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Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by BaseballWidow
Posted by klingklang77
As a previous poster said, it's the excuse that is what is getting people annoyed.
I don't think you can really fight it, TBH. This would be in Suffolk county and they don't lower tickets, IIRC. They'll also add in an extra fee.
Actually this was in Nassau County and a Village at that.
Did not see that part.
Posted 3/9/16 4:59 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant
Member since 6/15 306 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by Kitten1929
I agree that while yes, it's a mistake, adding in all the excuses is what annoys people. Just own up to it and move on Hopefully you can fight it.
Not sure why my post would annoy someone! I always take a supportive approach when it comes to other women/moms, but that is just me!!!
I think my mistake was the equivalent to missing an exit! (Am I the only one who does that too????). Unfortunately the penalty was harsh.
At least my drama post is allowing for some entertainment on my commute home!!! LMAO
Message edited 3/9/2016 5:17:57 PM.
Posted 3/9/16 5:16 PM |
We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by Momof3boys
Posted by Kitten1929
I agree that while yes, it's a mistake, adding in all the excuses is what annoys people. Just own up to it and move on Hopefully you can fight it.
Not sure why my post would annoy someone! I always take a supportive approach when it comes to other women/moms, but that is just me!!!
I think my mistake was the equivalent to missing an exit! (Am I the only one who does that too????). Unfortunately the penalty was harsh.
At least my drama post is allowing for some entertainment on my commute home!!! LMAO
Come on, this is LIF where everyone obeys all traffic laws, all the time and never makes mistakes! If it was me and this violation was going to add points to my license I might try to fight it. But if it was just paying the fine, it wouldn't be worth taking the time off of work to go in to court. Good luck with your decision!
Posted 3/9/16 5:53 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 6/08 245 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
I think it's worth trying the "honest mistake" approach. If you honestly didn't see the sign you could try and say the sign posting was poor (not sure though since I don't regularly drive the LIE).
I've gotten a few red light tickets and haven't bothered fighting since they have no points.
I got a speeding ticket doing 80 in a 50 and was able to get it knocked down with less points. I paid like $100 for a lawyer and it was worth it since it saves several hundred bucks. (it went from a 6 point violation to a 2). I can message you the lawyer I used if you like. basically I mailed him the ticket and his fee and then he called back like a year later with the result. I didn't have to show up in court or do anything.
Posted 3/9/16 6:03 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 785 total posts
Name: Corrie
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by Momof3boys
Posted by Kitten1929
I agree that while yes, it's a mistake, adding in all the excuses is what annoys people. Just own up to it and move on Hopefully you can fight it.
Not sure why my post would annoy someone! I always take a supportive approach when it comes to other women/moms, but that is just me!!!
I think my mistake was the equivalent to missing an exit! (Am I the only one who does that too????). Unfortunately the penalty was harsh.
At least my drama post is allowing for some entertainment on my commute home!!! LMAO
I commute everyday and I have also made the same mistake as you. I usually car pool but the ladies I go with called in. I stayed in the HOV and started panicking, once I noticed. I was also deep in thought about all the things I had to do when I got home. So I get how you could have made a mistake.
I say fight it if it is points.
Posted 3/9/16 6:54 PM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Wow! Citizens on Patrol in the house!
To the OP, if it makes you feel better, I drive the LIE quite frequently and I have made that same mistake not paying attention. It happens. Such is life.
If you are going to get points, I would go fight it. If not, I would just pay. It's annoying, time consuming and just not worth the effort.
Posted 3/9/16 8:52 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 3/12 809 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
I'm surprised there aren't more nosebleeds on this site with how high and mighty everyone is.
I would fight it, personally. I have never paid for a ticket in my life. I haven't gotten very many (because:gasp: I usually get out of them on the scene), but the ones that I have gotten (3) I have gone to court and had them removed. On of them happens to be in VA where, during rush hour, the ENTIRE highway becomes HOV. I had just moved there and had never heard of such a thing as an entire hov highway.
Flame away but sometimes there are stupid laws and regulations. Just because something is a law does not mean that they are all reasonable. Just take a look of some of the laws that are in the books...
Posted 3/9/16 10:18 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by FirstMate
Wow! Citizens on Patrol in the house!
To the OP, if it makes you feel better, I drive the LIE quite frequently and I have made that same mistake not paying attention. It happens. Such is life.
If you are going to get points, I would go fight it. If not, I would just pay. It's annoying, time consuming and just not worth the effort.
All of this.
If there are points involved, it's worth a try to fight. If not and you may save $100, is it worth all the time and effort in doing so? That's your choice.
I got my first ticket ever and I was going Way over the speed limit (not on purpose - I was just moving along ) got Points and huge fine. No fighting the cops from the 440 in Staten Island , so I had to just eat it bc I was technically in the wrong (he even wrote the ticket for a little lower so it wouldn't be worse) Now I use cruise control when driving thru lol
Stay away from that pesky LIE and if you must drive on it- stay in the middle
Posted 3/9/16 10:40 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 6/15 306 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Thanks again for the advice!
Posted 3/10/16 5:24 AM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Glad I caught this. I'll email you in a bit.
Posted 3/10/16 9:32 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
I would 100% 'fight' it. There really is no fight you have to put you with traffic tickets. They will definitely reduce it if you show up. They probably will not throw it out though.
Posted 3/10/16 9:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by blu6385
if there is no points I would just pay it simply because I wouldn't want to deal with court. if there was going to be points I would def. try to fight it even if I was wrong. I wouldn't mind paying the money I just wouldn't want points on my license.
This word for word
And to judge every case exactly the same to me is unrealistic. Like pp have said, if someone is admitting guilt but has been driving for over 20 years with a clear record i think it isnt a huge deal for them to ask for a little leniency. This is a TOUGH crowd. The horses are high around here.
Posted 3/10/16 9:39 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
And a lot of people on this board need a cup of coffee or a major chill pill! She didn't accidentally kill someone, she accidentally didn't change lanes and ended up in the HOV. Really not a big deal, it happens to the best of us. I need a prescription for whatever 'perfect pill' some of you are taking. Jeez, tough crowd.
Posted 3/10/16 9:41 AM |
No one sings like you anymore.

Member since 7/10 9264 total posts
Name: Petticoated Swashbuckler
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Classic LIF.
OP - I'd also try to get it reduced...$350 is steep! And if points are involved, I'd definitely take the time to go to court. Good luck!
On your way to court, make sure to look up at the sky where all of these perfect angels are floating all heavenly, lest their feet touch the ground of us mere mortals that make mistakes, pull down your pants and tell them to kiss your ass.
Oh and for the record, I come from a family of cops. So :P
Posted 3/10/16 10:36 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Points are not assigned for the following violations
any bicycle violation any pedestrian violation any parking violation any violation related to unregistered, unlicensed or uninsured operation any violation related to motor vehicle inspection, vehicle weights or dimensions or vehicle equipment other than inadequate service brakes any violation related to a business or the sale of goods established in the Vehicle and Traffic Law or any local law a violation related to the improper use of High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes in Suffolk County, between exits 49 and 57 of the Long Island Expressway any other violation not resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle
Where you within those exits? Nevermind, I see it was Nassau
Message edited 3/10/2016 10:47:03 AM.
Posted 3/10/16 10:46 AM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by PearlJamChick
Classic LIF.
OP - I'd also try to get it reduced...$350 is steep! And if points are involved, I'd definitely take the time to go to court. Good luck!
On your way to court, make sure to look up at the sky where all of these perfect angels are floating all heavenly, lest their feet touch the ground of us mere mortals that make mistakes, pull down your pants and tell them to kiss your ass.
Oh and for the record, I come from a family of cops. So :P
I'm crying laughing
Posted 3/10/16 10:54 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Literally laughed out loud.
Posted 3/10/16 11:09 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08 541 total posts
Name: Ellie
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by bunnyluck
Literally laughed out loud.
love it! it's always the same posters too... better then everyone else no matter what the topic happens to be.
Posted 3/10/16 11:56 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/13 6040 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by Momof3boys
Posted by Kitten1929
I agree that while yes, it's a mistake, adding in all the excuses is what annoys people. Just own up to it and move on Hopefully you can fight it.
Not sure why my post would annoy someone! I always take a supportive approach when it comes to other women/moms, but that is just me!!!
I think my mistake was the equivalent to missing an exit! (Am I the only one who does that too????). Unfortunately the penalty was harsh.
At least my drama post is allowing for some entertainment on my commute home!!! LMAO
I am not personally annoyed, just saying how others might feel. It was an honest mistake, I totally get that Court is such a long process though it might be worth it just to pay. Good luck!
Posted 3/10/16 2:48 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by Kitten1929
Posted by Momof3boys
Posted by Kitten1929
I agree that while yes, it's a mistake, adding in all the excuses is what annoys people. Just own up to it and move on Hopefully you can fight it.
Not sure why my post would annoy someone! I always take a supportive approach when it comes to other women/moms, but that is just me!!!
I think my mistake was the equivalent to missing an exit! (Am I the only one who does that too????). Unfortunately the penalty was harsh.
At least my drama post is allowing for some entertainment on my commute home!!! LMAO
I am not personally annoyed, just saying how others might feel. It was an honest mistake, I totally get that Court is such a long process though it might be worth it just to pay. Good luck!
I'm going to be honest. I'm pretty sympathetic to the needs of others. It was the I'm a "mom of three boys comment" that got me. I'm kind of tired of hearing the "mom" excuses. Sorry! I'm sure I'll be outnumbered here.
I'm childfree. I'm tired of being put on the back burner because I'm not a mom. I'm tired of getting second choice of my work schedule because I'm not a mom. I can go on and on, but this is not the place.
Just say you were tired and missed the exit out of the HOV lane. There is no need for the mom excuse. Go and fight it and say you weren't aware. But please don't say "I'm a mom".
Posted 3/10/16 5:57 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Round up the animals!
The flood gates have opened
Posted 3/10/16 6:02 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by gina409
Round up the animals!
The flood gates have opened
Go ahead! 
I wouldn't call myself an animal, though. That's just, I dunno.
Posted 3/10/16 6:06 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by gina409
Round up the animals!
The flood gates have opened
Go ahead! 
I wouldn't call myself an animal, though. That's just, I dunno.
It was a Noah's ark reference. Was not calling anyone a animal.
Flood gates ,flood,ark,animals
Posted 3/10/16 6:13 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by gina409
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by gina409
Round up the animals!
The flood gates have opened
Go ahead! 
I wouldn't call myself an animal, though. That's just, I dunno.
It was a Noah's ark reference. Was not calling anyone a animal.
Flood gates ,flood,ark,animals
Yeah, I gave up religion for lent and life, so that went over my atheist head
Posted 3/10/16 6:18 PM |

Member since 11/13 2868 total posts
Re: Fighting Traffic Ticket - Worth it?
Posted by gina409
Round up the animals!
The flood gates have opened
Posted 3/10/16 10:14 PM |
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