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Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Do you tell your child No..
Posted 11/8/10 12:03 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Do you tell your child No..
I say No more than I say any other word Or thats how I feel. If my child is misbehaving and someone tells them no I am all for it. I also feel I should be able to tell someone else's child that. If the parents don't like it they can make sure their child behaves
Posted 11/8/10 12:06 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Is there more to this question or is it really as basic as it seems to be?
I voted for of course I tell my DC no... and other family and friends can as well.
I honestly don't know how you can raise a child without EVER telling them no.
Is there some other option if you see your DC about to run into the street? Or if they are trying to play with the oven?
I get trying to phrase things positively instead of always focusing on the negative, but IMO you can't avoid saying no.
Posted 11/8/10 12:08 PM |
So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by DRMom
I say No more than I say any other word
Exactly what I was
Posted 11/8/10 12:09 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
We try not to say "no" unless DD is doing something dangerous and we want to really grab her attention. (That's not to say we don't ever say "no" but we do try and not say it all the time) Otherwise we try to say things like, "We don't hit the dog" or "We don't throw food". I feel like calling out the specific behavior that you want to change is more useful then just saying "no". So far it seems to be working with our DD.........she's 2.
As far as other people correcting her behavior, usually we don't mind because if someone sees her doing something wrong like hitting the dog then I don't have a problem with someone stopping her. I do get annoyed when people say things like "No, Emerson. Don't do that. You're being bratty" or "Stop being selfish" when she won't share a toy. That kind of thing gets under my skin because she's only 2.........2 year olds are not selfish and bratty, they are just being 2 most of the time. I don't like being critical of her like that, she's not selfish.......she just doesn't know any better yet. KWIM?
Message edited 11/8/2010 12:11:11 PM.
Posted 11/8/10 12:09 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by jerseypanda
Is there more to this question or is it really as basic as it seems to be?
I voted for of course I tell my DC no... and other family and friends can as well.
I honestly don't know how you can raise a child without EVER telling them no.
Is there some other option if you see your DC about to run into the street? Or if they are trying to play with the oven?
I get trying to phrase things positively instead of always focusing on the negative, but IMO you can't avoid saying no.
I agree.
Right now, most of the "no" I am saying is related to safety issues (don't play with the light cord, don't try to climb the stairs, etc...
Posted 11/8/10 12:09 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Absolutely and anyone around her who sees her doing the wrong thing should tell her no, too!
Posted 11/8/10 12:10 PM |
Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by DRMom
I say No more than I say any other word Or thats how I feel. If my child is misbehaving and someone tells them no I am all for it. I also feel I should be able to tell someone else's child that. If the parents don't like it they can make sure their child behaves
ditto - i feel like at times, i should've named her no...
Posted 11/8/10 12:10 PM |
Never knew LOVE like it before

Member since 3/10 2640 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Do you tell your child No..
I try to be specific about what I don't want him to do by saying "Don't touch that" or "don't do that" instead of "NO". In the end, the message is the same. I encourage others to do the same but have no problem with anyone correcting behavior. How else will DS learn?
Posted 11/8/10 12:13 PM |

Member since 5/05 3893 total posts
Name: Patti
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Of course but I keep "no" for important, mainly safety issues. I use other statements like "we don't do that" or "that hurts mommy" or "let's do this instead".
Posted 11/8/10 12:15 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Reading everyones responses I think I misread the question. I do say No and then follow it up with something. So: No, we don't bang on the fireplace. For dangerous situations I say Danger!
Posted 11/8/10 12:16 PM |
For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07 13921 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
If my dd is doing something she shouldnt be doing I tell her no and have no problem if my family or close friends tell her no as well.
Posted 11/8/10 12:16 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Do you tell your child No..
oh yeah.
I say "NO" sternly, and then explain the behavior/reason I am saying that.
por ejemplo "NO", do NOT eat your magnets or "NO" do NOT got near the fire or "NO" you do NOT hit.
I feel like the stern NO alerts him to my change in tone and voice. he knows when that word comes that I mean business, and that whatever he was doing is wrong.
Posted 11/8/10 12:20 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
I do and I'm ok if other people do. DS is 13 months and sees nothing wrong with sticking his fingers in a socket.
Posted 11/8/10 12:21 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by jerseypanda
Is there more to this question or is it really as basic as it seems to be?
I voted for of course I tell my DC no... and other family and friends can as well.
I honestly don't know how you can raise a child without EVER telling them no.
Is there some other option if you see your DC about to run into the street? Or if they are trying to play with the oven?
I get trying to phrase things positively instead of always focusing on the negative, but IMO you can't avoid saying no.
Just wanted to post the basic question since me and DH are told what horrible parents we are for telling out girls, no and for telling my nephew no also.
So i wanted to post the generice post for no flames and to get a general consenus which so far everyone has says of course they tell their child no.
We are constantly telling our girls no when we think they are going to get hurt or might hurt someone else.
We also tell them no, that they can't have everything and can't expect everyone to give them what they want when they want it.
Posted 11/8/10 12:21 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by dita
I do and I'm ok if other people do. DS is 13 months and sees nothing wrong with sticking his fingers in a socket.
Yeah as to the whole socket thing i think i would be more upset if someone didn't say no to my DD and she got hurt rather than saying no and saivng her from a shock.
Posted 11/8/10 12:22 PM |

Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Do you tell your child No..
I have started saying NO to my 13 months old DS. DH can of course say No too. The only other people that can say No to my DS are my parents as they see him everyday and were his caretakers while I worked ages 2-11months.
I would also be ok with someone else saying No if it was something serious where he was in danger (eg, touching something hot).
Posted 11/8/10 12:26 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by BaroqueMama
Absolutely and anyone around her who sees her doing the wrong thing should tell her no, too!
Posted 11/8/10 12:26 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by BeachMom
Posted by jerseypanda
Is there more to this question or is it really as basic as it seems to be?
I voted for of course I tell my DC no... and other family and friends can as well.
I honestly don't know how you can raise a child without EVER telling them no.
Is there some other option if you see your DC about to run into the street? Or if they are trying to play with the oven?
I get trying to phrase things positively instead of always focusing on the negative, but IMO you can't avoid saying no.
Just wanted to post the basic question since me and DH are told what horrible parents we are for telling out girls, no and for telling my nephew no also.
So i wanted to post the generice post for no flames and to get a general consenus which so far everyone has says of course they tell their child no.
We are constantly telling our girls no when we think they are going to get hurt or might hurt someone else.
We also tell them no, that they can't have everything and can't expect everyone to give them what they want when they want it.
That's crazy. I would love to find out how they parent without ever saying no.
Posted 11/8/10 12:26 PM |
best buds!

Member since 5/09 11524 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Do you tell your child No..
I voted other bc we do, and others are allowed to BUT.....
we do, and our siblings/grandparents are allowed to also, ONLY if we are not there, or dont see something happening, OR if whatever is occurring involves their child as well.
MY SIL was getting into the habit of disciplining my son, over things that DH and I felt were not discipline worthy, with us sitting right there. We are not lenient by any means and are actually pretty strict, so if we didnt say something then it really wasnt warranted. Plus, we felt if we are sitting right there and dont say anything, it certainly isnt my SILs place too. DH spoke to her about it and she understood.
Message edited 11/8/2010 12:31:24 PM.
Posted 11/8/10 12:27 PM |
Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07 8806 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
"No throwing" "No hitting" "No pulling mommy's hair" 
Posted 11/8/10 12:28 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Do you tell your child No..
Posted by eddiesmommy
I voted other bc we do, and others are allowed to BUT.....
we do, and our siblings/grandparents are allowed to also, ONLY if we are not there, or dont see something happening, OR if whatever is occurring involves their child as well.
MY SIL was getting into the habit of disciplining my son, over these that DH and I felt were not discipline worthy, with us sitting right there. We are not lenient by any means and are actually pretty strict, so if we didnt say something then it really wasnt warranted. Plus, we felt if we are sitting right there and dont say anything, it certainly isnt my SILs place too. DH spoke to her about it and she understood.
The only time we tell my SIL's son No is when he is harming or potentially harming one of our DD's. and we still get yelled at about what a bad infulence we are and that we should never tell her child no
Posted 11/8/10 12:32 PM |
Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
Re: Do you tell your child No..
I say no way to many times a day. I have no problem with others keeping him in line also.
Posted 11/8/10 12:37 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Do you tell your child No..
forgot, I also have no problem with people disciplining him if he's being bad and I have ZERO problem disciplining other kids if they are not behaving. especially in my house. if you're in my house, you behave in a way *I* find appropriate.
Message edited 11/8/2010 12:45:58 PM.
Posted 11/8/10 12:45 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Do you tell your child No..
ABSOLUTELY. I'm firm on this one - if I don't prepare her for disappointment and not always getting what she wants, she'll be in for a smack in the face when she goes off to College and starts working. I think it's one of the most important jobs as a parent, albeit not all that pleasant, but a huge, huge disservice to your child if you don't.
And I do not mind at all when other adults tell her no.
Edited to add - Alex's best friend was over yesterday. They wanted to take some coins from a jar of money that I kept from my father's apartment after he died. Too long to explain, but there is a lot of sentimental value I place on that little jar.
I told them no and put it out of their reach. Alex's best friend, Abigail, told Alex to watch for me, while she "stole" money from the jar after I told her no.
You better damn well believe I disciplined Alex, SEVERELY, and kicked Abigail out of my house immediately and told her she would no longer be permitted to come to our house if she ever pulls a trick like that again.
I agree with Ophelia - MY HOUSE, MY RULES - and I expect the same of other parents when Alex is in their home.
Message edited 11/8/2010 1:00:54 PM.
Posted 11/8/10 12:58 PM |
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