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WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

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Member since 7/09

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WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I'm expecting in March, there is a biz trip DH might go on in May. I usually go with him and we were just wondering if at 2 months it would be too early (or too unethical) to dump baby on my Mom for us to leave for a long weekend. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind at all, but what do you think?

Posted 10/16/09 12:58 PM
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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I dont think so. DS#1 was born in April and we went away for 2 days to my cousins beach house in NJ. To be honest though, my mind was on him the whole time and I called 1,000 times. My parents were like "you would think we never raised a kid before"Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 1:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

My mom would do it. I guess it depends on the age/health of the grandparents, personality of the child. Is it on work days? Do your parents work?

Posted 10/16/09 1:10 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I wouldnt be able to do....and when your in that situation, you may not be able to do it either. It's not unethical or wrong....

I thought I could go back to work right away......wrong! DS is 6 months now....and I still have a hard time leaving him.

Posted 10/16/09 1:10 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

You can do it....but I know at 2 mos I was still so attached that she would have done well, but I would have been a mess!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 1:11 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

it's not wrong or unethical! I wouldn't be able to, but it's all about comfort levels. Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 1:13 PM

Brotherly Love!

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

If you're comfortable with it I don't see why not. Personally I couldn't do it, I would probably miss the baby too much.

Posted 10/16/09 1:16 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

Posted by MikesWife

it's not wrong or unethical! I wouldn't be able to, but it's all about comfort levels. Chat Icon

Exactly what I was going to say Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 1:17 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I don't find anything wrong with will all depend on you and if you can separate yourself from the baby. I never had a problem with separation for a day or two but some mothers do.

Posted 10/16/09 1:19 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

Posted by lbelle821

I don't find anything wrong with will all depend on you and if you can separate yourself from the baby. I never had a problem with separation for a day or two but some mothers do.

ITA! Chat Icon

We had a wedding to go to when ds was 6 weeks old. My DH was in the wedding, so we had to go to CT for 2 nights for it. My aunt watched ds and everything was fine.

I say go because the chances to go later on become few and far between as they get older. Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 1:37 PM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I would. As long as she is in good health and care care for DC, I have no problem with stuff like that.

Posted 10/16/09 1:48 PM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

thanks for the replies! Chat Icon

I'm pretty lucky my mom is in really good health and it would be for a weekend, and I know she would be more than elated.

I honestly don't know what my comfort level would be I'm still not completely absorbed the idea that a baby will be coming out of me in a few months. Have to wait and see how I will feel.

Posted 10/16/09 5:10 PM

Sooo Sleep Deprived....

Member since 7/06

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I think th ebest bet is to wait and see how it goes and how you feel once the baby is here. Once DD arrived there was no way I could have been away from her for that long because I would have gone crazy missing her and because I was EBF.

Posted 10/16/09 5:28 PM

My Life. My Everything.

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

Posted by lbelle821

I don't find anything wrong with will all depend on you and if you can separate yourself from the baby. I never had a problem with separation for a day or two but some mothers do.

Same here. By the time Athan was 2 months he spent a few nights with my mom because I had to work late or travel. Neither of us had a problem with it.

Posted 10/16/09 5:31 PM

Baby #1 is here!

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I would. In fact I did!

Posted 10/16/09 5:49 PM


Member since 8/06

3762 total posts


Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I maybe different then the masses, but i have yet to leave ds for longer then 10 hours.. and he is one.. i should be fabulous when i have baby #2 in january.. i think it depends on how much you trust the person you leave them with.. personally my parents are not my first, or second line of babysiting... more because my father doesnt listen to and trips everytime he walks and my mother is not much better..

also if you are nursing you may have a harder time leaving as well

Posted 10/16/09 7:17 PM

Sisters :)

Member since 7/06

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

DD is 2 months old now and I couldn't leave her for a weekend, i'd miss her way too much. I have trouble leaving her for a few hours! I'm dreading going back to work in 2 weeks... i'd maybe wait until you have the baby to decide.

Posted 10/16/09 8:26 PM


Member since 1/08

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I would never be able to. I'm dreading leaving her overnight in November at 2.5 months.Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 8:29 PM

CT. here we come!!

Member since 5/08

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I left DS overnight with my parents when he was 5 weeks old. Now that he is 17 months, he spends the night there at least twice a month- he loves it and they adore having him. DD is 5 months and they want to start taking her overnight soon also! I say if your parents are willing to do it, and you are comfortable with it, go for it!

Posted 10/16/09 8:33 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

DS is 2.5 months old and I left him with my parents this weekend. Do I miss him? Yes. But its not the end of the world, he's in good hands, and I kind of needed the break.

I worry and I call my parents like 5 times a day to check in on him, but I also think its important that you and DH get away sometimes and do things on your own.

Posted 10/17/09 1:39 AM

Here we go!

Member since 2/08

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I had to leave my 3 month old with my parents to attend a funeral in Cali. It was hard. I cried the first night and called a few too many times, but she did fine, my parents enjoyed the time alone with her and all went well. I think it may be good for you, and DH, to have some alone time.

Posted 10/17/09 1:41 AM

My crazy Trio

Member since 3/09

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

Nothing wrong with that and I say go for it. I have left the triplets overnight with my Mom.....

Posted 10/17/09 1:43 AM


Member since 7/06

2969 total posts


Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I'd wait until you have the baby to decide. Honestly, I was way too attached at that point and it killed me to even go to the supermarket without

I'm sure your DC would be absolutely in great hands with family and no problem leaving at all, it's just you that may get upset.

Posted 10/17/09 6:55 AM

I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

I think it really depends on the individual. I think you should wait until you have your baby and see how you feel before you make the decision. Personally I would not have left either one of my DC with my mom at that age, but other people I know would not have a problem with it.

Posted 10/17/09 7:32 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: WWYD? leave 2 month old with mom for weekend?

Honestly, I'm of the mindset that if someone is willing to take on 2 sleepless nights for you, then you should thank them profusely and sleep in for 2 days! Chat Icon I'm guessing you're not planning on BFing because that would be the only thing that could really make things tough. I would hate the idea of pumping while on vacation.

Posted 10/17/09 7:41 AM
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