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LIF Infant

Member since 1/13 337 total posts
Name: J
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted 10/21/16 1:33 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
I never did before (except when pregnant), but I got the flu last year and it was absolutely horrible. The week or being sick and then the MONTH it took to recover to 100%. So now I will be getting the flu shot, as will my kids.
I know it's not a guarantee, but most people who get the flu with the shot have a much milder case of it, so to me it's worth the risk.
Posted 10/21/16 1:49 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted by M514
I'm curious why some of you choose to have your child get the shot, but not yourselves?
Because aside from colds and a few bouts of bronchitis, I haven't been sick with a flu or pneumonia since I was 5. Once I got my tonsils out as a child, I stopped getting those kinds of illnesses. My kids, specifically my daughter who is in school, are exposed to everything. I just feel better giving them the extra protection.
Posted 10/21/16 1:52 PM |

Member since 9/06 4161 total posts
Name: R
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Noi dont and neither does my son
Posted 10/21/16 2:29 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/11 793 total posts
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Hofstra26 >> Once I got my tonsils out as a child, I stopped getting those kinds of illnesses
I thought tonsils are supposed to prevent (well, help prevent) people from getting sick?
Posted 10/21/16 2:34 PM |

Member since 7/12 4287 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Its so critical to have them protected.
Posted 10/21/16 7:02 PM |

Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Yes. DH and I already got it. DD is scheduled to get it in the next few weeks. We are expecting in Decemebr and she won't be old enough for a flu shot this season. Since it can be really serious for a newborn to have it I am hoping she will get Some antibodies and everyone will stay healthy. Once DD2 gets older and the serious health risks decrease we may forgo. Haven't thought that far ahead yet.
Posted 10/21/16 8:28 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
14 mo DS just got his first of two. Next month will be the second one. I'm super annoyed at my dr's office because I need to get it for 3 yo DD and they only do it on Sunday morning bet 9:30 and 10:30 and we can't make it.
Posted 10/21/16 8:40 PM |
Little Lady

Member since 5/07 5014 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Yup, all four of us get it, we're huge fans of modern medicine.
Posted 10/21/16 10:22 PM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Yes. DH and I don't though.
Posted 10/22/16 9:44 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Yes! Everyone in our house gets it. It not only protects you, but the people around you who can't get it due to age, compromised immune system, etc. There is no reason NOT to get it.
Posted 10/22/16 12:48 PM |
2 and through

Member since 9/07 3939 total posts
Name: Jess
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Yes, both kids and my husband and I. And as long as it is offered we will all be getting it. ALWAYS
Posted 10/22/16 3:42 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
No. for all of us. Never had the flu.
Posted 10/22/16 4:09 PM |
My everything <3

Member since 4/15 3635 total posts
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Nope and we've never gotten the flu
Posted 10/22/16 10:08 PM |
My everything <3

Member since 4/15 3635 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted by newlywedT
Hofstra26 >> Once I got my tonsils out as a child, I stopped getting those kinds of illnesses
I thought tonsils are supposed to prevent (well, help prevent) people from getting sick?
Yes, well in part. The whole lymphatic system helps us not getting sick. We have lymph nodes thougout our body not only in our tonsils.
Posted 10/22/16 10:14 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/12 333 total posts
Name: Mema
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
No, none of us do
Posted 10/24/16 8:10 AM |
Yes it is! Going as planned:)
Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
The kids usually get it. Last year we had a really good year with no illnesses during the winter and I just never took them to the dr for their flu shots. I didn't want to expose them to other germs by taking them to the Drs office. However, every year they have gotten the shot without fail they have gotten the flu. Every single year. Last year no shot and they never got the flu! Go figure. I'm on the fence on if they'll get it this year. DH and I never get the flu shot. Last year was the first time in 8 years that I had gotten the flu. Surprisingly no one else in the house got it.
Posted 10/24/16 10:03 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted by luckysmom
The kids usually get it. Last year we had a really good year with no illnesses during the winter and I just never took them to the dr for their flu shots. I didn't want to expose them to other germs by taking them to the Drs office. However, every year they have gotten the shot without fail they have gotten the flu. Every single year. Last year no shot and they never got the flu! Go figure. I'm on the fence on if they'll get it this year. DH and I never get the flu shot. Last year was the first time in 8 years that I had gotten the flu. Surprisingly no one else in the house got it.
It really makes you wonder. Do these shots even work at all? Or is it just luck of the draw that you don't get the flu- shot or not? Last year DD had the shot and got the flu- the answer- well the shot doesn't protect against all strains. Right, but how do we know it even would have protected her against any strain? The standard answer when you get the flu after having the shot is that you must have gotten a strain it doesn't protect against. But you can't prove that. I mean what if it really doesn't protect against anything very well and not getting the flu that year was just luck of the draw? I don't know. I am not a fan of a shot that only works 'some' of the time. I mean she will still get it I guess- but I'm really starting to have doubts
Posted 10/24/16 10:31 AM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
up until last year we all didn't except when we had a newborn in the house.
Last year DS and myself got the flu. I was AWFUL he was miserable. We missed a trip to florida.
I had to take care of 3 kids under 5 with the flu and I thought I was going to die.
FLU shots for all this year. Even though I still know there is a chance could still get it at least I know I tried.
Posted 10/24/16 9:32 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
My children and I do. DH doesn't
Posted 10/24/16 11:10 PM |
Yes it is! Going as planned:)
Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by luckysmom
The kids usually get it. Last year we had a really good year with no illnesses during the winter and I just never took them to the dr for their flu shots. I didn't want to expose them to other germs by taking them to the Drs office. However, every year they have gotten the shot without fail they have gotten the flu. Every single year. Last year no shot and they never got the flu! Go figure. I'm on the fence on if they'll get it this year. DH and I never get the flu shot. Last year was the first time in 8 years that I had gotten the flu. Surprisingly no one else in the house got it.
It really makes you wonder. Do these shots even work at all? Or is it just luck of the draw that you don't get the flu- shot or not? Last year DD had the shot and got the flu- the answer- well the shot doesn't protect against all strains. Right, but how do we know it even would have protected her against any strain? The standard answer when you get the flu after having the shot is that you must have gotten a strain it doesn't protect against. But you can't prove that. I mean what if it really doesn't protect against anything very well and not getting the flu that year was just luck of the draw? I don't know. I am not a fan of a shot that only works 'some' of the time. I mean she will still get it I guess- but I'm really starting to have doubts
Exactly! Every time they've gotten the shot and also have gotten the flu I always say "they got their flu shots, why do they have the flu?" The answer is always the same. "Could be a different strain, or, they can still get the flu but it is not as severe or wont last as long". kids are still miserable for at least 7 days. The flu lasts 7-10 days!
Posted 10/24/16 11:40 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
We all get flu shots. My kids are in daycare/school and I feel it's a good idea for them.
I started getting the flu shot religiously about 10 years ago after I was sick a lot one winter with various viruses. I've been pretty healthy since but, I did get the flu a couple of years back (but, although I felt miserable and I too had to take care of my kids and do a lot while sick, it didn't last as long as it may have if I hadn't had the shot).
Posted 10/25/16 8:25 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted by newlywedT
Hofstra26 >> Once I got my tonsils out as a child, I stopped getting those kinds of illnesses
I thought tonsils are supposed to prevent (well, help prevent) people from getting sick?
I use to be sick ALL the time when I was little. Flu, pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc. You name it, I caught it!! Ever since I got my tonsils out I don't really catch anything more than a cold or the occasional bout of bronchitis..................and I am 41 now, I had them out at age 5.
Message edited 10/25/2016 8:40:06 AM.
Posted 10/25/16 8:38 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
Posted by luckysmom
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by luckysmom
The kids usually get it. Last year we had a really good year with no illnesses during the winter and I just never took them to the dr for their flu shots. I didn't want to expose them to other germs by taking them to the Drs office. However, every year they have gotten the shot without fail they have gotten the flu. Every single year. Last year no shot and they never got the flu! Go figure. I'm on the fence on if they'll get it this year. DH and I never get the flu shot. Last year was the first time in 8 years that I had gotten the flu. Surprisingly no one else in the house got it.
It really makes you wonder. Do these shots even work at all? Or is it just luck of the draw that you don't get the flu- shot or not? Last year DD had the shot and got the flu- the answer- well the shot doesn't protect against all strains. Right, but how do we know it even would have protected her against any strain? The standard answer when you get the flu after having the shot is that you must have gotten a strain it doesn't protect against. But you can't prove that. I mean what if it really doesn't protect against anything very well and not getting the flu that year was just luck of the draw? I don't know. I am not a fan of a shot that only works 'some' of the time. I mean she will still get it I guess- but I'm really starting to have doubts
Exactly! Every time they've gotten the shot and also have gotten the flu I always say "they got their flu shots, why do they have the flu?" The answer is always the same. "Could be a different strain, or, they can still get the flu but it is not as severe or wont last as long". kids are still miserable for at least 7 days. The flu lasts 7-10 days!
And DH got the flu last year- no shot. I caught it from him- no shot. He was sick for over a week- miserable, terrible- and that's with Tamiflu (another scam drug IMO) I also did not have the shot and I wasn't nearly as bad as him and was better in less than a week. So that BS that if you get the shot it's less severe- didn't hold true. I had it way less severe with no shot either. Just elderberry syrup which I strongly believe in.
I don't know. I'm very very pro vaccine. Never even delayed a shot with DD, never split them up, followed the Dr's schedule to a T.
But this- it seems so so ineffective I mean, I will still get it for DD, because she is in school all day, the petri dish of germs. Not that it helped her last year when she caught it from us anyway even though she had the shot. But for me, no.
Message edited 10/25/2016 9:35:41 AM.
Posted 10/25/16 8:51 AM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Do You Have Your Child Get Their Flu Shot?
No and none of us do
Posted 10/25/16 9:22 AM |
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