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I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
DS started day care at 18 months old and he's 4yo now. DD started day care at 11 weeks old and is now 21 months old. Both have gotten 1 "bad" sickness each where they were out of school for more than a day or two. Otherwise, they just get colds mostly.
Posted 2/21/17 1:34 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Is this true about kids/sickness?
The first year is rough. The sickness isn't constant but it's frequent. It does get better.
Posted 2/21/17 1:48 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Is this true about kids/sickness?
I think it depends on the kid. My friend's DD is in the same class as my DS (they are both 2) and she literally catches EVERYTHING!
I would say DS had a constant cold for the first two years of his life over the winter, but nothing that caused him to be out for an extended period of time.
Posted 2/21/17 1:48 PM |
I am a mom :-)
Member since 6/06 3433 total posts
Name: Heidi
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
That hasn't been the case with us. DD and DS seem to get like one good virus a year where they'll miss a few days but otherwise its a cough here and there and some sniffles.
Posted 2/21/17 1:54 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 11/16 496 total posts
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
No. Both kids went to school at 2 and didn't get that sick. My oldest got pin eye a few times. And a cold or two. But mother crazy
But this year half her class got the flu. She's in 4th
Message edited 2/21/2017 3:23:15 PM.
Posted 2/21/17 3:22 PM |
Two girls!

Member since 12/09 2971 total posts
Name: Cari
Is this true about kids/sickness?
I honestly think it all depends on immune system. Yes, they are exposed to more germs when they are in daycare and school and so they are more susceptible to getting sick. But I have two DDs - DD1 has been in daycare since 12 weeks old and was and is rarely sick. DD2 has been in daycare since 6 months old and is ALWAYS sick! They go to the same daycare, they are exposed to the same germs.
Posted 2/21/17 3:43 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/11 793 total posts
Is this true about kids/sickness?
Thanks for the replies.
Posted 2/21/17 5:16 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
Not constantly, but a lot more colds/sickness than before he started school. Then he spreads it to the little one. Then we all get sick It was worst Nov-Jan... I feel like we are moving past the really sick time of year now... I hope. He's 3.5 & every day I give him tips for avoiding getting sick at school like I remind him to wash his hands a lot, and I've been giving him lots of vitamin C... not sure how much of it matters though.
Posted 2/21/17 8:40 PM |
Fly high little one
Member since 6/10 2662 total posts
Name: nicole
Is this true about kids/sickness?
DS started nursery school this year. Has he gotten sick? Yes Is he sick all the time? No
I think some kids do get sick all the time but I don't think it is the norm
Posted 2/21/17 9:10 PM |
So in love with my little girl

Member since 1/10 2471 total posts
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
With my oldest I didn't really find this to be true. She went to nursery school at 2 years old, 2 days/week for 2 hours a day, preschool was 3 days/week for 4 hours a day, and pre-k was 5 days/week for 6 hours a day. I don't think she was sick a lot, and it wasn't back to back.
My twins are almost 2.5 and this is now my life. We joined a gym that has daycare when they were 14-months old and they would be healthy for two weeks, then sick for a week, and I felt like it went on like that all winter last year. This year has also been pretty bad with illnesses, between the twins and my oldest in Kindergarten I think someone has been sick 3 out of 4 weeks for the past 3 months. I have no idea how we would have dealt with all the illnesses if they had been in daycare, just from a childcare standpoint. We have a nanny and so she still watches them if they are sick.
Posted 2/21/17 9:31 PM |
Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06 5804 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
No not true. My daughter started nursery this year and really has only gotten colds here and there thank god. I'm also a teacher and always bring home germs, yet j change clothes when I get home and always wash my hands. So no I don't think this is true.
Posted 2/21/17 10:41 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
My kids started daycare as babies. The first year was definitely the worst in terms of sickness. DS1, who is 8, has been pretty healthy since that first year. He gets the occasional cold/cough and stomach virus, but he rarely has anything requiring medication. We've gone years where his only doctor visit was a physical.
DS2, who is 4.5, has had more issues. He even had mono at 2, which led in part to him having his tonsils removed at 2.5. He used to get frequent ear infections when he had a cold, but we had a great stretch of 18 months without an ear infection following his tonsils and adenoids being removed. In the past year, he has had a few ear infections since the summer, several colds, the stomach bug, pink eye and a trip to the hospital in the fall because of difficulty breathing from croup. A lot of the illnesses seemed to show up over the weekend so we've at least been spared from having to take a lot of time off.
Posted 2/22/17 4:30 AM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
It wasn't true with my kids, who were with a nanny until they started preschool at 2.5.
As an aside why do parents insist on scaring other parents like this? People do it when you're pregnant too! You can't DO anything to change it so why terrify people with what can (but won't necessarily!) come
Message edited 2/22/2017 9:48:12 AM.
Posted 2/22/17 9:47 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Is this true about kids/sickness?
What you described is basically my life. My DS was NEVER sick until he started nursery school. It's exactly how you described sick for a week, healthy for a few days, sick again. On loop. It's always something. Since October he's had a cold. My 3 month old caught a cold from him too. He's basickly been on the nebulizer since birth. I have a sinus infection as well that I can't beat. I'm nursing but think I need to bite the bullet and go on antibiotics.
Posted 2/22/17 11:04 AM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Is this true about kids/sickness?
The worst for us was between the ages of 1 and 2. It was like every three weeks he caught something else. Now DS is in Kindergarten and it's maybe one or two major illnesses a year. December was rough because DS caught the stomach virus (gave it to DH), then had an upper respiratory infection over Christmas (which we all caught). But other than that it's the occasional cold.
Posted 2/22/17 5:29 PM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
Is this true about kids/sickness?
When my dd started pre-k this past fall, she was sick pretty much from mid-September right thru mid December. DH, our baby, and I all were sick on and off during that time as well. It was rough. But luckily since then she's been pretty healthy. She had a minor cold in early February, but that's about it. I'm hoping she's built her immune system up.
Posted 2/22/17 5:32 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
yes and no. It comes in cycles. I have 3 kids. My oldest (8 yrs old) doesn't really get sick anymore since he got his tonsils out at 5 years old. My 5 year old never gets sick. My 2 year old... all the time.
Of course my 8 year old did get the flu this year and so did my 5 year old.
It's just between all 3 of them... it seems like there is always one sick.
Posted 2/22/17 8:34 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Is this true about kids/sickness?
my daughter started daycare at 4mos and didn't get sick until 14mos with something I brought home from the office. However after getting sick at 14mos that winter she was sick a few times and the following winter in the 2yr class room she was sick often, the same respitory thing over and over. Luckily she 3 & 4 have been much better!
Posted 2/22/17 10:59 PM |
Re: Is this true about kids/sickness?
Yes, very much true. Whatever illnes it is, it seems to go through all of us. I have missed a lot of work. Something interesting is that I think my DD is a strep carrier or dosent get sick when strep is going around. So far three times after we got the "somebody in the class has strep letter" DD in school never got it but someone else in the family did develop symptoms(including myself). So everyone's immunity is different. We all did get the stomach bug twice this year so far.
Posted 2/23/17 7:32 AM |
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