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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 794 total posts
Name: Kim
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
So my last apt showed that Jacob is 7lbs (at 34 weeks) and breech. They told me if he doesn't flip by the next apt (7/27) I can either schedule a section for 39 weeks or try for an ECV which I don't think I really want to do...
Any updates from you ladies???
Posted 7/20/16 1:46 PM |
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Member since 7/11 3544 total posts
Name: Kedra
Re: **NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Posted by AScottWolf
Posted by angelicd77
I go for my 32 week apt on the 29th. I'm honestly done at this point. I'm huge, swollen, and feel like a moose. Jake keeps moving up and down, like he cant figure out if he wants to drop yet or not so one day I cant breathe and the next I'm waddling all over the place. I'm measuring 2.5 weeks ahead, so at the next apt if were still measuring big we may go for a growth sono to see how big he really is...
How is everyone else doing??
I'm tired but in full nesting mode. I'm obsessed with organizing (or trying to) everything in my house! So far I've gone through all of my son's clothes to see what I can reuse, washed everything, organized his toys, switched his room/closet into his new big boy room vs. the nursery and uh.. yeah. Today I plan to go through the fridge and get rid of anything expired.
I'm waiting to hear back from my 24hr urine results because they found protein in it last week. BP is fine (sometimes low) and I'm not swelling too much, but we'll see. May be the start of pre-eclampsia so who knows.
At least you're keeping busy which is good!
Any news on the test results?
Posted 7/20/16 4:06 PM |
Think Less, Live More

Member since 7/11 3544 total posts
Name: Kedra
Re: **NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Posted by angelicd77
So my last apt showed that Jacob is 7lbs (at 34 weeks) and breech. They told me if he doesn't flip by the next apt (7/27) I can either schedule a section for 39 weeks or try for an ECV which I don't think I really want to do...
Any updates from you ladies???
I've read quite a few stories on here about ECV and it seems that most ladies had really good luck, but I think I'd be on the same side as you....unsure. At least with scheduling the C-section you'll know when everything is going to happen. They dont think he'll flip in the last month?
No updates here, going weekly to the doctor. Due date is in 2 weeks! Craziness! Lots of movement from the little man. Feet are starting to swell and I'm getting random aches/pains. Oh and the exhaustion....I just cannot get a good nights sleep. I guess its natures way of preparing us hahah
He had extra fluid in his left kidney (which is apparently common in boys) but that has since cleared up. 2 weeks ago (at 36 weeks) he was 7lb 3oz. They won't do another weight measurement until week 40. The doctor seems to want me to go full term, so its just a waiting game at this point
Message edited 7/20/2016 4:11:56 PM.
Posted 7/20/16 4:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 794 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: **NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Posted by kedra5
Posted by angelicd77
So my last apt showed that Jacob is 7lbs (at 34 weeks) and breech. They told me if he doesn't flip by the next apt (7/27) I can either schedule a section for 39 weeks or try for an ECV which I don't think I really want to do...
Any updates from you ladies???
I've read quite a few stories on here about ECV and it seems that most ladies had really good luck, but I think I'd be on the same side as you....unsure. At least with scheduling the C-section you'll know when everything is going to happen. They dont think he'll flip in the last month?
No updates here, going weekly to the doctor. Due date is in 2 weeks! Craziness! Lots of movement from the little man. Feet are starting to swell and I'm getting random aches/pains. Oh and the exhaustion....I just cannot get a good nights sleep. I guess its natures way of preparing us hahah
He had extra fluid in his left kidney (which is apparently common in boys) but that has since cleared up. 2 weeks ago (at 36 weeks) he was 7lb 3oz. They won't do another weight measurement until week 40. The doctor seems to want me to go full term, so its just a waiting game at this point
They are thinking because hes so big that he doesnt have much room left to flip on his own. At the same time, theres no saying that if he doesnt flip on his own and I go ahead with the ECV that he wont flip back either... UGH! So many decisions haha. Im going to ask again next week at my sono for them to do the weight again- but only because they have to do the sono anyway...
Posted 7/20/16 4:48 PM |
I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10 2237 total posts
Name: Adriana
Re: **NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Posted by kedra5
Posted by AScottWolf
Posted by angelicd77
I go for my 32 week apt on the 29th. I'm honestly done at this point. I'm huge, swollen, and feel like a moose. Jake keeps moving up and down, like he cant figure out if he wants to drop yet or not so one day I cant breathe and the next I'm waddling all over the place. I'm measuring 2.5 weeks ahead, so at the next apt if were still measuring big we may go for a growth sono to see how big he really is...
How is everyone else doing??
I'm tired but in full nesting mode. I'm obsessed with organizing (or trying to) everything in my house! So far I've gone through all of my son's clothes to see what I can reuse, washed everything, organized his toys, switched his room/closet into his new big boy room vs. the nursery and uh.. yeah. Today I plan to go through the fridge and get rid of anything expired.
I'm waiting to hear back from my 24hr urine results because they found protein in it last week. BP is fine (sometimes low) and I'm not swelling too much, but we'll see. May be the start of pre-eclampsia so who knows.
At least you're keeping busy which is good!
Any news on the test results?
Went to the doc yesterday. She said there wasn't protein there but not enough to consider it pre-eclampsia. They're having me do ANOTHER 24 hr urine. Ugh! lol
Posted 7/26/16 1:53 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/06 369 total posts
Name: L
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Halfway through the month and not one post here! How is everyone?
Posted 8/15/16 7:53 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/15 246 total posts
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
No news for me yet! Due in a week! What about everyone else?
Posted 8/15/16 9:03 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/06 369 total posts
Name: L
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Scheduled to be induced one week from today if baby doesn't decide to arrive on its own between now and then.
Posted 8/15/16 9:19 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 794 total posts
Name: Kim
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
stilllllll waiting. have an apt tomorrow. hopefully i will get some news then... im so over being preggo at this point, im hoping that they will schedule me for SOMETHING tomorrow lol
Posted 8/16/16 2:23 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/15 246 total posts
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
My little munchkin arrived 5 days early. It was a boy!!! :)
Posted 8/21/16 10:37 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 794 total posts
Name: Kim
**NEW Official August Mommies Thread**
Waiting on my induction date!!! Hoping for sunday night!!!!
Posted 8/25/16 12:40 PM |
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