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LIF Adult
Member since 12/07 1360 total posts
Name: Joan
When to tell your child?
My daughter had IUI last month and found out on Monday that IT WORKED! She's 4 weeks. I know it's still very early. The dr. Is very happy with the way her numbers are increasing. She goes for her first sono on 8/15. So far she has only told us.they are going to tell his parents this fri.she hasn't told anyone else. My granddaughter will be 4 in Nov. and all she has been talking about for months is having a baby brother or sister "one day" my daughter wants to tell her (when the time is right) and she want her to be able to tell people. She doesn't know when to tell her, God forbid something happens.shes been touching her belly for awhile now saying there's a baby in there even before she got pregnant. When is a good time?
Posted 8/6/14 8:03 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 3/07 766 total posts
Re: When to tell your child?
I waited until I was out of the first trimester and got all of my initial testing back that indicated everything was going well. My son is six.
Posted 8/6/14 8:12 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
When to tell your child?
We told my DD around 4 months. She's 3 and while she kinda "gets it" I think she's going to get a little frustrated waiting 5 months for her sibling to arrive!!
If we have any more, I'd wait a little longer.
Posted 8/7/14 9:27 AM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: When to tell your child?
We told her around 7 weeks. She's a couple of months shy of 3, and she gets it, but doesn't really get it (if that makes sense). We wanted her to be the one to tell my immediate family.
Posted 8/7/14 10:06 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
When to tell your child?
We told her around 12 weeks when we were ready to tell friends and family. DD is a chatterbox so I knew once she knew she'd be likely to announce it anywhere and everywhere. After the NT scan we told her and had her be the one to announce it to extended family and friends. She's only 2 so I did wait longer to talk about the baby being the belly but once everyone started taking it upon themselves to talk about that with her I had to tell her more. She seems to get it more than I expected.
Posted 8/7/14 10:14 AM |
Member since 1/13 1329 total posts
Re: When to tell your child?
We originally planned to tell my DS at 9 weeks right before visiting ILs and telling them but I mc :(
This time around I was very cautious and told him at 17 weeks right before visiting ILs and telling BILs. We knew he would blab so we waited until we felt comfortable with the world knowing from him.
He was and is SOOOOOOOO excited
Posted 8/7/14 12:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 685 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: When to tell your child?
We told DD after my 12 week appt. She can't keep a secret (she's 4 1/2) so we wanted to wait so we wouldn't have to worry about her spilling the beans. LOL. She definitely kept telling me there was a baby in there before that (even before I tested which was freaky!) but she was so excited when we officially told her.
Posted 8/7/14 2:11 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: When to tell your child?
We told our dc when I was 14 weeks, they are 4 & 2. I would've waited a bit longer but my older dc heard me on the phone with my sister and started asking a lot of questions. The longer you wait the better IMO. It's a long wait for adults but it's forever for little ones. Around the 6 month mark my dc kept asking if this was the day the baby would come since then dc has lost some interest all together.
Posted 8/7/14 2:15 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: When to tell your child?
Posted by MrsH
I waited until I was out of the first trimester and got all of my initial testing back that indicated everything was going well. My son is six.
same here. Plus i didn't want him to go around telling people (no way he could keep that secret).
Posted 8/7/14 2:58 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/14 158 total posts
When to tell your child?
We told dd right away. She's actually the one who told dh the big news, so she knew before he did!!! But it ended up being not such a good idea; she told the entire daycare too and way before I was ready to say anything. She's 3 and I'm pretty sure she understands well what's going on.
Posted 8/7/14 8:15 PM |
Mommy of 2!!!

Member since 5/08 2083 total posts
Name: Stephanie
When to tell your child?
Dd was 5, we told her around 9-10 w but she wouldn't accept it for 2-3 w lol every time we mentioned it she would flip out n say no ur not pregnant! It was cute but worried me until one day she believed us and got happy about it.
Posted 8/7/14 8:53 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: When to tell your child?
I waited until 12 weeks
Posted 8/7/14 9:02 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: When to tell your child?
I personally would wait as long as possible. I don't really see a point in telling sooner, especially since 9 months is a VERY long time, and even longer for an impatient/excited kid.
Posted 8/11/14 6:48 AM |
When to tell your child?
I told dd right away. She was the one who announced to my dh.
In hindsight I would have waited also based on what I went through. She told the entire daycare at 6 weeks way before I was ready to tell anyone!
Posted 8/11/14 10:29 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: When to tell your child?
Posted by PennyCat
I personally would wait as long as possible. I don't really see a point in telling sooner, especially since 9 months is a VERY long time, and even longer for an impatient/excited kid.
We tried ...but its harder when your child is over 2/2.5 because they listen to EVERYTHING you say and then ask a million questions.
Posted 8/11/14 10:43 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: When to tell your child?
My DD was almost 4 when I got pregnant with our DS. We told her right away and made her a part of everything. She came to all the doctor visits and sonos. I'm glad we told her because she was so excited throughout the whole 9 months and had a lot of time to adjust to the idea if having a new sibling. By the time DS arrived she was over the moon and had no trouble adjusting to our new, bigger family.
I didn't stress about anything being wrong, if something did happen (god forbid) we would've figured out a way to deal with it. I'm glad we told her, it was nice sharing every bit of the excitement with her.
Posted 8/11/14 11:11 AM |