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PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

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LIF Zygote

Member since 6/05

22 total posts


PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

I know its late in the "shopping season" but if anyone would be kind enough to share any their experiences (good/bad/otherwise), I would GREATLY appreciate it !!!

Posted 7/26/10 8:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

DS went to St. Joseph's in Babylon - he loved it so much he says he doesn't want to go to a new school for kindergarten in Sept. We were happy with them as well. FM if you have any specific questions.

And you might want to x-post to the Parenting board - you'll probably get more replies. Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/10 10:29 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

2830 total posts


Re: PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

Alphabet Kids in Babylon Village.

My sisters daughter was a student there. Now ,as she is getting ready for 1st grade, not only does she write/speak beautifully, but she reads far above her level.

She started reading Junie B Jones books in Kindehrgarten and can read fluently.

They are an amazing group of ladies and all of the kids love "Mrs. Linda"!

Posted 7/26/10 10:41 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

We just moved from West Islip, and DD (now 6) went to many of the area pre-schools . The absolute best was the Town Of Islip program at the West Islip Community center. The teachers were amazing, and because it was through the town, it was only $90 a month, for 3 days, 2 1/2 hours.

Posted 7/26/10 10:53 PM

best buds!

Member since 5/09

11524 total posts


Re: PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

Posted by anne01

I know its late in the "shopping season" but if anyone would be kind enough to share any their experiences (good/bad/otherwise), I would GREATLY appreciate it !!!

you might want to cross post this to the parenting board for more responses.

Posted 7/26/10 10:54 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/05

22 total posts


Re: PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

Thank you ladies for your responses. I will x-post as you suggested. Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/10 11:13 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: PreK in Sept..WI area..suggestions ? (4-y/o program)

Chatterbox in East Islip. They have transportation from West Islip. I loved that school - caring staff, wonderful programs.

I also can recommend the YMCA in Bay Shore. My older son 'graduated' from there. I didn't love it as much as Chatterbox, but it had good programs and better facilities.

Posted 7/27/10 7:37 AM

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