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Where does your baby sleep at night?
Mine sleeps in the bassinet that came with our stoller. At first he was in a regular bassinet, but he hates it. Then the pack and play,no longer likes that. For a short period of time he would only sleep in his bouncy seat, but since I'm nervous about that I stoped that fast. I'm just curious if my baby is the only baby fussy about where he sleeps!
Posted 10/26/09 7:12 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mom to two boys :)
Member since 5/05 3384 total posts
Name: Jola (pronounced Yola)
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
Your not alone. Landon loves to sleep in the swing (not turned on) he will sttn in the swing but not in his cradle. I only had a few succesul nights where he sttn in the cradle. I want to get him out of the swing sooner than later but not sure how.
Posted 10/26/09 7:23 PM |
loving my babies!

Member since 4/08 4594 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
DD slept in the pnp for the 1st 6 weeks and is now in her crib. But if your baby is very little, I wouldnt worry about where he sleeps now as long as he is happy and safe which it sounds like he is! He'll eventually get to the crib!
Posted 10/26/09 7:34 PM |
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
I'm glad that I'm not alone but this whole sleeping thing is stessing me out so much! I feel like he is never going to transition to the crib
Posted 10/26/09 7:52 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
With DC #1, he hated everything, so he slept in the soothing glider next to my bed for about 2 months. After 2 months I put him in the crib and he was fine. I too thought he would never transition to a crib.
DC#2, basinett for one week and then in the crib she went. No problem
Don't stress...he will transition to the crib. Try to put him the crib for naps. Even if he wakes up right away, just continue to lay him down until he gets used to it and comfortable with it.
Posted 10/26/09 8:09 PM |
My crazy Trio

Member since 3/09 2246 total posts
Name: Paula
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
My kids sleep in their cribs and have done so since they came home from the hospital but they have no issues falling alseep these kids can sleep anyplace and with any type of noise I am amased.
Posted 10/26/09 8:22 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 1171 total posts
Name: Shira
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
dd slept in her pnp for the first month then we moved her to the crib no problem. but we had her take naps in the crib before hand so she was used to it.
Posted 10/26/09 8:43 PM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
Posted by Sweets13
With DC #1, he hated everything, so he slept in the soothing glider next to my bed for about 2 months. After 2 months I put him in the crib and he was fine. I too thought he would never transition to a crib.
DS also did the soothing motions glider next to our bed for 6 or 8 weeks, then the crib.
Posted 10/26/09 9:06 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
when DD was a newborn the only place she would sleep was in her carseat carrier. then she finally started in her bassinet.
Posted 10/26/09 9:07 PM |
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
James will pretty much sleep anywhere, the bassinet, the PNP, his crib, the swing, his carseat...
We had him sleeping in the bassinet next to our bed for the first month, but he was a VERY noisy sleeper, so we moved him into his crib at exactly one month old. We did it cold turkey and he's absolutely fine in there now. He'll nap anywhere, but at night, he's in the crib.
Posted 10/26/09 9:12 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1535 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
I had issues with DD#1 but I think I played into that alot< DD#2 went into crib day 1. I layed her on her side more because DD#1 hated being on her back so I tied this dirrerently with DD#2. It worked she can sleep anywhere! SHes 6 months old now
Posted 10/26/09 9:50 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
ds will be 7 weeks on wednesday and he has been in his crib since about 4 weeks old
he naps all day in his swing or bouncy but sleeps in his crib at night (I usually put him in there at around 8-9ish)
Posted 10/26/09 9:52 PM |
Life is Good!!
Member since 1/08 6460 total posts
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
In bed with me
Posted 10/26/09 10:40 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
My girls are only 3 weeks but they have been in the crib since day 1....And in the pack and play during the day.
My son hated everything and was in the swing till over 6 months!
Posted 10/26/09 10:40 PM |
My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
When DS was little he was in the bassinet in my room and I did the same with DD.
Posted 10/26/09 10:49 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
DD sleeps in her did DS
Posted 10/27/09 2:35 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/07 3631 total posts
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
Until she was 5 weeks old, DD slept in her swing in our room every night. Now she refuses to sit in it at all. She used to hate being put in her crib. Now, we put a mobile in it, and she likes it. She'll only nap consistently in her bouncy seat. She NEVER liked the bassinet.
So, no, you don't have the only fussy sleeper out there!
Posted 10/27/09 7:13 AM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
for months, DS wouldn't sleep anywhere except in our arms. He eventually took naps in the swing, but wouldn't sleep in there at night and would wake up and scream if we put him down. By 6 months old, he was able to sleep next to us, but still wouldn't sleep in the crib or PNP. We finally transitioned him to the crib at 10 months old. He has to be asleep before we transfer him or he'll get hysterical. I'm just happy he's finally in the crib.
Posted 10/27/09 9:05 AM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
At night, DD has slept in her room, in her crib since she first came home.
During the day, she slept in her swing or on a blanket on the floor until she fell into a regular nap schedule. Then, naps were in her crib too.
DS may be in his crib right away for naps since it won't be as quiet in the family room as it was for DD.
Message edited 10/27/2009 9:57:08 AM.
Posted 10/27/09 9:55 AM |
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
DS was in his crib since he came home.
He was swaddled and wasn't moving so I did have some blankets to take up some space so it wasn't as scary being in a small space. Once he started moving, they came out.
Posted 10/27/09 10:23 AM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
First 12 weeks he slept pretty well in PNP in our room. (bassinet part)
Then we coslept until he was 7 months old. Moved him into the crib and he STTN from that day forward. Has never slept out of his crib since.
Posted 10/27/09 10:24 AM |
2 girls <3

Member since 6/08 3037 total posts
Name: gabbie
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
DD slept in the bassinet of the PNP for the first month and now shes in our bed
Posted 10/27/09 10:45 AM |
Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
Posted by gabbie83
DD slept in the bassinet of the PNP for the first month and now shes in our bed
really nice to know i'm not the only one.
when emma got sick (coxsackie) - we moved her to our bed and now with me back at work - the separation anxiety i have - i just still need her near me at night.
Posted 10/27/09 11:04 AM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
from day 1 my DS slept in his crib. He would nap during the day in his swing though.
Posted 10/27/09 11:05 AM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Where does your baby sleep at night?
My DD went from hating the crib, to hating the bassinet, to hating the moses basket. For the first month of her life it was like a game trying to figure out where she would sleep. Some nights she was in the bed with me, some nights I would keep putting her in the bassinet and she'd wake up all night long. Then for about 3 weeks she would ONLY sleep on the couch, so DH and I took turns sleeping on the couch with her. We would pull the large arm chair up against it so she couldn't fall off. At about 6-7 weeks I started putting her in the crib. It's still tough getting her to stay asleep when we put her down in there, but she's slowly getting better.
Posted 10/27/09 11:14 AM |
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