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Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

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LIF Zygote

Member since 11/11

41 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

I can't drive so all sorts of random people drive us around. No one can be worse than the crazy cab drivers around here! If I only let DH drive us then we'd be stuck in the house all the time while he was at work. You ladies with options are lucky!Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/12 12:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

1007 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

Yes I totally trust my parents to drive my DD. I bought a carseat for their car. Sometimes they pick her up when I'm working. And some days when they are babysitting they may have to go somewhere. My dad is way overprotective of DD and he drives extra careful when she is in the car. He is worse than me!

Posted 1/21/12 12:36 PM

Love my boys!

Member since 6/10

2825 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

i let my parents and ils drive with my DS if they are watching him....according to statistics the childs grandparents are the safest ones for them to be in the car with anyway

Posted 1/21/12 1:27 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

Posted by chmlengr

Never thought twice about my parents or IL's driving the kids around. I trust them and have had my siblings take them on outings too.

I honestly can't see having someone watch my kids and not be able to take them somewhere in the car! I would never want them to be prisoners of the house! What if there were an emergency and needed to get them somewhere?

Agree although I would not let my MIL/FIL drive them because they have no concept of car seat safety and dont speak much English so I cant communicate well enough with them. My nanny drives my kids too.

Posted 1/21/12 9:45 PM

It's all about Sophia

Member since 9/07

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Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

i was a little hesitant at first i think my daughter was about 2 when she first went in the car alone with them now she is in there all the time (3 yrs) my mom picks her up from school few times a months I am fine with it they have their own carseat she even took her out this morning in the snow I was very nervous but wasnt going far

although she was in the car with my SIL when she was under 6 months she was babysitting for a few days while I was in FLA for a funeral

its scarey but i guess if your going to ask them to babysit you just need to trust I just ask that they telling me where they are going and to call me when they are back

Message edited 1/21/2012 10:04:34 PM.

Posted 1/21/12 10:02 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

I trust my parents to drive my girls but I DON"T trust my MIL. She has had several accidents even DH says she isn't a good driver.

Posted 1/22/12 9:30 AM

my love, my life, my son

Member since 1/09

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Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

so far at 6 months, no. But when he gets a little older sure. My IL's are safe drivers & have 2 other grandchildren so they have recent experience. I'd be more worried about my side bc this is their first grandchild...and my "2nd mom" still has to ask me what direction the car seat faces every time she helps me put it in the car to go somewhere. She seems to think she'll be taking my son to the zoo alone sometime Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: the other day I took my son to work bc I had nobody to watch him. I work for my BIL felt bad that I had to keep my son in his car seat in the office while I ran around catering to other people so he asked if he could take him. He took my car since it had the car seat in it and I trusted him completely ...he has 2 kids of his own though.

Message edited 1/22/2012 9:37:20 AM.

Posted 1/22/12 9:35 AM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

When I was a new mom I was very nervous about anyone driving with DS. Once I had DD I lightened up a lot.

I didn't have anyone really watching them though other than me and DH.

Posted 1/22/12 11:33 AM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

My parents watch DD, so absolutely! I cannot expect them to sit at home. Besides, they drove me around and I survived!

I 100% think you should get them a car seat! God forbid there is an emergency-you would want them to be able to take your DC in the car! Like I said above, they drove you around as a child! If you trust them to watch your DD, trust them to use good judgment in the car with her!

Posted 1/22/12 1:53 PM

Love of my life....

Member since 5/05

3687 total posts


Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

My parents take DS out when he's with them 2 days a week. They go local so it's fine.

I won't even get in the car with my MIL (once was more than enough) and she has a bad track history of being an awful driver so there is no way she is ever taking DS by car anywhere!

Posted 1/22/12 2:21 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Do you let your parents drive your DC around?

I'm very laid back on this topic and have let all the grandparents & aunts drive DS around since he was a baby

Posted 1/22/12 3:28 PM
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