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Why are sick kids out and about?

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by racheeeee

I don't really agree with you. If my kid was sick the one place I wouldn't take them to was daycare...thats not fair. Going to Target or something, well that wouldn't bother me.I wouldn't stay at home with my kids unless they were really sick, like v&d bugs that might be contagious. I wouldn't stay home with a cold, so why should they???

Sneezing and hacking etc is misleading, because Noah has asthma and he hacks and coughs all the time. It doesn't mean he is sick...

The only time DD has stayed home from daycare is when she was running a fever and one time her cough sounded wheezey to me (but turned out to be nothing more than just a cough). The runny nose and cough, well it's unavoidable with that many kids in one building so she goes. If I stayed home from work everytime her nose ran I wouldn't have a job. She's perfectly healthy right now but I'm sure when she goes back next week she's bound to catch another cold. I also think it's expected that your child will get sick from going to daycare.

Now a place like Gymboree, Storytime, etc...I wouldn't take my child if they were sick. I think a little common courtesy goes a long way in a situation like that Chat Icon

100% how I feel as well.

Same here.

Posted 11/24/07 10:05 AM
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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

ITA! It isn't just about sick kids being out for me it is sick people in general. If you are sick stay home and don't spread it. I always feel sorry for the sick kid out b.c you know they are miserable and wish they were home in bed. I am kind of a pain about being around sick people. DH has a stomach bug last week and he shipped DD and I to my parents for a few days so he wouldn't get us sick b/c he was afraid he contaminated the house..LOL. I didn't go to my mommy class last week either b.c I didn't want to chance that DD or I were carrying it and would spread it to another mommy or baby.

Posted 11/24/07 10:06 AM


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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

I always guage Alex's illness by her behavior - if she's running a fever, is lethargic, cuddly, whining, more cranky than usual Chat Icon, etc, even if she DOESN'T have a fever or obvious signs of illness, I'll keep her at home.

But, if she has a little cold that has been in her system for a week or so, but her disposition is fine, there's just no way I'll keep her at home for such an extended period of time. I would never bring her to a playgroup, mommy and me, or something where the kids are all together in a small space, but a public space, like Target or a supermarket, as long as she keeps her hands to herself, I see no problem with it at all.

Posted 11/24/07 10:08 AM

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

i'm a k teacher and while i was preg, i had a ton of kids sent into school sicker than dogs..there was only 1 family who kept their feverish child home and told me outright - they didn't want to get me sick b/c they were afraid for me and the baby...everyone else - just sent their sick kids in and we had to send them home....

Posted 11/24/07 10:09 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Jacob has had a lingering cough for the past 3 weeks and runny nose... I have taken him to the doctor at least 4 times during it.... Everytime I go, they say it is a cold, as long as there is no fever and it the runny nose is clear he can do his usual activities.. I brought him back this past Monday for a 5th time because I was concerned his cough went to his chest and it was bronchitis or something. My friends were even saying things to me that he shouldn't be out... Well, His lungs were clear and no fever, the doctor chalked it up to allergies and gave him Singulair... Now he is not coughing but I don't know if it was the medication or his cough just stopped..

My point to this story is that you really don't know the entire situation to a kids cold or sickness. I would be the first one to keep him in but if a doctor tells me it is fine, I will listen to him..

I know people were looking at us in the stores with the cough he had, but I knew there was nothing wrong with him. you really can't judge....

Posted 11/24/07 10:32 AM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

I dont' think you're necessarily overreacting, as you are currently dealing with his cold, so you're a little more sensitive to that.
But, you never know the situation of the parent with the sick baby. Perhaps they are a single parent and have to go out to get something. They can't really be expected to stay home all day if their child is otherwise feeling fine, but has a cough or a sneeze.

It's annoying, but you just have to make sure you do all that you do to keep your child safe....and remember that all kids get sick. It's good for their immune system, right?

Posted 11/24/07 11:37 AM


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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Palebride

I dont' think you're necessarily overreacting, as you are currently dealing with his cold, so you're a little more sensitive to that.
But, you never know the situation of the parent with the sick baby. Perhaps they are a single parent and have to go out to get something. They can't really be expected to stay home all day if their child is otherwise feeling fine, but has a cough or a sneeze.

It's annoying, but you just have to make sure you do all that you do to keep your child safe....and remember that all kids get sick. It's good for their immune system, right?

But thats not what I said.

I said places like The bookstore.

We went to storytime at B & N the other morning. There were a few kids who sounded very sick IMO. Funny how MY child is now sick.

I do everything to keep him safe, I just cannot control the judgement of other parents....

Shopping on Black Friday at Target I heard a kid who sounded like he was very sick choking on plegm.

Did the mom have to go to Storytime? To Target on Black Friday?

I understand the SITUATIONS you mentioned.

Im talking un needed activities IMO.

Message edited 11/24/2007 11:58:10 AM.

Posted 11/24/07 11:57 AM

My Girls

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

The year leading up to my
dd having her adenoids out, she had either pneumonia,croupe or bronchitis every month for 11 months. She rarely ever had a fever or acted sick, but she sounded horrible. She was on antibiotics non-stop andand breathing treatments too, according to my Dr. not contagious, but if you heard her in the store you would cringe. I would have too as an outsider. But I could not lock her in the house for a year and DH works long hours 6 days a week. I needed to take her with me, unless of course she had a fever or something.
So I think there are times it seems worse than it actually is, and circumstances where it is necessary to take them.

Posted 11/24/07 11:59 AM


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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Sassyz75

Posted by shamrock124

A child can have a cough or a runny nose for weeks and still feel good. If dd isn't sick in any other sense, I take her out with me. She would be miserable locked up in the house if she was feeling good and just had a runny nose.

I agree. My DD has had a runny nose on and off for a month now. It's viral and something has been going around- same with my DH and myself. To stay home just isn't realistic and it's not like a smaller child is going to get sick just b/c my daughter is in the same 30,000 square foot mall with them.

Unfortunately germs are everywhere. It's my opinion that kids have to be exposed to cold germs to build up immunity.

I agree. Ryan goes crazy if we don't leave the house. He gets bored easily, everyday. If he is feeling good, we go out. Nobody should be close enough to us to catch anything.

Posted 11/24/07 12:15 PM

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Uggghhh! So annoying! My son got sick on Halloween night because of a thoughtless mother. 3 days before Halloween we had gone to a Halloween party that one of our good friend's hosted and this one woman came with her 3 boys. One of them was coughing non stop, he was wheezing. So what happened??? Our friend's (the people who hosted) son got sick the next day, and so did her DH, and then my son and DH both got sick.

My friend's DH was p*****. He understands that kids are always going to get sick from someone. Sometimes it's inevitable but what really p***** him off is that they have a newborn in the house. Thank God she did not get sick. He was like "we would have understood if she called us and told us that her son was really sick and couldn't come". This kid was coughing and crying and the mother is sitting in the kitchen sipping her coffee and living in la la land. That's what pisses me off when they act non chalant about it. Then the following week we went back to this friends house for dinner and I told them that DS was just getting over a cold but they said it was ok cuz their son was getting over a cold too. I made sure that DS didn't touch the newborn. I wouldn't even let him go near her at all.

I understand if it's necessary to take them out but when they are terribly sick please just stay home!

Message edited 11/24/2007 12:35:25 PM.

Posted 11/24/07 12:30 PM

it's me

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

I don't see a common cold as a big deal, but to be honest one never knows a situation. You just hope people are using good judgement and practicing universal precautions.

Posted 11/24/07 12:40 PM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Well DD has a runny nose for a few weeks now and coughs a few times a day for a week. I can't keep her inside all day long for weeks. She isn't contagious and has been playing with her cousins the whole time and they haven't gotten sick.

I mean, do you stay home when you have a common cold? I don't. I still go to work and do what I need to do.

Posted 11/24/07 7:01 PM

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

My daughter has had a stuffy/runny nose for two months and a cough for one month. As long as she feels fine, I bring her everywhere. If I can tell she feels sick, then I keep her home. I don't let her cough on other kids or wipe her nose on another child's shirt. I keep her away from babies. Other than that, we're going to enjoy our winter. With or without a cold!

Posted 11/24/07 8:30 PM

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

I use my judgement. My DD has had a runny nose for a month- been to the dr. 3 times for it.... just a virus... we still go out.

When my DD had roseola we stayed home.... it's a jugement call on my end.

Posted 11/24/07 9:01 PM

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Logan had a bad cough last week and I opted to keep him in instead of taking him to our scheduled GTG and to a Baptism that weekend.

It was new and bad and I didn't know what it was yet, so I felt I should be considerate and keep him away.


I fear that with him being a daycare kid, he will have a cough and runny nose the rest of the winter because they just keep giving it to each other over and over.

So I wonder if I'm going to be forced to keep him in the rest of the year and never get out again. Chat Icon

Posted 11/24/07 9:20 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

I don't have anyone as a sitter. If my son is sick and I have to pick up, meds, juice, milk, diapers etc, I DO take him to the store with me. I always make sure he is in his stroller, not a cart where he is touching a cart that another child will sit in. Sometimes parents have no other choice. I understand your frustration. Believe me, I would rather not be there. Babywearing is a good way to keep your young child away from adults, and children in a store.

Posted 11/24/07 9:32 PM


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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Shelly

Well DD has a runny nose for a few weeks now and coughs a few times a day for a week. I can't keep her inside all day long for weeks. She isn't contagious and has been playing with her cousins the whole time and they haven't gotten sick.

I mean, do you stay home when you have a common cold? I don't. I still go to work and do what I need to do.

but you can cover your mouth when you cough and dont chew on items that other people then handle....KWIM?

Im saying I get it that people take their kids out when they know they are not contagious....BUT if your telling me every kid I saw sick this week, was simply at the end of a virus, I will laugh.

Eevryone is taking offense weirdly to what Im saying.

Im not talking about going to get meds for a sick kid, when you dont have a sitter etc.

Im saying taking your kid ( sick) out on black friday at 7 am is NOT a neccesity.

Taking a coughing kid to a storytime is NOT a neccesity and I am mad that my kid got sick....

Of course its one of 100 unpreventable colds he will have in his life....

I just think SOME people....dont use good judgement...

Message edited 11/24/2007 9:34:48 PM.

Posted 11/24/07 9:32 PM


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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Honestly doesn't bother me. If he has a runny nose or cough we are going out and about. If he has a fever we stay in. His coughs can linger for weeks and he constantly has a runny nose. There is nothing I can do about it.

Posted 11/24/07 9:37 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by dm24angel

Eevryone is taking offense weirdly to what Im saying.

I don't think people are taking offense to what you're saying (at least I'm not)...they're just offering reasons why you might be encountering this situation over and over again.
You said yourself that you might just be sensitive to this because of your son's current I think people were trying to put you at ease letting you know that not every cough or sniffle is a contagious illness!

Posted 11/24/07 9:55 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

I don't see how someone has any control over what strangers do when it comes to taking them to stores, libraries, malls, etc. If my child has a cold, I can take him to a public place if I want to...and if a stranger didn't like it, they could go to h*ll. If they had something to say, I'd probably tell them they should keep their child at home if they are that worried about being in public. IMO if you don't know they person, you really have no basis on which to judge why they have their child out or if they have a right to be there.

However, that being said, I do make an effort to keep my child from infecting others, even in public places. My 18m old has been sick first with the croup and then just a bad cold. He was feeling better the other day when I went to meet my friend who was visiting from out of town with her kids. We decided to do a public place since my house is obviously infected. I know my son was in well enough spirits to go to the play area at the mall and would have had fun but with his faucet-like nose and sneezing, I couldn't bring myself to inflict him on an area that I know other kids will frequent. I was able to leave him with my DH while I took my 3 yr old along. But if I am at Target and my kid is minding his own business and happens to have a cold, I don't think it's anyone else's place to say I shouldn't have him there.

JMO, of course we all want to keep our kids healthy but to get angry at strangers in public places, seems a bit harsh. I would be more annoyed at seeing another kid at daycare with an endlessly snotty nose, sneezing all over the other kids. But then again, my kids aren't in daycare so I can also understand that a working parent can't take a week off when their child had a bad cold.

ETA: I just read some of the other responses and I want to add that I am not taking offense either, I just think it's a futile effort to have an expectation that strangers will do what you think they should do in these situations.

Message edited 11/24/2007 10:59:32 PM.

Posted 11/24/07 10:56 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Elizabeth

I don't see how someone has any control over what strangers do when it comes to taking them to stores, libraries, malls, etc. If my child has a cold, I can take him to a public place if I want to...and if a stranger didn't like it, they could go to h*ll. If they had something to say, I'd probably tell them they should keep their child at home if they are that worried about being in public. IMO if you don't know they person, you really have no basis on which to judge why they have their child out or if they have a right to be there.

No wonder the flu spreads so rapidly each winter. People like you that don't GAS what other's think and will do what you want because you don't want someone else telling you what to do.

Like I said before, a little common courtesy goes a long way. I don't think Donna took her child to storytime expecting that other parents would bring their obviously not well babies there to play around the well babies. A store is one thing, but an event specifically geared toward babies is another thing.

Posted 11/24/07 11:03 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by Elizabeth

I don't see how someone has any control over what strangers do when it comes to taking them to stores, libraries, malls, etc. If my child has a cold, I can take him to a public place if I want to...and if a stranger didn't like it, they could go to h*ll. If they had something to say, I'd probably tell them they should keep their child at home if they are that worried about being in public. IMO if you don't know they person, you really have no basis on which to judge why they have their child out or if they have a right to be there.

No wonder the flu spreads so rapidly each winter. People like you that don't GAS what other's think and will do what you want because you don't want someone else telling you what to do.

Like I said before, a little common courtesy goes a long way. I don't think Donna took her child to storytime expecting that other parents would bring their obviously not well babies there to play around the well babies. A store is one thing, but an event specifically geared toward babies is another thing.

Oh please! If you're going to quote me, quote my entire post with an whole paragraph about how I didn't bring my son out to see a visiting friend bc it was a public place where kids frequent. My point was that you don't have control over strangers. Pfft! Look for a fight somewhere else.

Posted 11/24/07 11:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Elizabeth

I don't see how someone has any control over what strangers do when it comes to taking them to stores, libraries, malls, etc. If my child has a cold, I can take him to a public place if I want to...and if a stranger didn't like it, they could go to h*ll. If they had something to say, I'd probably tell them they should keep their child at home if they are that worried about being in public. IMO if you don't know they person, you really have no basis on which to judge why they have their child out or if they have a right to be there.

However, that being said, I do make an effort to keep my child from infecting others, even in public places. My 18m old has been sick first with the croup and then just a bad cold. He was feeling better the other day when I went to meet my friend who was visiting from out of town with her kids. We decided to do a public place since my house is obviously infected. I know my son was in well enough spirits to go to the play area at the mall and would have had fun but with his faucet-like nose and sneezing, I couldn't bring myself to inflict him on an area that I know other kids will frequent. I was able to leave him with my DH while I took my 3 yr old along. But if I am at Target and my kid is minding his own business and happens to have a cold, I don't think it's anyone else's place to say I shouldn't have him there.

JMO, of course we all want to keep our kids healthy but to get angry at strangers in public places, seems a bit harsh. I would be more annoyed at seeing another kid at daycare with an endlessly snotty nose, sneezing all over the other kids. But then again, my kids aren't in daycare so I can also understand that a working parent can't take a week off when their child had a bad cold.

ETA: I just read some of the other responses and I want to add that I am not taking offense either, I just think it's a futile effort to have an expectation that strangers will do what you think they should do in these situations.

Well if its not my place to say where the kid should or shouldnt be...Its not YOUR place to tell me I cannot get annoyed that your ( hypothetical) child is sneezing 3 inches from MY child in Target so you can get a deal...hypotheically speaking....
Since that was what my post was about...but apprantly some didnt really read what I was saying before seemingly getting defensive.

Will I take my Now sick Child out tommorow while I go to the food store....yeah maybe....Will I take him to the LIBRARY...Hell no...

But I guess like I asked orginally...Im over reacting...

Just a NEW mom questioning what I saw.

Appears some moms take their kids out to these events sick , some dont...

I was just curious

I learned something new today.....

Posted 11/25/07 12:57 AM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by Elizabeth

I don't see how someone has any control over what strangers do when it comes to taking them to stores, libraries, malls, etc. If my child has a cold, I can take him to a public place if I want to...and if a stranger didn't like it, they could go to h*ll. If they had something to say, I'd probably tell them they should keep their child at home if they are that worried about being in public. IMO if you don't know they person, you really have no basis on which to judge why they have their child out or if they have a right to be there.

No wonder the flu spreads so rapidly each winter. People like you that don't GAS what other's think and will do what you want because you don't want someone else telling you what to do.

Like I said before, a little common courtesy goes a long way. I don't think Donna took her child to storytime expecting that other parents would bring their obviously not well babies there to play around the well babies. A store is one thing, but an event specifically geared toward babies is another thing.

Oh please! If you're going to quote me, quote my entire post with an whole paragraph about how I didn't bring my son out to see a visiting friend bc it was a public place where kids frequent. My point was that you don't have control over strangers. Pfft! Look for a fight somewhere else.

No one is looking to pick a fight. I'm responding to what YOU posted. It doesn't matter which part of your post I quote. You still said you don't want people telling you what to do when it comes to your sick children. I did see that you said you stayed home but your friend has children so honestly it looks like you cared about her children not getting sick. However, based on your first paragraph you don't care about strangers getting sick. Just my observation from reading what YOU posted Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 9:53 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Why are sick kids out and about?

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by Elizabeth

I don't see how someone has any control over what strangers do when it comes to taking them to stores, libraries, malls, etc. If my child has a cold, I can take him to a public place if I want to...and if a stranger didn't like it, they could go to h*ll. If they had something to say, I'd probably tell them they should keep their child at home if they are that worried about being in public. IMO if you don't know they person, you really have no basis on which to judge why they have their child out or if they have a right to be there.

No wonder the flu spreads so rapidly each winter. People like you that don't GAS what other's think and will do what you want because you don't want someone else telling you what to do.

Like I said before, a little common courtesy goes a long way. I don't think Donna took her child to storytime expecting that other parents would bring their obviously not well babies there to play around the well babies. A store is one thing, but an event specifically geared toward babies is another thing.

Oh please! If you're going to quote me, quote my entire post with an whole paragraph about how I didn't bring my son out to see a visiting friend bc it was a public place where kids frequent. My point was that you don't have control over strangers. Pfft! Look for a fight somewhere else.

No one is looking to pick a fight. I'm responding to what YOU posted. It doesn't matter which part of your post I quote. You still said you don't want people telling you what to do when it comes to your sick children. I did see that you said you stayed home but your friend has children so honestly it looks like you cared about her children not getting sick. However, based on your first paragraph you don't care about strangers getting sick. Just my observation from reading what YOU posted Chat Icon

Good Lord! OK...I can honestly see where my first paragraph sounded harsh esp with the use of the word h*ll, but AGAIN, I said that it's about not having control over people - esp strangers. Why would anyone have any say over what a stranger in Target chooses to do when it comes to bringing their child shopping? It's not generally a place where people interact. It's important for parents to try to do their part to keep their own child healthy or away from situations rather than get angry at strangers for shopping with their child and don't even know them or their situation. I don't mean just me or just the OP...for anyone.

As far as why I kept my son home from the mall play area, if you read my original reply again, you'd see that I said I couldn't inflict him on a kids play area (obviously a place where kids DO interact) - not just my friend's kids. Not sure how or why you'd assume that I meant only her kids. Clearly that's not what I said. If anything, I'd think you'd be clearer about that comment than the one you jumped on board with, calling me a person who doesn't "GAS" . But I guess not. I guess I should have just said "yeah, those people are wrong" or nothing at all...I'm not sure why you're taking this offensively or making assumptions. My bottom line is still about keeping your own child (my own child, your own child - in GENERAL) protected bc it's a futile effort to expect every single person with a child to behave the way you want them to.

'Nuff said on my part

Message edited 11/25/2007 11:13:24 AM.

Posted 11/25/07 11:12 AM
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