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Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

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Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would love to do a shoot on the beach in Long Beach. DH and I are both locals - grew up 10 blocks away from one another. Even though we're in Florida now, Long Beach is still a huge part of our lives and we come in every summer. The beach is truly my home and I miss it every day.
We each both worked on the beach for over 15 years and I'm hoping by the time Jordan can lifeguard, we'll be back there for good.

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Posted 3/8/10 1:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

My front lawn...seriously it's the house I grew up in, and now we're raising DD in this house, and I remember the countless times I ran through the sprinkler, rode my bike or just hung out with my parents in the front that I would love to capture DD playing there the way I didChat Icon

Posted 3/8/10 1:53 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

If I won a free photo session, and I could shoot it anywhere on Long Island, it would be at the Old Westbury Gardens!!!! One of the most beautiful places I've seen in LI!!!
The beauty of the old mansion, the flowers and trees on a warm sunny spring day!!!! ahhhhhh Can I go there now?????? Chat Icon

I would love to have a whole family shoot. DH and I took our wedding photos there and it would be a full circle now that we have a son to show our new family together!

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(note: these are not my pics- I found them online)

Message edited 3/9/2010 1:32:39 PM.

Posted 3/8/10 1:55 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would love to do a photo shoot at Robert Moses Beach. In addition to being one of my most favorite places on Long Island, it is also the place where DH and I spent alot of time together when we were dating- and eventually we got engaged there. We spend alot of time there as a family, and I know that it will be one of those places that DD will always remember for the rest of her life. I would love to do the shoot for ourselves- to preserve the memories that we have made there and will make there.

Posted 3/8/10 1:55 PM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Posted by julz33

Northport Harbor.
It was my mom's favorite place. Chat Icon
Since she passed away just before my son's 1st birthday and she will never meet the twins I am carrying, I would love to do a photoshoot at Northport Harbor of my 3 children in her honor. I feel like if her spirit is anywhere, it would be there.

WOW! I think that would be perfect!

Posted 3/8/10 1:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

"If you won a free photo session, and they could shoot it anywhere on Long Island, where would it be, why, and for whom?”

Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. Simply stunning beauty at all times during the year. We love to call it our backyard since it's so close, making it a spot we go to often with the kids. In the summer, the rose garden is gorgeous! In the fall, the leaves changing color make spectacular backdrops.

Why? the family photo - including DH!! I have a ton of the kids, me and the kids, and the kids and DH, but not many of all 4 of us since I don't lug my tripod with me all the time! and because I've never won anything on LIF for all my time here! Chat Icon

Whom? Well, for us and family. For my grandparents in FL who are too old to travel now and don't get to see the grandkids that often.

Photos I've taken at Planting Fields:

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and one with DH would complete the family pic!

Message edited 4/9/2010 10:21:17 AM.

Posted 3/8/10 1:58 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would want a nice casual shoot at my home with my two babies. I've been dying for some "lazy" pro pics of me and my family.Chat Icon all cuddled together. Having such a close call with my life, after delivering my DS makes me realize how wonderful, the simplicity of just being together actually is. It would be just for me, for once!

Message edited 3/8/2010 2:04:31 PM.

Posted 3/8/10 2:01 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Where: Massapequa Preserve/ Bike Trail

Why: Spent alot of time here growing up and DH and I had our first "alone time/date" thingie hereChat Icon It's quiet,beautiful, peaceful and at the same time full of life. My mom also spent alot of time here in her teenage years.

Who: A family shoot with Me, DH and DC when they are born- in the spring or summer.

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(note: these are not my pics- I found them online)

Message edited 3/8/2010 2:16:07 PM.

Posted 3/8/10 2:13 PM


Member since 1/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

The Bayard Cutting Arboretum.

DH and I used to go there all the time when we were dating. Our initials are carved in a tree there and we also took our wedding photos there.

I would love to have family shots done there!

Posted 3/8/10 2:17 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I'd love to go back to Westbury Manor where DH and I got married and take pictures. we were late getting there and didnt take advantage of the beautiful grounds to take all the gorgeous pictures i had in my head. we ended up taking all our pictures in the same spot. now that DS is here I think he would love seeing the peacocks and birds that they have. his face would light up!

Posted 3/8/10 2:20 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would have to say my hometown of Sag Harbor

My daughters are the 6th generation of my family to be living in Sag Harbor.

I think it would be really amazing to have a photograph commemorating the generations of my family, or the women, that have lived here throughout many, many years.

Chat Icon

Posted 3/8/10 2:24 PM


Member since 1/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Bayard Cutting Arboretum

We took out wedding pictures here and I think it owul d be great to have pics of the 3 of us in the same area where DH &I took our wedding pitures. I also think DS would get a kick out of chasing the ducks with DH and pictures of that fun would be priceless!!!

Posted 3/8/10 2:25 PM

Mommy of 3

Member since 8/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

The Bayard Cutting Arboretum. A family shot. Mosty pics we have are just the kids. I had a shoot with just my DD here and the background is amazing.

Posted 3/8/10 2:35 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Jones Beach, because of the natural beauty and the sense of joy that my girls have when playing in the sand, on the playground, watching people fly kites, eating ice cream, chasing seagulls away from their snacks... I know that we will spend a lot of time there through their childhood, as both my husband and I did when we were growing up. As I'm the usual photographer for the family I would love to have a professional there for the greater quality of images and so that I can be a part of some of the photos.

Posted 3/8/10 2:36 PM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Being from the city, our trips to the beach always included Jones Beach! I also went to my first concert with my father there when I was a little girl. It was a Do-Wopp Extravaganza!

Since he passed in 2001, I haven't been able to go back to Jones Beach. But now that the twins are here, I would love to have them photographed on the beach with my Dad watching from above!

Posted 3/8/10 2:59 PM


Member since 9/06

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Me!! All about ME!

Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Posted by Shorty

My parents' home/yard--- a casual shoot with my son, my husband, my siblings, and my parents.

This is such a huge time in my family - I just had the first grandchild, my sister is getting married, my brother is prepping to spend a semester in Europe, and my parents do so much for ALL of us.

I'd love to honor them with some beautiful family shots taken in the place that means safety, love, warmth (and a full plate Chat Icon) to display in their living room. Everything they do is for US, and it's been like that for as long as I can remember. They deserve it. We'll never get this time back - what I wouldn't give to capture how they light up when they're playing with my son Chat Icon Chat Icon

Winner (in my eyes Chat Icon !)

Posted 3/8/10 3:03 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Calverton Airport (The Old Grumman facilities) and Skydive Long Island

My DH and I met at Skydive LI and I'd love to do a family shoot there (I know my DH would love it too). We'd love to have pics of us as a family in front of the planes we jumped out of together! Calverton airport also has so many cool spots from when it used to be Grumman like the underground bunkers used to store weapon and ammo and the old plane hangers that are still up!

Posted 3/8/10 3:47 PM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Posted by eddiesmommy

Or The little shopping village at the Milleridge Inn.

aw, like my wedding pics

Posted 3/8/10 3:55 PM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

If I won a free photo shoot, I'd have it done at Davis Park. My husband and I had our engagement shoot there because it's a special place to us- we spent many summers there. I'd have the shoot done of my DH, myself, and my DD. I had 2 mc before my DD, so she is a miracle baby. To have our first family portraits done at Davis Park would be SO special to us.

Posted 3/8/10 4:01 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would say Heckscher State Park in East Islip. I spent so much time there growing up and have a lot of great memories from there. I love the fact you can take pictures in a forest setting in one part of the park and on the beach in another part. I would want to do a session with my family, my IL's and my SIL and her family. We've been wanting to get everyone together for a photo session like this and I think it would be a perfect location. Chat Icon

Message edited 3/8/2010 4:04:21 PM.

Posted 3/8/10 4:03 PM

Mommy to 2 divas

Member since 9/07

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would love to do a shoot at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum with Dh and DD.

I always wanted to have a beautiful family photo shoot and individual shots of Autumn. Money has been so tight since she has been born and now her birthday is this month I want so bad to do both smash cake and fun/beautiful first birthday pics.

From a Professional photographerChat Icon

Posted 3/8/10 4:32 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I love the beach and wouldnt even be picky about which beach!Chat Icon

Posted 3/8/10 4:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/07

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Id love to have photos taken at the Planting Fields. DH and I had our engagement shoot there along with our DD (she was our flower girl!) but now with DS Id love to go back and recreate our new family portrait. Also I feel like our photographer only took pictures in one particular location and we never got to take any in the rose arches and things like that! So it would be DH, myself DD and DS!

Posted 3/8/10 5:33 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

My first thought was Bayard Cutting Arboretum, where our wedding pictures were taken, but I think I'd like our home, with pictures taken for all of the grandparents.

We moved into our house the month before I gave birth to DS, and in the 9 months since we've been here, we've experienced so many joys.

This is the dining room where my father met DS for the first time. Chat Icon I've never seen him so happy.

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Posted 3/8/10 5:34 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would choose Planting Fields Arboretum.

My husband and I have been going there since before we were married over 4 years ago and now enjoy taking our 2&1/2 year old daughter.
Baby #2 is on the way and since this is my last pregnancy I would love to document this time in our family.

Posted 3/8/10 6:04 PM
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