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Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
I went away for a girls weekend when DS was 3.5 months old and I had a great time. This May we are going away for our 4 year wedding anniversary. DS will have just turned 1 two weeks before and he will be staying with my parents for 3 nights with I will miss him, I missed him last time I went away- but I know he will have a great time with Mimi and Poppy. I try very hard to strike a healthy balance between family time with DS and DH, time alone with DH, and time with my friends. It's hard to make it all work, but 11 months in, it's finally getting easier.
Posted 4/6/12 4:24 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Go! We went away when my kids were a little older, 3 and 8 (we won a vacation for 9 days). We missed them and called them almost everyday (cell was $300-- ) but we had the greatest time and I agree with others, you still need alone time with your dh.
I personally do not think it is good to not want to be away from your children. When I became a mother I did not give up being a woman, a wife, a sister, a friend, etc. My kids just added to this.
Posted 4/6/12 4:45 PM |
Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05 6721 total posts
Name: A
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Omg!! Yes go!! If I had that opportunity I would take it in a second. My parents went away without me a few times when I was young, and I was okay. Yes I missed them, but got over it quick.
Posted 4/6/12 6:16 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
YAY! We've gone away a few times and it's SO worth it. For us, that alone time is so important for our relationship. We went away to the DR when DS was 2 for a week and then we just went away in March when DS was 3.5 and DD was 6 months on a cruise for 5 days. It was heavenly! My parents went away probably once a year alone and we turned out just fine and I truly believe that is why they just celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary
Posted 4/6/12 7:55 PM |
My loves!

Member since 10/07 3002 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Go go go!! My BIL is having a destination wedding next year too and I'm hoping we can go without the kiddies ( who will be about 3 and 1 at the time). Go! : )
Posted 4/6/12 8:23 PM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Go, go, gooooooooo!
The 1st adult vacation away we did when DDs were 3 1/2 & 1.....I thought I'd be crying .... NOPE!!! I did jump to hear their voices when we called & made sure we did every night to say GN (towards the end we called a little less cause my oldest would cry & in the airport home too) but when we picked them up the hugs & smiles were so awesome & we were refreshed & so happy we enjoyed our trip as adults, not mommy & daddy!
Posted 4/6/12 8:58 PM |
Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09 8585 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
I think we are going to go by ourselves. I showed dh what everyone said and he is leaning more towards leaving them with grandma. I'm just going to have to get over my crazy fears. Hopefully I won't stay up crying all night
Posted 4/7/12 9:11 AM |
Member since 7/06 2969 total posts
Name: lol
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Good for you :)
Yes I have and yes I will vacation every so often without my children. ...As long as your child is being well cared for by an adult you trust then it good to get in a little me time to remember your a person out side of just being mommy/wife...HAPPY WIFE/MOMMY HAPPY LIFE......meaning if mommy/wife are a happy person then the rest of the family will be happier too.
Believe me, we absolutely love our DD and I spent every second with her, but I also think it is very important to take time for yourself or as a couple.
I think DD has adjusted so well because she knows that Mommy/Daddy will always be back and she is soo happy to go to her grandparents and be spoiled for a few days. She can adjust to spending time without Mommy/daddy and has no separation issues :)
I was upset and called alot when I first left DD, but she was great, I was the one that was a mess, but it didn't last long and had a blast.
I think DH and I really value that time together. i do not want to wake up in 18 years and have the kids out of the house and realize that we no longer have anything in common and it's only been about the kids all those years. I've seen this happen :(
Posted 4/7/12 10:41 AM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
We are going to Vegas on Tuesday for 5 days without the kids so clearly my answer is Yay! We went last year as well and found that it really helped us reconnect. I love my kids and will miss them but in the grand scheme of things a couple of days really aren't a big deal. Go and have fun!
Posted 4/7/12 11:01 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
I say go! Your kids will in no way feel abandoned if they are with your mom - they will be spoiled and entertained and loved Will they miss you? Sure, just like you miss them. But they won't be psychologically scarred and they won't be crying the entire time either. 2.5 is definitely old enough to understand that you will be gone for a few days and then come back. Like a PP said, show her a calendar and have your mom help her check off the days.
Will you have fun if you take them? Probably, but it will also be a lot of work.
I am also not the kind of person who thinks my kids are my life - I have my own life, and my kids are one part of that - so maybe I'm not the best person to give advice to someone who feels that way
Posted 4/7/12 11:14 AM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
I'd go without them. It will give you a chance to reconnect as a couple for several days. I'm sure you'll miss the kids, but will really enjoy the alone time you have.
Posted 4/7/12 11:18 AM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Posted by headoverheels
I am also not the kind of person who thinks my kids are my life - I have my own life, and my kids are one part of that - so maybe I'm not the best person to give advice to someone who feels that way
this exactly
Posted 4/7/12 11:47 AM |
Very much in love!

Member since 6/10 2864 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
I don't think I would purposely plan a vacation without my DD but if an opportunity came up like a wedding, I would definitely leave her for a long weekend with my parents. Sure, I'd miss her but it would be nice to get away and taking a baby to a wedding in a different country and having to deal with everything wouldn't be worth it!
Posted 4/7/12 12:01 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
DH go on one big vacation without the kids each year and we are also fortunate enough that my ILs take them for a weekend every six weeks or so.
Honestly, a break from my kids, and not having to mommy for a week is needed for my mental health!
Posted 4/7/12 1:31 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/08 807 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
Posted by OrganicMama
Posted by pnbplus1
I'm obviously in the minority but I would take them. I can't imagine needing to try to explain to my 2.5 yr old that I was leaving him for 4 days. I also believe that a 9 month old will be aware that his/her parents are gone and feel "abandonment." (I am in no way implying thought that you are abandoning your child). I am in psychology though so I have set beliefs about this.
I agree with all of this. I would also never want to go on vacation without my kids though. It just wouldn't work for me and my family.
I am the same way. I can't imagine not spending all my vacations with the kids...I want to create as many memories as I can with is so short...if God forbid something happens to me or DH, I want them to know that we did everything possible with them. I had to go away for work (ended up being like 30 hrs) and had anxiety the entire I know going away without them is just not for me! However, I do admire people who are able to do that! I'm just not that strong a person....
Posted 4/7/12 3:56 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Vacationing without the kids? Yay or nah??
My DH won an all expense paid trip to Hawaii n DD was 3 and I was 3 months pregnant. It was 5 days and a once in a lifetime opportunity. We dropped my daughter off at my parents. I cried the whole way home, during the night and on the way to the airport. I felt so guilty. But I have to say I really enjoyed the just us time. It was very much needed because we knew when we came back things were gonna get crazy (visiting preschools and moving). I am sooooo glad we did it ; and id do it again. There is no one I trust more with my kids than my parents and sister.
Posted 4/7/12 8:44 PM |
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