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Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

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Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

On LI, probably the grounds at Carltun on the Park because we were married there... FIVE years ago next month.

Who would have thought about all the changes in 5 years.

Here are some taken outside that day...
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Posted 3/8/10 6:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 8/07

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

hmmm....i can only pick one?! I'm going to say Argyle Lake in Babylon because that's now our home. I have loved walking/running around that lake through the different stages of my life in the last few years. Discovering the area as a newly married couple who had just bought our new house, then waddling around just like the ducks with DH when pregnant with DD, then strolling around with DD as a newborn, and now we've reached the stage where DD wants to walk by herself and admire the ducks and the trees and enjoy the playground. To me, having a family photoshoot at the lake would in a way complete the circle and truly captivate our life as a little family.

Posted 3/8/10 7:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1854 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would choose Arglye Lake in Babylon also. I have always loved this park from the time I was a child and visited all the time with my parents. I now live close by and have walked around the lake probably 2-3 times a week for the past 5 years or so. I had fertility problems and it took a very long time and finally IVf to conceive DS. Sometimes it was very difficult to walk around the park because there are always tons of moms pushing their strollers. On particularly bad days I cried as I walked thinking that I would never get the chance to push my own baby stroller around the lake.

When I finally got pregnant I did a hypnobirthing program in preparation for labor. One component of the program was finding your "special place" to go to in your mind to help keep your body relaxed. Argyle Lake was my place and I visualized being there with my baby to keep me focused during labor. The first time I brought DS with me to walk around the lake I cried. It was so emotional to have him there with me. I would love to have pictures of my son and I in our "special place".

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 3/8/10 7:22 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

3867 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would go to the little beach in Islip. It has the water, sand, a gazebo, and a playground. I would love to get pictures of the girls there.

Posted 3/8/10 7:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Lavender fields....Its just too beautiful....And for me , DH and the 3 kids. I dont think I have one picture of all of us, and not one picture of me and the twins, or him and the twins either....

Posted 3/8/10 7:39 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would like to go to Northport Harbor. It is where my DH and I fell in love. We go back there each year on our anniversary. Chat Icon I'd love family shoot with my DH, DD and soon to be DS.

Posted 3/8/10 7:42 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

2628 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

My favorite spot on this entire island is Westmeadow Beach in Stony Brook. It holds many special memories for me.... It was the place my family all got together for fun times with cousins, aunts and uncles (when the cottages were still there). It was the place I went to write, think, and cry when I missed my mother while I was growing up. It was the place I went to walk the beach with my boyfriend.. who became my DH. And now it is the place I love to walk and explore with my DS. I have taken many pictures of the wildlife, sunsets, the water, and now my DS. I would love to have a family picture taken there.... all three of us!External Image External Image

Posted 3/8/10 8:14 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 1/08

6460 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Posted by Lola

I would choose Arglye Lake in Babylon also. I have always loved this park from the time I was a child and visited all the time with my parents. I now live close by and have walked around the lake probably 2-3 times a week for the past 5 years or so. I had fertility problems and it took a very long time and finally IVf to conceive DS. Sometimes it was very difficult to walk around the park because there are always tons of moms pushing their strollers. On particularly bad days I cried as I walked thinking that I would never get the chance to push my own baby stroller around the lake.

When I finally got pregnant I did a hypnobirthing program in preparation for labor. One component of the program was finding your "special place" to go to in your mind to help keep your body relaxed. Argyle Lake was my place and I visualized being there with my baby to keep me focused during labor. The first time I brought DS with me to walk around the lake I cried. It was so emotional to have him there with me. I would love to have pictures of my son and I in our "special place".

Chat Icon Chat Icon What a great story!! As much as I'd love to win, I hope you get itChat Icon

Posted 3/8/10 8:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/08

2052 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

If I had to choose ANYWHERE to take photos... I would choose Montauk-some place near Gurneys Inn... Ever since I was a little girl myself, I have been going to Gurney's Inn with my family (parents and brother, grandparents, Aunt and uncle and cousins) 3 times a year... and ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to get married there... When push came to shove, I didnt.. because at the time I booked my wedding, my grandfather was in bad shape and I knew he would not make it out there, and my grandmother wouldn't leave him alone... Unfortunately, he passed before my wedding... and I do not regret my decission to get married locally, but I always wanted Montauk to be a place so special to me and my new family, and have it documented on film... And I can only be so lucky to see my daughter get married there one day....

I would predominately want the photo to be of DH, DD, and I, since we have few pictures of all of us, but I would also want a couple of shots of the entire family that started the tradition: my grandma, my aunt and uncle, cousins and their kids, and my brother and sister.... just to be able to document the times we had there as an extended family... my cousins were like extra siblings.. and I hope their kids and my kids are the same way... it was awesome growing up.... Plus.. it would just be an excuse for a long weekend away with everyone!

Here are some pics.... External Image DH and DD at gurneys last August.. and sunset over the bay... External Image External Image

And one of DD..... my new fav...
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Posted 3/8/10 9:14 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

It would be at Montauk Point.

It would be with my husband and my daughter. We had a really nice vacation out there a while back. Good memories of the three of us.

Posted 3/8/10 9:34 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would have to choose Belmont Lake State Park.

When DH and I moved to Suffolk, we visited this park because it was dog friendly. We made sure to bring our "son" here every mother's day. Now that I have a human son, we still carry on that tradition of visiting the park on Mother's Day with the whole family, furry and non-furry alike.

We love the trail around the lake and the trails that go under the parkway that seem to go on forever.

It would be wonderful to document our travels there and have the whole family be in the pictures at one time.

Message edited 3/8/2010 9:41:13 PM.

Posted 3/8/10 9:39 PM

My Children

Member since 5/05

7905 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

If I won a photo shoot, I would love to have it at Montauk Point of me, DH & my DC. I love Montauk because that is where DH & I went on our first vacation together and then went back 2 years later and got engaged (he proposed to me during dinner at the Crow's Nest).

Posted 3/8/10 11:17 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Montauk Point. That was the first place DH and I went when we started dating. Ever since, we drive there every summer and have a picnic on the beach.

Posted 3/8/10 11:27 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Most places I would go to were already listed.... babylon Argle park, Belmont Lake park, and Bayard Arboreatum.

There is a little place in brightwaters Bayshore that is breath taking...bridges, flowers, victorian houses,.. I love it. So that's where I'd go.

However, if I won this contest I'd give it to my very special friend who is a wonderful mother to 5 boys. She definitely deserves it!
= )

Posted 3/8/10 11:40 PM


Member since 11/05

1984 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Although I have alot of places I would love to do a photo shoot my first choice would be Sailors Haven, Fire Island (Sunken Forest). From riding the ferry from Sayville to walking to the beach, the whole experience is great. It has such a beautiful beach and is so peaceful. THe Forest is also great because you are able to get the best of both worlds in one place. When DH & I go over there we feel like we are on vacation and that there is no where else we would rather be. We cannot wait to take our DD there this summer and let her run around on the beach and see such a beautiful place.

I would want a family session of my DH, me and DD.

Posted 3/9/10 7:07 AM


Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

i would love to do a session ay Smithpoint beach with Kryssy and the 2 teddy bears i have of Keiths ashes. He loved Smithpoint and I have been dying to do pictures with Kryssy for a LONG time

Posted 3/9/10 7:21 AM

Vibrant Health

Member since 1/07

2822 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Where: Sands Point Preserve
Who: Me, DH and our son.
WHy: we hardly have any pictures as a family. I love the grounds.

Posted 3/9/10 8:18 AM

Loving my girls

Member since 7/09

2533 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Where: The Planting fields
1-My brother/SIL wedding she looked goregeous but was really sick and hiding it well.
2-She never got any pictures of her outside in her dress cause the limo got lost wouldnt ask for directions and made us so late for the wedding.
3-The photographer they got with the hall messed up all the pictures. They were blurry and grainy. It broke my heart that they have been married 6 yrs and never got an album cause it wasnt worth the $$.
4-Its the place that my brother proposed to his long time love.
Whom: My little brother and SIL who are having a hard time starting a family of their own.

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They definetly deserve it

Posted 3/9/10 8:19 AM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Where: Greenport
Who: me, my DH, DS and DD
Why: It's so hard to get any good family photos and I want to have some beautiful pictures of my family, when the kids are still little. We love going their and think its so pretty and peaceful. We also had forgotten our camera last time we wetn last year, so i didnt get any pictures of us.

Message edited 3/9/2010 8:27:32 AM.

Posted 3/9/10 8:27 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale. We got married near there and took our wedding pics there. There is a neat wooden bridge with an old building in the background. I'd love to take some pictures there that could have been taken in the early 1900's or today. I'm into that stuff!

We also have a pic from our wedding of us walking down a path there and, now that my boys can walk, I think it would be so sweet to re-create that. Especially with the "long road" we had to having our babiesChat Icon

Here's the picChat Icon

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Posted 3/9/10 8:34 AM


Member since 5/07

5351 total posts

Twin mommy

Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Well, while I would LOVE a family shoot, I'm going to go in a different direction (and not sure this is even an option) Chat Icon

I would absolutely love to do a boudoir shoot for my DH. Just me, and I would probably do it at our home on LI. He is turning 40 in less than a year, and we are celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary. This would be an amazing gift for him.

Throughout our 13 years together, through weight gains and losses, gravity Chat Icon , a twin pregnancy with resulting c-section scar and stretch marks, he has always always made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He is under so much pressure and does so much for everyone, me, our kids, his family, his friends and his job that I would love to give him something that's just for him. He has mentioned that he loves the idea of boudoir photos but I never had the courage or confidence to do it. After having my boys I realized life is too short to worry about looking perfect before doing something like this. Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/10 9:03 AM


Member since 5/05

3206 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would love to win this photoshoot...

If i did I would take a family picture of DH, DD and I - we would goto SUNY FARMINGDALE HORTICULTURAL GARDEN - That is where DH and I took our wedding photo's 5 years ago... So strange how so much changes in such a short time - You just never know how time flies and things change both negative and positive....

Having my DD was a blessing and I am truly amazed by her and her personality at such a young age.... capturing her and us as a family there would be amazing....


Posted 3/9/10 10:42 AM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

4536 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

theres so many Chat Icon so many good memories at so many places.

The Riverhead Atlantis Aquarium i think would have to be my choice! i just love it here its so much fun it brings you back to being a kid, we took our wedding photos here and i treasure them! andi think i would want a family shoot we only have maybe 2 family pictures because im always behind the camera and i think it would be nice to show the growth of our family. i hope to go there with every child to get a family shot!

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Message edited 3/9/2010 10:48:09 AM.

Posted 3/9/10 10:45 AM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

4536 total posts


Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

Posted by Carolyn

Well, while I would LOVE a family shoot, I'm going to go in a different direction (and not sure this is even an option) Chat Icon

I would absolutely love to do a boudoir shoot for my DH. Just me, and I would probably do it at our home on LI. He is turning 40 in less than a year, and we are celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary. This would be an amazing gift for him.

Throughout our 13 years together, through weight gains and losses, gravity Chat Icon , a twin pregnancy with resulting c-section scar and stretch marks, he has always always made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He is under so much pressure and does so much for everyone, me, our kids, his family, his friends and his job that I would love to give him something that's just for him. He has mentioned that he loves the idea of boudoir photos but I never had the courage or confidence to do it. After having my boys I realized life is too short to worry about looking perfect before doing something like this. Chat Icon

i love this Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon what a great and thoughtful idea!!!! obviously i hope to win but if i dont id love to see you win this one! Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/10 10:48 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

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Re: Win a free photo session from Lexi-Bella Photography!

I would do a family picture at Old Westbury Gardens. I always loved how wedding pictures looked there but my wedding timing did not allow for it. I think it would be special to have family ones done there.

Posted 3/9/10 12:46 PM
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