and when they went back a week later, they saw what they were supposed to. I just don't know if I should wait a little longer or schedule the D&C. This is such a hard decision to make.

honestly if it were me i would wait it out a week b4 making any decision.
When i had my blighted ovum (no yolk or fetal pole just a gestational sac) the drs knew exactly when i ovulated bc i was going thru fertility treatments.
they still made me wait an extra week just to make sure.

U may have ovulated late or have a late implanter. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/10 8:29 AM


Member since 7/08

2374 total posts


Re: empty sac question

I just cut and pasted this..this was my response to someone last year when I was pregnant:

I got my bfp on 1/26, on 1/29 I went to the md, he said i was just about 5 weeks based on lmp(12/23)...I had a sono and there was nothing really to see-there was one tiny spot that he said could be the start of something(beta was in 900's) and told me to come back in 2 weeks. One week later I had some light brown spotting so they had me return and this time on sono there was a sac but nothing inside(beta this time was in 12,000's)-md wanted me to return in 2 weeks. That appt was cancelled on me. I finally went back on 2/23 where I should have been around 9 weeks. This time sono had a little baby and a heart flickering. Baby was measuring 8w3d. I have cycles averaging about 31 days so really for the first 2 appts I was only 4 and 5 weeks so it was way too early...

I would definitely wait another week.

Posted 8/16/10 8:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

57 total posts


Re: empty sac question

My dh and I decided we are going to get a second opinion. I don't know why the dr told me to come back only 2 days later instead of a week. Maybe I am only 5 weeks, not 6 as I thought. Can anyone recommend a good ob/gyn in Nassau?


Posted 8/16/10 10:29 AM

Love my babies

Member since 4/10

4201 total posts


Re: empty sac question

My first appointment was at 5 weeks according to my LMP so when we saw nothing on the sono I was a little nervous. My dr. took blood twice to check my betas and they doubled.When I went back 3 weeks later there was a heartbeat!!! Try not to get upset hopefully you just Oed lateChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/10 10:47 AM

Lovin' my mini man!

Member since 3/07

2475 total posts


Re: empty sac question

I had an empty sac until 7 or 8 weeks... I was so nervous - now I'm almost 36 weeks...

Posted 8/16/10 11:19 AM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: empty sac question

You could just have ovulated late.

For my first pregnancy, I had just a sack at my first appointment at 5.5 weeks. Then I saw the heartbeat at the next appointment at 8 weeks.

I have a new obgyn and they wouldn't even see me until 7 weeks. We saw a heartbeat.

I wouldn't worry just yet.

Posted 8/16/10 12:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09

599 total posts

EDD April 25th 2011

Re: empty sac question

I would definitely wait another week and ask for another sono. A lot can change in just a few days, like PP said maybe you ovulated later than originally calculated.

Posted 8/16/10 12:37 PM

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