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More Catholic School Questions.....

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

99 total posts


More Catholic School Questions.....

Well first of all, thanks to all the ladies who answered my other question! Chat Icon
I have my interview tomorrow and have a couple of other questions for you all.....

1. What should I bring with me to the interview. Should I bring my portfolio? something to write on?

2. Do catholic schools take the state tests that public schools take?

Thanks!Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/08 1:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

1314 total posts


Re: More Catholic School Questions.....

When I worked in Catholic school the kids took most of the same state tests. The exception was that the seniors usually opted not to take regents exams since they would graduate in early June and would have to come back to take the exams. Bring your portfolio. I always brought a leather bound folder to interviews and wrote down anything interesting. You can ask them questions such as class size, ask where the students come from primarily. Ask about late busses. Ask about the number of students per grade.

Message edited 8/21/2008 1:47:58 PM.

Posted 8/21/08 1:46 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/08

395 total posts


Re: More Catholic School Questions.....

Bring your portfolio. The principal asked to look at mine. First time ever on an interview!
They do take the state standardized tests, and they also take the Iowa Test and another standardized test that I forgot the name of

Posted 8/21/08 8:52 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: More Catholic School Questions.....

Hey Gail,

If this is the intial interview, you literally have 10 minutes...everyone is slotted into 10 minute time slots & its like an assembly line.

It's basically just a screening to make sure you have the degree & the right frame of mind (whatever you say, don't say you want to get experience b4 you move on to public school). Also realize the money is significantly lower...when I went in, she showed me the scale & I said I was familiar as I taught in another diocese. She asked if that would be a problem.

Remember to focus on religion & how you feel comfortable doing this & how you are involved w/ your church/try to attend mass, etc.

You truly only need a couple copies of your resume (she/he will be working off a photocopied one).

When you get the list of principals & start calling/setting up interviews then a portfolio may come in handy.

Best of luck!

Posted 8/22/08 10:40 PM

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