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Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Ok she here's the scenerio.
I go out to SIL's car to say good bye to my nephew. See that he's in his car seat with it buckled, but the shoulder straps are around his waist and not over his shoulders. (he's 2).
I go to my SIL and tell her oh he got out of the shoduler straps and she's like oh well he doesn't like being buckled so we just let him get buckled in like that.
With all the drama with my SIL I didn't say anything but am sooo torn, since I know how unsafe that it and would never want to have something happen to him.
Posted 11/8/10 10:51 AM |
love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Ok that's as bad as him not being IN a car seat.. is she kidding!! Im stunned by this!!!
Posted 11/8/10 10:54 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I am not usually one to comment when I see a parent doing something I don't agree with however, in this case I would absolutely, 100%, without a doubt say something. That is so beyond unsafe..........what is she thinking???????? Who cares if he doesn't like it, he's 2.......he doesn't get a say. If he's probably restrained he won't be able to get out himself anyway and at least he's safe. If he cries about then too bad, drive around with a crying toddler. I'd rather a crying toddler then a dead one. She's out of her mind, I hope you speak up!!
Posted 11/8/10 10:55 AM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I can't even begin to think how someone would think that's okay! Definitely say something to her, maybe email her a few links about car seat safety.
Posted 11/8/10 10:57 AM |

Member since 7/09 9209 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I would say something, I usually keep my mouth shut, especially with my "know it all" relatives, but there is serious risk of spinal cord injury. She needs to at least hear that.
Posted 11/8/10 10:58 AM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I am usually a "mind you business" kind of person but, to me, this falls into the realm of putting a child in harms way.
I would have to call her and speak with her about how dangerous it is. Would it be better to speak with BIL or to have DH say something?
Posted 11/8/10 10:58 AM |
Weekend Warrior

Member since 3/08 2530 total posts
Name: Dulcinea
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I would just let it be.
Not to make light of the situation but remember, car seats weren't mandatory in all cars until 1988. And many people who bring their toddlers with them on busses and in cabs don't even use car seats.
Posted 11/8/10 10:59 AM |
06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
At this point, since you let it go when you saw it, I would take the passive aggressive route.
Go to YouTube, and search car seat. You'll find some truly heartbreaking videos that you can email her with a note that you couldn't stop thinking about the what ifs after you saw that the car seat wasn't being used properly.
You said SIL - is it your brother or DH's brother? If your sibling, go straight to him and say how shocked, scared, dismayed etc you were and that you didn't want to start WWIII, but you can't just ignore it either.
Posted 11/8/10 11:11 AM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
That is your nephew and YOUR business! Please call her!
Posted 11/8/10 11:13 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I don't care what kind of drama would have ensued, I would have made the biggest stink about how the child doesn't get to choose how he likes to be buckled.
OMG, what is she thinking???!!!!??
Posted 11/8/10 11:13 AM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
people do not like to be told what to do with their kids...
yesterday my sister's friend posted on FB about how her son outgrew his infant seat and how he loves facing forward now. I told her about the 1yr/20lbs minimum requirement (of which he meets neither) -she then deleted my comment, and defriended me, my husband and both my sisters
Its too unsafe to not say something, but try to approach it in a way that doesn't make her defensive.
Message edited 11/8/2010 11:33:55 AM.
Posted 11/8/10 11:33 AM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Thanks everyone, I just wanted to make sure i wasn't over-reacting.
It is my DH's sister and we've had one big family brawl lately over our difference in the way we parent and the way they choose to parent.
I try to pick and choose my battles, but i think this is one i am going to choose and let DH know and hopefully he can talk to her without ensuing another family brawl.
She's expecting another LO very soon and i'm hoping that she doesn't do this with the both of them as it is sooo dangerous.
Posted 11/8/10 11:34 AM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Posted by -Lisa-
people do not like to be told what to do with their kids...
yesterday my sister's friend posted on FB about how her son outgrew his infant seat and how he loves facing forward now. I told her about the 1yr/20lbs minimum requirement (of which he meets neither) -she then deleted my comment, and defriended me, my husband and both my sisters
Its too unsafe to not say something, but try to approach it in a way that doesn't make her defensive.
OMG....that's pretty much the same thing that happened with my SIL a few months back when we tried to nicely address an issue. Part of the reason why i think i tried not to get involved.
Posted 11/8/10 11:36 AM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Is it possible that she can't keep the 2 year old restrained? What if he keeps removing them and doesn't listen? Exactly how is she going to force him?
Posted 11/8/10 1:07 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/09 5981 total posts
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I would let it go. my good friend had her 1 YO daughter in her lap in the back seat ( we were following them) I was shocked and it took me a week to get up the nerve to say something. she totally dismissed me and said oh she doesn't like the car seat.
Posted 11/8/10 1:09 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Posted by dita
Is it possible that she can't keep the 2 year old restrained? What if he keeps removing them and doesn't listen? Exactly how is she going to force him?
To be honest, i dont think it's a matter of her not being able to keep them on him. The shoulder straps were at the lowest level in the car seat so she never moved them up to fit him better. When i pointed it out to her, she was like oh well he never liked the shoulder straps so we don't bother. to quote her exactly- "it's a challenge to get him buckled this way, i'm not going to make him any more upset"
To me, if my child wasn't properly restrained were not going anywhere. And if my child wasn't properly restrained i certainly would not be driving around like that everyday with them in the car. But that's just my opinion, which is why i posted this to begin with to see if i'm overreacting.
Posted 11/8/10 1:13 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I ask because DS is 13 months and screams bloody murder when I strap him him, always has. When I saw he figured out how to get his arm out I tightened it. I just worry that it's just a matter of time before he starts opening the buckle while we're driving. I don't know how I would prevent that.
Posted 11/8/10 1:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Your SIL is a selfish beatch - sorry but that is the only way to describe someone who puts their child in harms way. Sounds like she wouldn't even care if you send her links to car seat rules and regulations or horrific stories on you tube.
I would email or call her though and tell her that you have not been able to get that picture of your nephew not buckled in safely out of your mind and could she please start buckling him in as you would just lose your mind if anything were to happen to him. Maybe give her some hints on how to get him to sit in the seat while she is buckling him in like keeping small toys in the car etc etc.
I would sit on DS if needed in order to get him in the car seat.
Some parents and just plain stupid and irresponsible.
Posted 11/8/10 1:19 PM |
carseat nerd

Member since 11/09 3669 total posts
Name: Buttercup
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Since your relationship is already strained with her, and since she seems to view any advice from you with disdain, it may be best to let your DH or maybe even MIL approach the subject with her. You confronting her directly may just add fuel to the fire or be met with a set of rolling eyes, ya know?
You could even just post a video or two or even an article on facebook and hope she "gets it". Maybe slip a pamphlet into her diaper bag even.
Posted 11/8/10 2:14 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
people have seriously lost their mmmmeffing minds.
I can't.
even if you let your child get away with EVERYTHING. this is ONE battle you should MOM the eff up on and FIGHT!!!
ETA: my son wigs in the car seat now when I put him in. TOOO BAD charlie.
I LOVE you. I LOVE you that much. that I will take you being mad at me and crying and kicking. b/c I LOVE you. and you being safe is more important to me than you being appeased. end of story!
Message edited 11/8/2010 2:18:37 PM.
Posted 11/8/10 2:17 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
DD being strapped in the car seat is non-negiotable. I would never drive around with her not secured. And I don't care how much she screams or fights me, it's a battle I'm going to win.
I would absolutely call her and tell her that her DC needs to be properly strapped in.
Posted 11/8/10 2:21 PM |
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
I swear I was in the exact same situation. I just let it go. I don't have any children so I knew I'd get the usualy "you don't understand"
Posted 11/8/10 2:35 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Posted by dita
Is it possible that she can't keep the 2 year old restrained? What if he keeps removing them and doesn't listen? Exactly how is she going to force him?
I was once driving and turned around to see that my DD had taken the shoulder straps off by herself..
I have stressed to my DD that she can't ever do that because if we have an accident, she'll get the most terrible boo boo ever and DH and I will be so so so sad. I'm as dramatic as I need to be.
I've also refused to drive when I see she's unbuckled the top clip.
She gets it.
Posted 11/8/10 2:35 PM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
w. t. f.?!? Yeah thats just stupid. Why bother putting him IN a car seat?
Message edited 11/8/2010 2:38:29 PM.
Posted 11/8/10 2:38 PM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: WWYD- 2 yr old in a car seat
Posted by Ophelia
people have seriously lost their mmmmeffing minds.
I can't.
even if you let your child get away with EVERYTHING. this is ONE battle you should MOM the eff up on and FIGHT!!!
ETA: my son wigs in the car seat now when I put him in. TOOO BAD charlie.
I LOVE you. I LOVE you that much. that I will take you being mad at me and crying and kicking. b/c I LOVE you. and you being safe is more important to me than you being appeased. end of story!
amen sista!
Posted 11/8/10 2:39 PM |
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