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WWYD moms of two or more???

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Real Estate Professional

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WWYD moms of two or more???

DD loves her crib and is very attached to it, is one of those kids that will not sleep anywhere else. We're moving in a few weeks and with all the changes I do not want to put her in a big girl bed just yet, bc it's almost a guarantee that she will freak out and not sleep in it so she'll stay in the crib for the time being. We are expecing DD#2 in the very beginning of July...she will most likely be in our room in a bassinet for at least two I'm wondering, do I buy a new crib and set for DD#2 or use the same set for DD#2 and transition DD into a big girl bed in a few months maybe right before the baby comes or right after...I think doing it right after will just be a lot considering I'll be up with a nb and the possibility of DD#1 not sleeping well in the new bed....For DD we'd have to get a new bed as well as a dresser....for DD#2 if I were to get a new set I would get a convertible bed that will turn into a full later on and a changing table and then on top of it we'd have to get DD#1 a new bed soon as well....


Posted 2/10/11 3:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Two Under Two Mommy

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I would not buy a new crib. Move and let DD get adjusted to the new home in her own crib. Once she is used to the new home, maybe you can try transitioning her to a big girl bed.

You'll have a few months for the new baby in a bassinet. I think you'll be able to transition DD#1 out of the crib by this time.

Posted 2/10/11 3:24 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I say wait on buying a new crib. Set up new room in new house with both crib and twin bed. Let her adjust at her own rate. Get her excited about her new big girl bed. and hopefully in about 6 months the transition will be done on its own. If she is still really resistant, then buy a new crib.

Posted 2/10/11 3:27 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I was in the same position as you a year ago. DS#2 was born in July. He slept in the pack and play in my room for months. We made it a big deal for DS#1 to go out and buy the toddler bed. He picked out his bedding and was so excited for it. i also prepped him that his brother would be sleeping in the crib.

That being said, DS#1 is back in the crib and #2 is back in our bedroom n the pack and play. DS#1 is 28 months and just not ready for the toddler bed. He is too anxious and even though he really wants to be in the bed, he just can't. We had major sleep regression the past few weeks.

So I guess I am no help!

If you can, maybe buy an inexpensive convertible crib for DD#2.

Posted 2/10/11 3:28 PM

Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06

7392 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

If money wasn't an issue, I would buy another crib and leave DD#1 in her crib as long as she is happy there. Then, get her a new set when she is ready.

Nothing worse than a toddler who can now get out of bed and wake up more times in the night than your newborn.Chat Icon

Message edited 2/10/2011 4:08:39 PM.

Posted 2/10/11 3:29 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

If it was me I would keep her in the crib as long as possible. We couldn't fit 2 cribs in our 2nd bedroom so we had to transition DD#1 to a toddler bed right before her 2nd birthday. She had no problems but I still wish she was in a crib sometimes.

Posted 2/10/11 3:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I'm in the same boat as you. We already did our move so that part is out of the way. Chat Icon
The transition to his new room went well. We set up the room almost the same way. His fav stuffed animals in his crib and I play the sound machine. Now, he doesn't know any different.

My problem is he's in the middle size room now. The biggest room is stuck in the 80's. Bad carpet, formica built-in furniture, splatter paint looking wallpaper... you get the picture. The middle room had nothing and no carpet so that was best for him. Now, we're planning on gutting the big room and making it a room for Mason. We'll keep the baby furniture for the new baby coming in July. I think we're going to get him big boy furniture, but put the crib in there as well. The room is big. We'll get him used to that and eventually try naps in his bed. The baby will be in our room for a few months as well.
Anyway, we'll see how it all goes. Don't want to do too much change at once.

Posted 2/10/11 3:30 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I wouldn't buy a new crib. I would transition her out a month or two BEFORE you give birth so she stops associating the crib as hers.

I would buy a regular bed for her so you have less transitions during her toddlerhood.

Posted 2/10/11 3:30 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

17227 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by jambalady

If money wasn't an issue, I would buy another crib and leave DD#1 in her crib as long as she is happy there. Then, get her a new set when she is ready.

Nothing worse than a toddler who can not get out of bed and wake up more times in the night than your newborn.Chat Icon

this is honestly my biggest fear...thank g-d she loves to go into her crib at night and gives me no problems at all, she loves it actually...
I'm just so torn, bc she' so attached to it and I don't want her resenting the new baby going into her crib, BUT the new baby won't technically be going into it until hopefully if all goes well the 5th month she's been out of the crib...

Posted 2/10/11 3:38 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by pickles16

this is honestly my biggest fear...thank g-d she loves to go into her crib at night and gives me no problems at all, she loves it actually...
I'm just so torn, bc she' so attached to it and I don't want her resenting the new baby going into her crib, BUT the new baby won't technically be going into it until hopefully if all goes well the 5th month she's been out of the crib...

There is a chance she may love her bed just as much... the main reason I think you should do it before the baby versus after is I think once a new sibiling has entered the picture, we're quick to wonder if the behavior is about the new baby. This way you can have her adjust to the bed without that guilt that follows over the new baby.

Posted 2/10/11 3:39 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

17227 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by pickles16

this is honestly my biggest fear...thank g-d she loves to go into her crib at night and gives me no problems at all, she loves it actually...
I'm just so torn, bc she' so attached to it and I don't want her resenting the new baby going into her crib, BUT the new baby won't technically be going into it until hopefully if all goes well the 5th month she's been out of the crib...

There is a chance she may love her bed just as much... the main reason I think you should do it before the baby versus after is I think once a new sibiling has entered the picture, we're quick to wonder if the behavior is about the new baby. This way you can have her adjust to the bed without that guilt that follows over the new baby.

ITA and in an ideal world will def try to do it before....hopefully it won't be too bad

Posted 2/10/11 3:40 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Well, I'm a freak...not only did I buy a new crib, but I bought the same exact bumper (hello, like $50 later...) and same crib sheet because I didn't want her to freak out. Then I moved her into her new room about 6 weeks before her sister was born.

In fairness though, DD was only 20 mos. old at the time. She was doing great in the crib and I didn't want any more disruptions than necessary.

Posted 2/10/11 3:46 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I had the same exact situation. We set the crib up in DS' room when we moved. We got the nursery ready and while he got used to his room and the house, then we moved him into the nursery while we got his room ready with the big boy bed. I figured I'd leave him in the nursery until shortly before the baby came but after 2 days of seeing his awesome new firetruck room with big boy bed, he shocked us by asking to move in there and never looked back. Can you do something ike that? Just make sure it's a big girl room she'll be all excited to move into Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/11 3:52 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

17227 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by Eireann

I didn't want any more disruptions than necessary.

This was my thinking, but DD#1 will be exactly 2.5 when the new baby is born so either way sooner or later and more likely sooner she will have to be out of the crib...

Posted 2/10/11 3:55 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by jambalady

If money wasn't an issue, I would buy another crib and leave DD#1 in her crib as long as she is happy there. Then, get her a new set when she is ready.

Nothing worse than a toddler who can not get out of bed and wake up more times in the night than your newborn.Chat Icon


Posted 2/10/11 4:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

My DS was 28 months when DD was born so almost the same age as your DD will be. This is what we did - it was my plan from the beginning and worked out fine and, I will say, I have a DS that is very sentimental and tends to be over attached to his baby stuff Chat Icon Chat Icon

I kept DS's room exactly the same - crib and everything until DD was about 3.5 months. I have a great bassinet and DS was in it until 4.5 mos so i planned to do the same with DD. So, a month before I had to transition DD to the crib I started the transition for DS. By that time DD was 3.5 mos and we were pretty settled as a family of 4. I let DS pick out all the stuff for his big boy room and we gradually changed it leaving the crib-bed transition until last. One thing I will say is DO NOT take the crib down in her presence. It REALLY upset DS when we first started. I then waited until he was out of the house and did it. We made a HUGE deal out of the bed and how fantastic it was and his special sheets he picked out etc. He was a little upset - asked for the crib every day for about a week but, quickly got over it every night. I would just explain to him that if he had the crib back all his train stuff would have to go too because that was only for a big boy room. Anyway, he transitioned amazing and all was fine by the time we put DD in the crib. She took all of his nursery furniture and he got all new stuff. We did it slowly - first the dresser changed, then the book shelf, the decor and then the bed was last. In the end it went MUCH smoother than I expected.

We spent so much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on the crib and furniture that there was no way I was buying another crib. Plus, I am in love with the crib and would only end up buying the same one!

HTH Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/11 4:05 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Well I'm having #2 in Sept, just before DS turns 3 and I'm debating about getting another crib or not also! DS does great in his crib so I hate to upset that, but he is also really tall so I don't even know if he will still fit in the crib come Sept! I guess it will be a "game day" decision for us, DC #2 can sleep in the PNP for a few months if we need the extra time, but I think I'll get DS a twin bed early summer to transition to.

Posted 2/10/11 4:09 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I think it's easier to do it before the baby arrives. That's what I did.

Posted 2/10/11 4:12 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

I would not buy another crib. Not for a few months. I'd explain that she is a big girl now and we are giving the baby the crib and she is so special and big and all that jazz. I did that with my 1st and it was fine and she was 18 months...

Message edited 2/10/2011 4:17:39 PM.

Posted 2/10/11 4:17 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

17227 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by itsbabytime

My DS was 28 months when DD was born so almost the same age as your DD will be. This is what we did - it was my plan from the beginning and worked out fine and, I will say, I have a DS that is very sentimental and tends to be over attached to his baby stuff Chat Icon Chat Icon

I kept DS's room exactly the same - crib and everything until DD was about 3.5 months. I have a great bassinet and DS was in it until 4.5 mos so i planned to do the same with DD. So, a month before I had to transition DD to the crib I started the transition for DS. By that time DD was 3.5 mos and we were pretty settled as a family of 4. I let DS pick out all the stuff for his big boy room and we gradually changed it leaving the crib-bed transition until last. One thing I will say is DO NOT take the crib down in her presence. It REALLY upset DS when we first started. I then waited until he was out of the house and did it. We made a HUGE deal out of the bed and how fantastic it was and his special sheets he picked out etc. He was a little upset - asked for the crib every day for about a week but, quickly got over it every night. I would just explain to him that if he had the crib back all his train stuff would have to go too because that was only for a big boy room. Anyway, he transitioned amazing and all was fine by the time we put DD in the crib. She took all of his nursery furniture and he got all new stuff. We did it slowly - first the dresser changed, then the book shelf, the decor and then the bed was last. In the end it went MUCH smoother than I expected.

We spent so much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on the crib and furniture that there was no way I was buying another crib. Plus, I am in love with the crib and would only end up buying the same one!

HTH Chat Icon

Thank you this was great advice!

Posted 2/10/11 4:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/08

2223 total posts


Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

we just went through this. DD turned 2 last week and about 3 weeks ago I was thinking to myself how attached she is to her crib. we decided to go check out beds but to hold off until the last minute to decide. Baby #2 is due in April. Wouldnt you know it, she climbed out of her crib 2 days later! She has never even attempted to do this before and if I didn't walk in her room and see her standing in the middle of the floor with my own 2 eyes I wouldn't have believed you. We put her crib mattress on the floor, she slept fine that night. We ordered a full size mattress and have had it on the floor for the past 2 weeks or so. She loves it and transitioned perfectly. the first few nights she was all over the place but now she seems to stay in the middle or at least facing the right way.

Posted 2/10/11 4:39 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

When I was about 12 weeks pregnant with the twins I moved DS crib furniture out and put his big boy furniture in. I made a really big deal of how cool his big boy furniture was. So much to the point that anytime someone came over he wanted to show them what a big boy he was.

He was around 26 months. Never looked back. I was bugging out that he was going to get out of his bed a million times and I was going to regret it. But the transition wound up being super smooth.

And it wasn't like he was trying to climb out of his crib. I just knew I had to buy 1 crib already for the twins, didn't want to have to buy 2. I feel like the earlier I moved him the better. He wasn't at the age of challenging yet.

We got him a twin sized bed. Didn't see the point in buying a toddler bed that he'd outgrow.

And now when he sees the crib in the girls' room he doesn't remember it ever even being his.

Posted 2/10/11 5:26 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Posted by Bridex100

I would not buy a new crib. Move and let DD get adjusted to the new home in her own crib. Once she is used to the new home, maybe you can try transitioning her to a big girl bed.

You'll have a few months for the new baby in a bassinet. I think you'll be able to transition DD#1 out of the crib by this time.

I would do this.

We have a similar situation- DD is 2 and baby #3 is coming in July. We moved as well. A month before we moved we took down her crib and set her up in a princess toddler bed. But, our situation was different because she was asking for a princess bed because her older brother had a toddler race car bed and she always wants what he has!

Posted 2/10/11 6:15 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Jack was 27 months when Tyler was born. We bought another crib. Jack loved his crib and honestly, I was petrified of having to deal with him not sleeping well, on top of having a newborn and adjusting to a family of four.

We coverted the crib to a full size bed about 7 months later. He was ready then, and the transition was easy. I would buy another convertible crib. Do you plan on keeping the kids in seperate rooms? They can each have their own convertible crib.

If not you can always reuse the crib for another baby if you go for #3.

Posted 2/10/11 6:47 PM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

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Re: WWYD moms of two or more???

Ryleigh is 26 months and is still in her crib. Brendan was born when she was only 18 months old, so we kinda had to get another crib.

Do you have a friend who has one that you might be able to use for now? My sister gave us the crib she used for her two sons. It's not the prettiest, but it's functional, and temporary.

My thing is, don't mess with the toddler's sleep because she's the ONLY one that's going to be sleeping with a newborn around!

Posted 2/10/11 7:37 PM
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