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Potty training questions... TIA

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I couldnt love him more !!!

Member since 1/09

1332 total posts


Potty training questions... TIA

So we purchased the baby bjorn potty about 2-3 months ago just to have bc we noticed Michael (17 months on the 3/29) was peeing AT the toilet bowl after we would take his diaper off before the bath. he would stand at it and pee at the bowl, so we decided just to have the potty there so we can re-direct him. He did it 2x but i think we just got lucky.

Last night he squatted next to his potty and made a little poopy and pee not on it but right next to it. I dont want to push and scare him but it seems like he is showing some signs of being ready. He also says Kaki after he makes a poop sometimes to tell me.

Is there a book anyone reccomends that I can read to prepare me? Any suggestions on how to slowly start? Is this to early? I got the plain potty bc a few of my friends with other kids said the toy like ones distract them even though MIL bought a toy one that flushes when i told her not to (its staying in the closet for now).

I would appreciate any help, suggestions and anything else you would like to add.

TIAChat Icon

Posted 3/24/11 10:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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she's baaccckkkk ;)

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Potty training questions... TIA

the same thing is happening in my house.

we've been introducing him to the potty little by little for a few months now. getting him comfy sitting on it etc. he has peep and popped in it a few times and lately has been going near it when he has to go, even if he goes in his diaper.

last night he told me "popo" while standing next to the potty. it took me a few moments to comprehend what was happening Chat Icon . he had already gone in his diaper, so I dumped the poop in there and also had his sit down just to reinforce everything.

my MIl is with him all day and has been working with him. so I don't have a book. I am just kinda following her lead. watching him...having his sit and talking to him about poop and peepee in the potty/toilet. I am hoping to have him day trained by 18months...and it seems we are on the right track. he is really showing a true understanding now. it's so awesome to see. Chat Icon who knew poop could be awesome! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/11 10:41 AM

I couldnt love him more !!!

Member since 1/09

1332 total posts


Re: Potty training questions... TIA

I got so excited the 2 times he peed in the potty you would have thought i wont the lotto. LOL LOL

DH brings him in there when he is in there and Michael sits on the potty even with his clothes on he will just sit in there with him and he is comfy with it...

He is in daycare during the day so they said they will do whatever i ask them to. I am going to talk to them tomorrow about starting to work with him.

If any news ideas come up let me know.

Posted 3/24/11 10:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15660 total posts


Re: Potty training questions... TIA

I didn't dive into potty training until I knew it was something I could get done in a week or two, and not have take months. The 3 day method worked great for us, and a lot of my friends. I think all of them like the novelty of the potty at first when they are that young, and WILL likely go when you put them on it, but most of them aren't truly ready. They need to be able to independently pull up/down their pants to even start.

Posted 3/24/11 11:06 AM

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