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Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
CPSE delay?
DS's bday is 12/29/09 and is 31 months. He was diagnosed with PDD at 19 months. He get 20 hours per week of ABA and 30mins a day of speech, 5 days a week.
He ages out of EI in December. I started calling CPSE evaluation sites in March but everyone said they can't evaluation him until he was 2 and 1/2 years old. Fine. So I wait. He gets evaluated and now they are telling me they have 30 days to get their evaluations in and another 15 days to have the meeting. That puts us into September.
I can't decide if I should let him finish EI in Dec and start a preschool in Jan. or if I should push for him to start preschool in Sept.
Everytime I think about this I LITERALLY cry. I just want to do what is best for DS and there is no consensus on what we should do.
Posted 7/26/12 12:20 PM |
you rang?

Member since 6/08 5573 total posts
Re: CPSE delay?
Wait, so he's not 3 until this december? If so then he's not eligible for preK until then anyway. He wouldn't be able to start any earlier as far as I know.
Or am I reading this wrong?
Posted 7/26/12 4:33 PM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: CPSE delay?
Posted by ruby
Wait, so he's not 3 until this december? If so then he's not eligible for preK until then anyway. He wouldn't be able to start any earlier as far as I know.
Or am I reading this wrong?
I think it depends on what your cut of is. DS is starting in September but he wont be 3 until October
Posted 7/26/12 11:59 PM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: CPSE delay?
To the original poster
Which ever you decide will be fine. My only concern would be whether the school will have a spot for him. If you can get him in for September I might push for that though.
Posted 7/27/12 12:02 AM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: CPSE delay?
We were on the track to have DS start CPSE in September (he also has a late birthday), but like you, by the time we were "allowed" to get him evaluated, we already were later than other families in looking at placements.
We decided to keep him in EI until December and start with CPSE in January. For us, it worked out better in the end, because the school he was in for EI did have an opening in January for him in a full day spot. We were not terribly impressed with some of our other options, school-wise, and didn't want to be pressured to place him in one of the programs just because the district wanted that. I asked in the meeting what would happen if we didn't find him a full day placement, and the chair kept avoiding it. Finally we were told that if we didn't find a full day placement for him, they would give him a half day and supplement with additional services at home.
He got more from EI, and we decided it was worth the risk to have him in a half day with additional services in January than to place him in a school program we didn't like, simply because they had space for him. Stay on top of the district, the evaluating agencies, everyone. Unless you are really aggressive and push them to have the meeting before September (which may or may not happen, depending on your district), he probably won't be placed in a class for September.
Posted 7/27/12 10:26 AM |
you rang?

Member since 6/08 5573 total posts
Re: CPSE delay?
Posted by Domino
Posted by ruby
Wait, so he's not 3 until this december? If so then he's not eligible for preK until then anyway. He wouldn't be able to start any earlier as far as I know.
Or am I reading this wrong?
I think it depends on what your cut of is. DS is starting in September but he wont be 3 until October
Gotcha. I'm in jersey so maybe it's different. Here you age out of EI the day you turn 3 no matter time of year and start preK that very day if you're all set with the IEP. We had some back and forth with DS's IEP and the district so he started 2 weeks after he turned 3.
To the OP, would he be able to start anytime during the year in your district? Like could he start in October or whenever your meeting ends? DS aged out of EI last February and so he started in March with only 4 months left in the school year and did great. They have kids age in at various times throughout the year.
Posted 7/27/12 10:47 AM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: CPSE delay?
Posted by ruby
Posted by Domino
Posted by ruby
Wait, so he's not 3 until this december? If so then he's not eligible for preK until then anyway. He wouldn't be able to start any earlier as far as I know.
Or am I reading this wrong?
I think it depends on what your cut of is. DS is starting in September but he wont be 3 until October
Gotcha. I'm in jersey so maybe it's different. Here you age out of EI the day you turn 3 no matter time of year and start preK that very day if you're all set with the IEP. We had some back and forth with DS's IEP and the district so he started 2 weeks after he turned 3.
To the OP, would he be able to start anytime during the year in your district? Like could he start in October or whenever your meeting ends? DS aged out of EI last February and so he started in March with only 4 months left in the school year and did great. They have kids age in at various times throughout the year.
I answered assuming the OP is on LI. In NJ, from what I know (have friends who live and teach there), your school districts run your preschools, so the district has the power to simply place the child in the school, it seems. Here on LI, the districts do not run special ed preschool programs. they are privately run, and the district contracts with them and the schools bill the districts for services. You age out of EI at 3, but if DC's birthday is after 9/1, DC can stay in EI until 12/31 of the year they turn 3.
So, on LI the process is a bit overwhelming, because the districts approve what you get, but then you have to find a placement for your child. Some districts are better at helping with this than others, and from my experience, it's a lot of persistence on the parent's part to find the appropriate placement for their child.
Message edited 7/27/2012 2:38:06 PM.
Posted 7/27/12 2:36 PM |