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love my boys!
Member since 4/06 5648 total posts
Name: Nicki
WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
I'll start by saying my gut is to switch peds, but because I haven't had any interaction with other peds I wanted some feedback.... So, the ped that we go to came highly recommended....when we initially met I liked him because he is more laid back and wouldn't make me worry about every little forward to our 4 month visit. All he did was examine him, ask quickly about milestones and give him his shots and tell us to come back in 2 months. When I brought up his sleeping difficulties, his answer was "I don't know how to answer that"--not even any suggestions. Then he was about to leave the room and I asked about starting solids---I told him I wanted to wait a little longer to start, he said that was fine and left the room Maybe because DS is my first baby, but I'm looking for a little more guidance here!! Do your peds talk to you more? Is this normal? I have concerns that I don't feel are even being addressed....when I asked what percentile he was I was told 10%--they didn't even bother to use his corrected age bc he was a preemie! Sorry so long, I just want to make sure this isn't how its supposed to be before I switch peds! Thanks!
ETA my little munchkin did good at his visit though, he is up to 14lb (started at 5) and up to 24 inches!!
Message edited 5/21/2008 3:06:08 PM.
Posted 5/21/08 3:02 PM |
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Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
First, I would say to switch right off the bat. You feel uncomfortable now, if, god forbid, something DOES happen to your son that is serious, you will not be comfortable having this ped handling his care. You will likely doubt he is receiving the best treatment and that all of your questions are being answered.
Next, DS has 3 peds in his office and a PA.....I love the PA and 2 of the doctors, the 3rd is similar to your doc, doesn't explain things to my satisfaction, is abrupt and pretty much doesn't cover enough for me. I ask for other docs when I make my appts.
Start looking for someone who makes you feel comfortable and try to get some long as his care is good now, you have some time......
Good Luck!
Posted 5/21/08 3:08 PM |
My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05 2598 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
I would switch. You should be comfortable asking any question(s) you like and getting some feedback. Sounds like you are getting the bare minimum of care.
Posted 5/21/08 3:10 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
My ped definitely talks to me more than that. She sits with us and talks about milestones, asks lots of questions about how DD is doing with various things. She goes over her growth chart with me and tells me the percentiles. I would switch if I were you. You should never feel rushed, which it sounds like your dr. is doing.
Posted 5/21/08 3:12 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
I would switch it is important that you are comfortable with your ped. Mine always answers my questions - he is a solo ped - but after every visit he takes you into his office and sits down and goes over a few things with you and answers any questions - he also answers questions while he examines DD and if there is something going on I ask it then - and if I forget I get a second chance when we sit in his office.
Posted 5/21/08 3:23 PM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
switch. just for the fact that your second guessing your ped is enough reason to switch. your gut is telling you something. follow it. a mothers intuition is never wrong. and my doctor talks to me alot more then yours did.
Posted 5/21/08 3:34 PM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
Def. switch.. I started with the same ped that I used to use when I was a little girl but I guess it just wasnt the same.
I ended up switching after her first birthday because I was starting to feel more like a "number".. now Im happy where I am
Posted 5/21/08 3:37 PM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
i would follow your intuition. if you're not getting the care/attention that you would like, that's reason enough to switch imo.
Posted 5/21/08 3:37 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
Our peds answer all questions and actually gave me advice on how to start on solids before I asked....
Posted 5/21/08 6:24 PM |
Me and my Monkey

Member since 7/06 2437 total posts
Name: K
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
Follow your gut. No one should walk out of a room when someone is talking to them!!
Posted 5/21/08 7:26 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: WWYD re: Ped (a little long)
I would go with my gut. You need someone that's not rusing you out the door - and they are definitely out there.
I've switched pediatricans from one who was annoyed I asked questions to one who always asks "Do you have anything you want to talk about? How are YOU doing?"
Posted 5/21/08 7:29 PM |