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Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
Actually my first car was a hand-me-down from my grandmother. 1973 dodge Dart! Unfortunately it was stolen after only 2 weeks of me getting it.
I saved for the next few years and bought a '93 chevy cavalier. Loved that car....had it for 10 years....
Posted 9/29/08 6:16 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
Me... and ten years later I'm still driving it! I would love something new, but might as well drive it into the ground now that it's paid off. it's nice not having a car payment.
Posted 9/29/08 6:52 PM |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I bought my first car.
Posted 9/29/08 7:04 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
Me. I was 18 and it was 1992 Plymouth Sundance.
I actually used some $$$ from lawsuit that I had when I was a teenager, but I paid the insurance and gas myself.
2 years later I sold it, made my money back and put that on a Jeep Cherokee that I leased, then got a Liberty in 2003 which I have had since then (and now own )
Posted 9/29/08 7:13 PM |
Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My parents gave me $500 and I spent $1000. I bought my mom's old mazda 323 hatchback... aka, a tuna can on wheels.
Posted 9/29/08 7:21 PM |

Member since 5/05 4663 total posts
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I did after busting my butt working to save for almost 2 years.
Posted 9/29/08 8:01 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I did. A 1980 Cutlass Supreme Brougham. 2 door. I got into a fender bender a week later. Thank god it was an old car.
My parents bought my second car b/c my first one died during finals and I needed a car. My parents had never bought any of my siblings a car before. The sad think was I totaled that car 2 months later. I got hit by a bus and walked out with not a scratch. Used the money from that accident to buy another car.
Posted 9/29/08 8:02 PM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
i did. 100% on my own
i used bonds from my baptism as the down payment. if it wasn't for the bonds, i wouldn't have been able to get it
Posted 9/29/08 8:09 PM |

Member since 5/05 10311 total posts
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My parents bought me my first while in high school, an 87' Chrysler LeBaron Coupe. They also bought me two more cars after that (used, but still very generous of them.)
I've never actually purchased a car in my life. DH has purchased all the others.
Posted 9/29/08 8:09 PM |

Member since 8/06 4249 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I worked when i was in HS had my first job at 14 when i could get working papers.
I worked at 4 different places when i was in HS.
Pergament was the one i worked at for a while and how i saved up to buy my car.
Posted 9/29/08 8:11 PM |
Member since 11/05 8749 total posts
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
my parents, we owned a car dealership but they didn't believe in kids getting brand new cars so I learned to drive in a 1979 Monte Carlo that was two tone, dark $hit brown & light $hit brown. It was over 10 years old when I got it. Later on my stepdad let me trade up to a camaro berlinetta. Then when I graduated high school I got a Firebird Formula 350. After that I was on my own.
Posted 9/29/08 8:14 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My Dad wanted to buy my first car - and who was I to argue??? He said I could have SOME input - so I told him I wanted something RED and 2 Door and SMALL (something like that). I figured he'd HAVE to get me a sporty little job, right? Yeah. No. I wound up with a Maroon VW Golf.
But I loved that little car.
Posted 9/29/08 8:16 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My parents.
Posted 9/29/08 8:18 PM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I did. I bought an 83 LeBaron from my sister for $150. She bought it from my grandparents for $150 a few years before. When my brother got his license, we decided to share it, so he gave me $75....and it broke down for good like a month later. The car got around!
Posted 9/29/08 8:31 PM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My parents.. 89 Audi Quattro.. miss that thing!!!
Posted 9/29/08 8:40 PM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
Technically me...when I was little I was bit by a dog and with that money bought my first car and paid for college.
Posted 9/29/08 8:43 PM |
Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My very 1st car was bought by my parents about 10 years before they gave it to me. It was a 1987 Oldsmobile that my dad used as an alternate car before handing it off to my sister, and then to me. The next car I got at an auction that my dad layed out and I paid back. My first "retail" car (new) was bought 100% by me.
Posted 9/29/08 8:44 PM |

Member since 6/06 2987 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
A year old eddie Bauer explorer
Posted 9/29/08 9:04 PM |
My BIG man and my little man!

Member since 4/08 1684 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I put a big down payment on my first car, and then had another 5 years of payments. But I paid it all!! Very proud of that!
Posted 9/29/08 9:06 PM |
I would do me

Member since 5/08 1188 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
I lucked out though I got one that needed a little love and care and my dad did all the work for me at cost. He is a very skilled mechanic. To this day I still miss it.
Posted 9/29/08 9:20 PM |
my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06 7396 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
my dad
Posted 9/29/08 9:20 PM |
I'm all grown up now

Member since 11/05 1108 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
Mom and Dad
Posted 9/29/08 9:29 PM |
A Healing for Gregory

Member since 1/07 1217 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My parents.
Posted 9/29/08 9:34 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06 626 total posts
Name: Tonia
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
My parents
Posted 9/29/08 9:59 PM |
Back to school

Member since 4/07 1385 total posts
Name: Irene
Re: Who bought your 1st Car?
my parents
Posted 9/29/08 10:04 PM |
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