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LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts



Everyone says how great breastfeeding is. I agree, for me it’s been truly amazing. But I need to stop! She is almost 16 months old. Nobody says how hard it is!!!! I’m a human pacifier!! If she nursed a few times a day, I would nurse forever but it’s 20-30 times a day!!! We can’t get through a 45-min Gymboree class without her cute lil hands reaching down my shirt. She’s NOT hungry.

She also doesn’t eat as much volume as I think she should be eating. She eats everything but small amounts. This weekend I have nursed 3 times, and that’s only because my husband and in-laws were over and kept her away from me. I am terrified when my husband goes back to work tomorrow.

I spoke to a lactation consultant the other day and she suggested I remain firm and tell her no and let her throw a tantrum butnit truly breaks my heart. I feel like I need to keep her busy and distract her otherwise she will throw a fit if she doesn’t get a boob!

I mentioned going away for a few days... away meaning, 10 miles away and staying at a hotel so she completely stops cold turkey. I think she will remember when she sees me again haha

Do I rub fish oil on my boobs???? My luck, she will like it even more. Chat Icon

I am open to trying anything and everything!!!! Please help!


Message edited 3/31/2019 5:36:08 PM.

Posted 3/31/19 5:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Have you tried to offer her a sippy cup of something else when she asks to nurse? (Milk/milk substitute)

Posted 3/31/19 5:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


Re: Weaning!!!

Yes. I gave her milk in a similar cup that she uses for water. The water cup has handles and the milk doesn’t. She drank the milk and then demanded boob.

Posted 3/31/19 5:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts



Turtlenecks. Seriously, no low cut shirts of any kind lol. Stay out of places that you usually nurse. I honestly tried not to sit on my couch for a few days. My youngest went from nursing nonstop during the day to completely weaned practically overnight. My oldest had started school so we were on the go all day for a few days and that was that. She asked once or twice after a few days but at that point I said no and distracted her with playing outside or water play or something else exciting.

Posted 3/31/19 6:50 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts



I had to go away with my oldest for 2 nights-she was 13.5 months.

Posted 3/31/19 7:20 PM


Member since 5/05

3116 total posts


Re: Weaning!!!

Posted by MrsT809

Turtlenecks. Seriously, no low cut shirts of any kind lol. Stay out of places that you usually nurse. I honestly tried not to sit on my couch for a few days. My youngest went from nursing nonstop during the day to completely weaned practically overnight. My oldest had started school so we were on the go all day for a few days and that was that. She asked once or twice after a few days but at that point I said no and distracted her with playing outside or water play or something else exciting.

Yes! I was going to suggest the same in terms of turtlenecks. It was so long ago since DS is 13 y/o, but I breastfed for 14 months and when he was pulling my shirt down I felt I needed to stop. I remember DH taking him to the crib for the night time, and during the day just being busy and not giving him the opportunity. It wasn't as bad as I thought... or maybe it is my bad memory speaking lol

Posted 3/31/19 8:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/12

728 total posts


Re: Weaning!!!

It's so hard and emotional. My first, my DD, weaned so easily at 14 months. My second, my DS, sounds like your daughter. We had to stop cold turkey when he turned 2...I was so done at that point. It was really rough the first day, a little better the next day, and then after 3 or 4 days he stopped asking. Sorry I have no advice except to say no and stick to it.

Posted 3/31/19 9:06 PM

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