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when will you stop work?

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Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

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when will you stop work?

DS#1 was born at early at 37 weeks; so I never had a chance to be home before he came etc.

Now with this one I'm planning he may come early too-My job will more than likely allow me to work from home my last 2 weeks (not much help if I go early again but I'll take it in the event I'm on time/late).

Just curious what everyone else is planning? Taking time off before baby comes; working from home; working until you go into labor??

Also I have some sick time that Doesn't carry over. Really want to figure out a way to use those days too. I always lose about 5-6 sick days a year b/c I don't use them. I might as well! Maybe talk to my boss about using the sick days before I start working from home (although she doesn't even let us use a sick day if it's planned like a dr appointment; she makes them personal days which are separate). Just call out a few days a week or two before my last day in the office??

Posted 9/30/14 1:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: when will you stop work?

I will work until i go into labor this time.

Posted 9/30/14 2:02 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

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Re: when will you stop work?

I planned to work until I went into labor but I'm starting to think that I should use a few sick days in the next 2 weeks so I can relax, get some stuff done and spend some time with DD.

I'm at the point that I will not work past my due date if I go late.

If you have sick days that you'll lose I'd definitely use them up!

Posted 9/30/14 2:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14

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Re: when will you stop work?

I'm hoping to work until I go into labor. We'll see how it goes.

Posted 9/30/14 2:23 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Re: when will you stop work?

last time i was forced to leave work at 37 weeks...when i commuted to downtown brooklyn. now i work from home so i plan to work until my c-section

Posted 9/30/14 2:33 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

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when will you stop work?

I was originally planning on working until I went into labor, but at 30&1/2 weeks I'm already getting too tired to make it through the whole day and my 45 minute drive each way (which isn't bad) and I'm getting super uncomfortable. Also, my job is an hour and change away from my hospital without traffic, so that's part of it too. I think in the coming weeks (probably in the next 4 weeks or so) I will have to cut down to half days and then stop working all together around 38 weeks maybe 39.

Eta - all my time is unpaid so that's why I was originally pushing to work as late as possible.

Message edited 9/30/2014 3:03:15 PM.

Posted 9/30/14 3:02 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

Posted by jessnbrian

Eta - all my time is unpaid so that's why I was originally pushing to work as late as possible.

Ugh that sucks-you don't even get the 6 weeks short term disability?

Posted 9/30/14 3:06 PM

california dreamin'

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when will you stop work?

I'm 38 and a half weeks and still working. Will work until I go into labor. I do not get paid time either.
With dd I worked until my due date as well.

Posted 9/30/14 3:07 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

Posted by Samira0407

Posted by jessnbrian

Eta - all my time is unpaid so that's why I was originally pushing to work as late as possible.

Ugh that sucks-you don't even get the 6 weeks short term disability?

Nope, I'm the only full timer in my practice - I don't even have any guarantee that I will have a job when I return... For all I know they could be getting ready to replace me.

Posted 9/30/14 3:10 PM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

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when will you stop work?

With my first, I worked until the end. I started working from home about two weeks before the due date. I was feeling pretty good the entire pregnancy - even at the end - so it wasn't a big deal.

I plan on doing approximately the same this time, unless I'm feeling horrible in which case I'll still work till the end, but I'll start working from home sooner.

Posted 9/30/14 3:19 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


when will you stop work?

I'm jealous of all of you who can work from home! Can't really do that in supervisory/management roles.

Posted 9/30/14 3:21 PM

My loves

Member since 2/11

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when will you stop work?

With my first- I was there on my due date. Only stopped after that because my mom begged me not to go back in because of my commute (1.5 hrs each way) and because I work in jail. This time I'm hoping for another induction and I'll work until the day before so I can spend a day with DS before DS2 comes!

Posted 9/30/14 3:24 PM


Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

With my first pregnancy I started WAH a month before my EDD at the insistance of my boss because of a crazy heat wave and then I was able to WAH until the end -- I delivered one day after my EDD.

This time around I have been WAH part time, sometimes as often as 3-4 days a week, but have a longer commute (LIRR) and planned to WAH the last month. I ended up commuting in at 36w4d and have been WAH since. I plan to work until I deliver again.

Posted 9/30/14 3:29 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


when will you stop work?

I think if work were closer to home/hospital AND my desk was better configured (more comfortable) I would be more likely to say sure I'll work until the end... or if I could wah.

Posted 9/30/14 3:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

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when will you stop work?

Not sure - I am entitled to up to 6 weeks paid diability before birth and 6 weeks paid parental leave after birth than a ton of unpaid leave if I opt for it. I can work from home so it will be tough to justify taking the 6 weeks before off. I'll see what happens when I get closer.

Posted 9/30/14 3:36 PM

In love with my baby girl <3

Member since 2/11

1417 total posts


when will you stop work?

I am planning to work until I go into labor.

Posted 9/30/14 3:49 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

Posted by jessnbrian

I'm jealous of all of you who can work from home! Can't really do that in supervisory/management roles.

my manager works from home too Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/14 4:08 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

Posted by IansMommy23

Posted by jessnbrian

I'm jealous of all of you who can work from home! Can't really do that in supervisory/management roles.

my manager works from home too Chat Icon

UGH, I wish - the doc I work for LOVES to have his manager there... so I can take care of everything, lol. It's also hard with HC, because of HIPAA you have to be super careful with doing anything remotely, and unless he really (finally) bites the bullet and upgrades some of our firewall and IT things, that's not going to happen, lol.

Posted 9/30/14 4:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

Posted by bunnyluck

Not sure - I am entitled to up to 6 weeks paid diability before birth and 6 weeks paid parental leave after birth than a ton of unpaid leave if I opt for it. I can work from home so it will be tough to justify taking the 6 weeks before off. I'll see what happens when I get closer.

6 weeks is a LOT of time to sit around waiting. With DD, I took off two weeks before my due date bc I knew I was going to lose the days otherwise. I was also barely sleeping and had to get up for work at 5, had an hour commute, worked on my feet most of the day and they were super swollen, etc. I originally thought I'd take one week but as my due date got closer I opted to take one more. Well, I ended up having DD 2 weeks late and those 4 weeks dragged on forever! It was nice to have quiet time, get to sleep in, etc and I'm not saying I would change anything but it was a lot of time wondering what to do with myself and thinking she would never get here!

Posted 9/30/14 4:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13

683 total posts


when will you stop work?

I'll be working until DS chooses to make his appearance.

Posted 9/30/14 5:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


when will you stop work?

The six weeks before are essentially use or loss and pre birth. It's really 4 weeks with a two week extension of you're late.
We can't carry the time over to paid parental time off, which is an additional 6 weeks from birth. It's so stupid, but our policy. Part of me wants to take it just because I'm entitled to it, but like I said I work from home a lot so it's hard to justify unless I'm really having a tough time.

Posted 9/30/14 5:20 PM

5,000 Posts!

Member since 4/10

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when will you stop work?

Until I go into labor. I gave birth to DD 3 hours after I left my office!

Posted 9/30/14 5:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


when will you stop work?

I'll be working until I go into labor. I don't wanna use the days.

Posted 9/30/14 6:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Re: when will you stop work?

I worked until I went into labor - I had a quick commute on the subway though - 15 minutes.

If I had a long commute IDK if I could have done that past 39 weeks

Posted 9/30/14 7:59 PM

Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11

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when will you stop work?

I've always worked until I went into labor.

Posted 9/30/14 8:07 PM
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