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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: What type of name do you prefer?
Uncommon, unpopular names but with proper spelling. My daughter is Emerson, my son is Grayden.
Posted 9/25/19 12:06 AM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
What type of name do you prefer?
We chose somewhat uncommon names with correct spelling.
Posted 9/26/19 6:48 AM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
What type of name do you prefer?
My children have uncommon, unpopular names with proper spellings.
DS is actually a common nickname for a somewhat common name. I don't hear it too often in his age range, and when I do the child is using the nickname for the uncommon name.
DD is an 'old' name and not common. We get compliments on it a lot. We also live in a very Italian neighborhood, and she is one of the few kids in her grade whose name does not end in a 'vowel' lolol
Posted 9/30/19 9:50 AM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
What type of name do you prefer?
Uncommon name spelled normally, but it doesn't have to be extremely uncommon.
Posted 10/2/19 10:04 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/16 989 total posts
What type of name do you prefer?
My son has an uncommon name but it is pronounced exactly the way it is spelled. We receive compliments on his name because of its uniqueness and how the meaning of the name suits his personality perfectly. We would not change it. And I would not name my child on public opinion. If I did that, my kids name would be Bob, not what it is. And people shorten his name all the time and I hate it.
Posted 10/3/19 12:53 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: What type of name do you prefer?
I named my kids biblical names with typical spellings. My name is from the bible as well.
My daughter's name has been in the top 25 baby girl names for 100 years.
Posted 10/3/19 4:28 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
What type of name do you prefer?
I'm finding the very common names are becoming the "unique" names.
Posted 10/3/19 8:35 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
What type of name do you prefer?
my boys have uncommon names but conventional spellings.... Cole and Reed. So, not names your hear a lot- but they're not "out there"- still easy to spell and say and figure out for new people HAHA
Posted 10/12/19 12:04 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/09 1217 total posts
Re: What type of name do you prefer?
2 of 3 of my DC have very common names, but both have multiple "correct" ways of spelling them and it frustrates me how often their names are mispelled.
Posted 10/17/19 1:34 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
What type of name do you prefer?
Uncommon but typical spelling
My son's name is Kirby. It's easy to pronounce but I've not run across another as a first name (I've seen a few that have it as a last name).
Posted 10/17/19 9:12 AM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
What type of name do you prefer?
Hayley and Lila. Hayley is common but a more common spelling is hailey or Haley. I can never find anything personalized with her spelling. Lila I thought would be uncommon but easy to pronounce(lie-lah) and I was dead wrong. Most people pronounce it wrong. (Lee-lah, lay-lah, Lill-ah)
Posted 10/21/19 4:22 PM |

Member since 7/12 4287 total posts
What type of name do you prefer?
If people will pronounce or spell your child’s name wrong then YOU spell or pronounce your child’s name wrong.
I’m never a fan of unusual spellings. It sets kids up for a LIFETIME of “no, it’s pronounced....” or “sorry it’s spelled with a Y”.
I never understood why parents would do that to their kids.
Posted 11/29/19 10:25 PM |
Re: What type of name do you prefer?
Posted by Momma2015
I had a friend growing up, very Irish, with a very Irish name. She hated it! Now she has her own kids- all with super Irish names... Aoife, Siobhan, Niamh, and Saoirse.
Is niamh pronounced Neeve? I had a student named whose sister was named niamh and when she drew a picture of her family she wrote her sisters name the spelling threw me off. Then she pronounced it and I was like Woah that’s not even close -This is a kid who had major articulation issues
Once she told me it was Gaelic I smacked myself in the head
We’re Greek. We’ve got a few doozies for names here too lol
That being said my kids have basic names with basic spelling
Message edited 11/30/2019 3:28:37 PM.
Posted 11/30/19 3:27 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: What type of name do you prefer?
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by StaceyWill
I voted: Uncommon name, but the spelling follows common spelling rules. We named our DD Gianna, and while I thought that was pretty uncommon, she had a classmate in 1st grade who was Gianna also. And her last name was 2 letters diff than ours. And our last name is as uncommon as you can get. It was wild.
And, I'm sure I've said this before, but my name is Stacey and everyone, EVERYONE spells it Stacy. Even as a reply to an email where I clearly just signed it S t a c e y. I was also always asked growing up: y or ey? And when I meet someone with my name who spells it the same way I do, it's like we're in some sort of secret club. Lol.
DD has like 4 Gianna's in her grade. that's funny.
Another one that confuses me is Michele vs. Michelle. I work with a Michele. I have a few mom friends that are Michele. I have one girl on the west coast here who is Michelle I always have to remember which one I am speaking to when I am texting or emailing
My name is Michelle, and I don't really care if people spell with one or two Ls. It's so much more work to ask "with two Ls or one?" and even more work to get mad about it.
I feel bad for my students who have a common name with strange spellings, though. "Genna" instead of Jenna and "Deanna" instead of Dina. poor kids..
Posted 12/6/19 3:39 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/15 3992 total posts
Re: What type of name do you prefer?
Posted by Funkybutt
Uncommon but typical spelling
My son's name is Kirby. It's easy to pronounce but I've not run across another as a first name (I've seen a few that have it as a last name).
I worked with someone with this last name. I like it for a first!
My DD has a uncommon name but normal spelling.
Posted 12/6/19 8:04 PM |
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